Going to the Market

The Jiang family arrived at a very opportune time, just in time for the first day of the monthly market at Locust Tree Bay, which lasted for three days in total.

Jiang Chuan and Jiang Xia wanted to head to the market early to see what good items were available. Zhou Lan, having traveled by car all day, was too tired. Jiang Gu was still in bed, so they let the father and daughter duo go, planning to regroup for lunch.

The geographical location of Locust Tree Bay is excellent, serving as a transportation hub connecting three county towns. There was a high flow of people, and the items they brought for trade were varied and unique. Many of these items couldn't even be found in the county towns.

However, even though the place was quite open, direct buying and selling of goods was not allowed; bartering was the method of transaction.