Li Shun's Promise

People were usually emotionally sensitive when sick.

In addition, her daughter, who she had missed for so long, was finally back, so Xu Xiufang cried happily.

Zhao Xiu hadn't returned to visit her parents all these years, so she felt very guilty. Therefore, she vented the guilt in her heart through crying.

After the two of them were done venting, Li Xiaoran and Li Xiaoqing walked forward and supported one person each.

"Grandma, Mom, if you continue crying, the food we made will get cold!" Li Xiaoran smiled and reminded her, "Grandma, the food I cooked is delicious. You have to try it this time!"

When Xu Xiufang heard Li Xiaoran's words and saw her granddaughter supporting her, realization suddenly dawned upon her.

"Is this Xiaoran?"

"Yes! I'm Xiaoran! I'm so sad that Grandma only saw me now!" Li Xiaoran pretended to be sad.