Something Bothering Him

Upon hearing this, Xiao Li said, "That works out perfectly. Your wife probably isn't in the mood to cook at noon. Why not bring your family over to my place for a meal? I just traded some wild vegetables for meat tickets and cut some pork for lunch. I was actually planning to invite you."

Jiang Chuan glanced at the time, realizing it was almost noon. Earlier, he had been so engrossed in thoughts about Jiang Gu's abilities that he forgot to check the time.

Although he initially wanted to decline the offer, he sensed that Xiao Li had something on his mind. Given that it seemed to require a more detailed conversation, he readily agreed.

"Alright, just wait a moment. Your sister-in-law's elder brother brought over some pork yesterday, and we had leftovers from last night. I'll bring them over; once warmed up, they'll still make a good dish."

"Okay then, I'll head back and wait for you," Xiao Li said, then left.