Luo Tribe

"Is that right?" Chao showed an expression of genuine interest. "Then, can you tell me just who are you guys? Perhaps I'm miss remembering."

The man broadly smiled. "Instead of just telling you, why don't you come with me to see? We actually have a special place out in this wilderness."

As he spoke, the man made the motions to move his body. He evidently wanted to get closer, believing he hooked Chao into his steps.

For a split second, Chao did appear to be genuinely contemplating his response.

But, completely out of nowhere, Chao's lips burst into a savage smile. His killing intent gushed out and engulfed the whole atmosphere!

The Asura Aura activated and his Asura Ice Arts frantically revolved out of his body. Icy blue lights dazzled around him.

Chao's Origin Aura erupted to its peak!

A loud bang reverberated in the wilderness. Dust, rocks, and shrubs of grass soared all around from violent airwave pressures.

This dreadful Origin Aura completely washed over the man, taking him by surprise. A tremendous pressure smashed upon his body. It made his chest tighten and gripped his throat, making it increasingly harder to breathe!

Chao didn't just stop at unleashing his Asura Aura. His right hand punched out, unleashing a chilling icy sword light!


The man was horrified beyond belief. Since when a mere 2nd layer could erupt with such might?!

In just a second, the man brought out a low-grade Spirit Sword, fusing Origin Qi and Fire Law essence into it. His power exploded to near his limits as he quickly swung his fiery Spirit Sword out.

This was a strike containing around 80% of his full power! It all clashed with Chao's Asura Aura fused with icy sword light.

With a loud bang, a violent wave of energy burst out in the wilderness. The shockwaves slightly cracked the ground and sliced off chucks of the surrounding trees.

Most of the force from the shock wave heavily smashed upon the man's blade and his body.

He stuffily coughed, taking powerful, heavy steps back as blood spewed from his mouth.

The bones in his arms cracked. A chaotic invading essence stormed through his internal body, which either froze his organs or split a large crack in them, causing even more internal bleeding.

The man fully spat out a mouthful of blood. His mind and body as shaking from both fear and a dreadful cold. He spared no expense in summoning a tremendous sum of dantian energies to suppress this cold, invading essence.

Even though he used nearly all of his power, it still wasn't enough against this boy?!

The man could just briefly detect it. The density and thickness of this boy's energies tremendously surpassed his own.

Such a thought was far too shocking.

However, the very moment the man attempted to make sense of the situation and stabilize his injuries, the sensation of death gripped his throat!

Pain suddenly stung his eyes. Before the man's horrified gaze, a Spirit Sword covered in an icy yet blinding blue glow neared inches from his face!

The man wanted to react. However, his Spiritual Sea is simply too slow against this tremendous speed. His thoughts couldn't react, only his soul could quiver at the sensation of death.

Without a shred of resistance, Chao brutally tore his Spirit Sword straight into the man's chest. He shredded apart his body's innate defenses and punctured through his chest and lungs until the Spirit Sword entered out of the man's back.

Blood wildly gushed out the man's mouth. He violently hacked and coughed as he felt his life slowly drain.

Within his body, Chao's invading Asura Ice essence drilled into his dantian, sealing it off with its freezing effect.

The man spasm on Chao's Spirit Sword. There wasn't any strength left in his body to resist. He is at the complete mercy of Chao's hands. This kind of pain and humiliation was worse than hell.

The man desperately wished for Chao to kill him off already!

Chao merely smiled at the slowly dying man. Of course, he didn't instantly kill the man off, as he had his questions.

Chao directly asked in a plain tone, "So? If you don't want agonizing slow ice death, I would suggest that you answered my questions truthfully. Don't worry, it won't be anything too complicated."

Truly torturing people didn't really interest Chao. But at the same time, he couldn't deny a sense of a rush from having someone's life hanging in his hand.

The cruelty of such actions or thoughts couldn't bother Chao in the slightest. After all, as a future Asura Conqueror, he'll be dirtying hands beyond today's actions.

As for the man hanging by a thread, he experienced true hell. The corroding essence within his body purposely slows down his death to an agonizing crawl.

Everything truly mattered at the whims of Chao. The man didn't even have a strong mental state to begin with.

Face with death, he immediately croaked. He hacked up blood as he desperately tried to speak, his voice coming out as a tremble.

"Pl-please...I'm-I'm...from the Luo Tribe. We...we have a settlement....deep in the forest. We'-re-we're enemies of Creek City..."

'The Luo Tribe? Chao furrowed his brows. Recalling his memory, he can't find anything mentioning a power like that.

Because they're far out of the city, the most he can recall is history books detailing various other dangers near Creek City.

Chao had more questions, but he could already see that this Luo Tribe man was fading in and out of consciousness.

As he was no use anymore, Chao wordlessly twisted his Spirit sword, unleashing a wave of Origin Qi that burst apart everything within the man's internal body.

Finally, all life faded from his eyes.

Chao indifferently pulled out his blade, letting the corpse slump to the ground.

A Tilted 4th layer Origin expert laid at his feet. Yet Chao was already looking towards the future, treating this feat as a very minor achievement.

His focus centered on this Luo Tribe in any case. 'I thought this place was secluded, but if he knows about it...well, obviously more will come. These people seem pretty serious. But at the same time...'

Chao tossed his gaze back to the corpse. With a quick search, he looted the man's spatial ring.

A brief scan with his soul sense caused Chao's eagerness to rise. This man either was a genius or just had great luck. For as his spatial ring actually holds a Spirit Nurturing Fruit!

It was at the same energy potency as the one Chao already has. Along with that resource, the man had a massive load of low-grade Spirit Crystals and a potent amount of energy that was similar to the Spirit Crystals but was dozens of times richer and thicker.

Chao never sensed this kind of resource energy before, but his mind quickly connected the dots.

This man also had a few dozens of mid-grade Spirit energy crystals!

The Spirit Nurturing Fruit will greatly enhance his Spiritual Sea and automatically create dozens of more Origin Qi strands within his dantian.

Furthermore, mid-grade Spirit energy crystals are dozens of times more potent than low-grade.

Chao estimated just one of them can help him form two Origin Qi strands. Compared to the low-grade in which he needs 20 just to create one Origin Qi strand.

With these two resources combined, Chao had great assurance on reaching the standards for 3rd layer Origin.

Determination shined within Chao's eyes. Waving his hand, he used Asura Ice's essence to shatter the Luo Tribe man's corpse into tiny ice bits.

He then quickly walked off to attempt another critical breakthrough.


Hours quickly passed within Creek's wilderness.

Where the Heavenly Origin resides, complete silence engulfed the atmosphere.

Everything stayed serenely peaceful until a pair quickly shuffled out of the surrounding bushes.

It was a man and a woman who both wore the same leather armor as the same Luo Tribe man Chao killed.

These two both have dashing looks that are extremely pleasing to the eyes. Their mere natural presence is highly persuasive as if they both exuded a magnetic charm.

But this pair's most striking aspect was their natural Origin Aura. It far surpassed that previous Luo Tribe man by dozens of degrees!

They were at a far superior level than numerous cultivators in Creek City. Experts like these two would typically have a natural, calm expression. Their minds are fortified enough to adapt to numerous situations.

However, when they came near the Heavenly Origin mist, this pair of Luo Tribe members couldn't retain any calm.

Panic was clearly evident on their faces. They had their soul sense greatly expanded out while their gazes frantically scanned the area.

The pair got close to the Heavenly Origin mist but didn't dare to even a step in it.

Minutes passed during this fruitless search. By the end of it, the dashing man and woman were beyond frustrated.

The woman even uttered a low growl. "Damnit, damnit...seriously, why place so much hope on this foolish person? He just wants to piss everyone off!"