Icy Beauty

Jiang Chuan looked at the small cone of soil crumbs piled on the ground. Holding his chin, deep in thought, he turned to Jiang Xia. "Xiao Xia, when did you first notice Xiao Gu's unusual strength?"

Jiang Xia recounted the incident where Jiang Gu pushed the chubby kid to Jiang Chuan.

But that wasn't the only incident.

While Jiang Xia and Jiang Gu were escorting the chubby kid home, they passed their neighbor's residence.

This neighbor was the village's renowned icy beauty. Living alone and still unmarried, she often faced advances from some single men at night. As a deterrent, she kept two large dogs that growled and barked at strangers, serving as her guards.

Being on her own, she didn't have the pressures of feeding an entire family. The dogs were content with the leftovers she provided.

Lying on the ground, each dog measured nearly a meter in length. Standing on their hind legs, they'd probably tower over most people.