Similar Experience

When Zhao Huaishan heard Li Shun say this, he told him to get up.

After that, the old couple asked Luo Cheng a lot of questions.

When Luo Cheng appeared again with Li Xiaoran, Zhao Huaishan and his wife looked at Luo Cheng with warmth.

"Come here, grandson-in-law!" Zhao Huaishan shouted at Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng glanced at Li Xiaoran and then came to Zhao Huaishan's side.

"Come, let's sit and talk!" Zhao Huaishan looked at Luo Cheng and said with a smile.

Luo Cheng could only sit down quickly and nervously.

Would he, who had no seniority since he was young, be despised by Li Xiaoran's grandfather and grandmother?

In the past, Luo Cheng naturally wouldn't care about this.

But it was different now. Li Xiaoran was the person he cared about the most!

"Grandson-in-law, who else is in your family? Are you the only one now?" Zhao Huaishan asked directly.