It Wasn't Me

It must be said, the ticket seller indeed had the knack for twisting the truth.

However, everyone on the bus wasn't blind; they could all see that it was Lin Yan who started the trouble. Jiang Xia, not being a fool herself, played the weak card at the right moment. With tears in her eyes, she looked at the crowd, her patched clothes making her look pitiful.

"It wasn't me, it wasn't me. She was the one who started it."

As soon as Jiang Xia's words fell, Jiang Chuan stepped forward, his brow furrowed as he said, "We're just simple villagers. Our clothes may be old, but we've been minding our own business. We never thought we'd be targeted as soon as we got on the bus. She even tried to hit my child. Can you good folks please help us out and tell us if we're in the wrong?"

The passengers on the bus, while enjoying the spectacle, weren't foolish when it came down to it. They'd watched the whole thing unfold – the young girl nearly getting hit