Something Rare

"What? Wild vegetables? Really?"

This words caught the interest of the elder men and women who were just spectators.

At a time when everyone was struggling for food, wild vegetables were a welcome surprise.

The few who had just spoken up for Jiang Xia now began to crowd forward, wanting to see if it was true. Even the three girls with Lin Yan were drawn to the excitement.

The aisle of the bus was already cramped. As the crowd surged forward, Lin Yan was nearly pushed over.

Thankfully, the girl was wise enough to step aside, preventing a possible minor stampede.

When everyone on the bus confirmed that Jiang Xia's basket indeed contained wild vegetables, they started to get ideas.

"So it's really wild vegetables. Are you taking these to visit relatives or friends in the city? There's so much. Can I trade something for it? I have three feet of cloth coupons," said one older woman who had earlier defended Jiang Xia and her father.