
Chao devilishly smiled as he burst off the ground once again. He used nothing but the overwhelming power from Asura Aura to close in on the 3rd layer leader!

His Origin Aura engulfed the 3rd layer leader like a freezing hurricane.

The 3rd layer leader's pupils dilated. His body nearly shivered as the temperature severely dropped for only him. The sensation of death had also caused his soul to wildly pulsate!

However, despite the fear coursing through him, the squadron leader was still a veteran warrior.

Fire Law essence gathered around his body as his voice, laced with thick killing intent, ferociously roared out. "Boy! You've gone too far! Slice of Fire!"

A Spirit Grade Sword flashed within the leader's hand. The whole blade was instantly covered in steaming Fire essence as the leader quickly swung out.

Bright orange lit up the whole surrounding and nearly blinded the other 2nd layer Origin warriors and Luo's trio.

This was a strike from not just any 3rd layer expert but a peak one at that!

For a brief moment, Pao Dai's expression turned darker than the night. His soul sense clearly detected he was a level weaker against this kind of power.

If so, then just how can a genius 1st layer Origin survive this?!

At this time, out from the blinding orange light flew a brilliant fiery sword light. It sliced towards Chao at great speeds, reaching rates where it nearly left afterimages in mid-air.

In the face of this massive strike, Chao did feel considerable pressure.

Because of the Aura Bracelet, he wasn't using his full power. If he were to do so, his 1st layer Origin cover would be blown.

Chao had to make a snap decision.

Prolong the battle just to hide his strength?

Or go as overwhelming as possible?

The instant the second thought came into Chao's mind, he felt his entire being latch onto the idea.

He is an Asura Conqueror, a being that never bows down or runs from any challenge!

At this moment, if he can show he can crush the 3rd layer, his status will immediately change!


Chao uttered a shout that boomed with power. His Origin Aura instantly changed. Instead of it being 1st layer, it transitions right into the 2nd layer!

Chao's full power was released into the environment.

The rising heat was suppressed by a plummeting cold. Cold air sliced through the ground and trees, causing a couple of feet deep holes in whatever it touched.

Chao thrust his Ice essence sword forward to meet the leader's fiery sword light without a single ounce of fear.


In a violent energy collision, Fire Law essence was quickly shredded apart. The shock waves smashed the ground and Chao's body. Yet, it couldn't affect Chao at all.

Chao's Ice essence sword and body couldn't be suppressed even with 3rd layer prowess!


The 3rd layer leader nearly felt his eyes bug out of his skull. But he had no time to be shocked when the deadly Ice essence sword neared a few feet from his face!

Suppressing the shivers in his body, the leader stimulated another one of his cultivation arts and caused the Fire essence on his blade to burn even more intensely.

Its heat boils the air and could even sizzle right through the ground. The power it released would be easy enough to melt through any other 3rd layer energies.

The leader swung the Fire covered blade straight at Chao's Ice essence sword!


Ear-piercing metal impacts rattled everyone's mind. A torrent of energy shock waves burst outwards, striking apart the environment and spreading to everyone else!

The Origin warriors could just barely escape from the energy shock waves. Most of them besides Pao Dai and a strong 2nd layer warrior was pushed back onto the ground and even coughed up blood from the strong energy impacts.

At the same time, the 3rd layer directly puked up blood. He had to take ten heavy steps back, his footsteps digging into the earth as Chao's invading Ice Law essence wreaked havoc within his body.

The power of Chao's Ice essence sword generated a force that easily penetrated right through his innate defenses and invaded his body.

In this brief moment, the leader needed to summon all of his dantian energies just to barely suppress this powerful force.

Complete horror twisted the leader's face. Not only was this boy so strong, he apparently broke through right in the middle of battle?!

To the leader, it was the only logical conclusion considering he could only detect genuine 1st layer Origin aura from Chao previously.

The reversal of everything was just too mind-shattering.

And at this time, Chao barely took half a step back. His Asura Aura completely defended against the genuine full power of a 3rd layer Origin.

In this brief moment, Chao didn't wait, pressing on his advantage. The Ice essence sword quickly swung out, unleashing an icy sword light that was several times greater than what the 3rd layer leader can produce.

Everyone in the surroundings all took subconscious cold breaths as waves of Ice essence engulfed the atmosphere.

"You-Bastard!" The 3rd layer leader could just barely suppress Chao's previous attack. The amount of energy he could generate now was very little.

With no other choice, the leader hurriedly dodged to the ground. However, just as the icy sword light grazed his shoulder, it gleamed a blinding flash before completely combusting in a wild explosion of Asura Ice essence!


Even more violent energy shock waves tore all around. For around five meters, everything was covered in a blinding blue light.

The after shock waves smashed away everyone close by.


The 3rd layer leader miserably screamed out. The overwhelming power of Asura Ice essence completely shredded his body. His organs were either frozen or smashed apart to a bloody mush.

When the flash cleared away, a mutilated body could be seen within a three feet deep crater.

Specks of Ice littered both the ground and the man's body. The leader could barely twitch his joints at this point. Asura Ice essence suppressed every inch of his body and even heavily damaged his dantian.

He was no different from a sitting duck.

Chao quickly appeared right over the leader's body. No words were spared as he swiped his Ice essence sword and sliced off the leader's head.

A fountain of blood sprayed out as the leader's decapitate head slowly rolled on the ground. His last expression was one of complete fear.

The other Fang Family members were fraught with utter fear. Each of them had only one thought in mind.

To get the hell out of here as fast as they can!

However, before anyone could move, Chao swept out his Ice essence sword. His soul sense had already locked on each Fang family member's auras. Numerous Icy sword lights gushed out and directly targeted each of the members.

There wasn't even a chance of resistance at Chao's full power. The last two 2nd layers and the five 1st layer Origin warriors' heads exploded into blood mist from Chao's overwhelming Asura Ice essence.

With the dust finally settled, Chao recalled his powers. Sweat pour down his brows and his breathing was slightly uneven.

He had to use nearly 80% of his energy reserves to quickly finish off everyone.

But right at this moment, Chao suddenly felt numerous streams of energies absorbed into his dantian and Spiritual Sea!

Chao felt energy come back to him, a noticeable increase in power, and his thoughts grew clearer. His strands of Origin Qi suddenly increased to 20 all at once!

And the breakthrough sensations became far more prominent. It felt it was about to occur right on the spot.

Chao furrowed his brows and sent soul energy into his Spiritual Sea to suppress these sensations. His dantian still hasn't reached the required amount to breakthrough.

While he did this, the system suddenly notified him. 'For single handily killing an ambush squad, the host has gained a 500 SP and 50% Loyalty from Pao Dai's squadron.'

A great, broad smile graced Chao's lips. The rewards from this short and exciting battle were certainly plentiful!

This wasn't even the end to his rewards as well.

Chao looked over at Pao Dai without changing his broad smile. Amusement flared up within him at this squadron leader's reaction.

This 3rd layer captain, a peak Ordinary phase Origin cultivator had a looked mixed of utter horror, admiration, respect, and shock. He lived for so many years, experienced numerous combat situations, and yet, never had he seen prowess like this.

Pao Dai nearly thought this prowess was nearly demonic. After all, it wasn't simply the fact that Chao managed to just kill a 2nd layer or just kill an 3rd layer.

No, he absolutely slaughtered every single one of them!

His speed was so great that nobody even had a chance to use an escaping technique or talisman.

The most fearful aspect was how helpless a peak 3rd layer Origin was.

That leader was quite literally a step away from reaching the Tilted Origin phase. He could even be called peak-tier among all Ordinary phase Origin cultivators.

But this person was put down like a dead dog under Chao's hands.

Pao Dai had a brief thought. 'Could Chao's prowess be beyond the Ordinary phase? Could he be even that?!'