Chapter 21: Fear

With the sun rising, I headed to my office. There was no point in going back to my apartment and trying to get some sleep. Besides, I needed to comb through the police reports on the girls Caleb was killing and see if I could find any other common threads.

Firing up my computer, I put together an email with their pictures and sent it to Ash, asking if he recognized any of the women. I didn’t have a photo of the newest victim but I wasn’t ready to share her with Ash yet. He didn’t know about the connection between the bodies and me, and I wanted to keep it that way.

My office door burst open, and the brand-new deadbolt I’d had installed flew across the room.

Loki flew in like a wild animal, dark eyes blazing.

“Ack! Loki!” I snapped, pointing to the lock. “What are you doing?”

“You’re okay?” he asked. He swept across my office and pulled me into his arms, pinning me to his sculpted chest.

A sigh of relief softened him even as his arms crushed me.