Set Off

While Jiang Chuan was making pancakes with his wife, Zhou Lan casually remarked, "Both our daughters are growing now, and these nutrients just can't keep up. It would be great if we had some calcium tablets."

Jiang Chuan chuckled, "These days, only foreign countries sell calcium tablets. Where can you buy them here?"

"At least we could have some cow's milk or goat's milk. Didn't Zhou Juan and her father bring back a carton of milk when they entered the village last time?"

Jiang Chuan pondered." Logically speaking, villages should raise dairy cows, but now every household struggles for food. Who would raise them? The underdevelopment of the livestock industry leads to imbalances. Let's see what's available in the market."

Early the next morning, Jiang Chuan loaded the car and then woke up Zhou Lan and their two daughters.