
After hearing this, Liu Neng's face turned a bit unsightly. No wonder Liu You was unwilling to come. This Zhao Wan was truly hard to deal with, like a slab of rock.

Su Zhen also chimed in, "Uncle Liu, you don't need to worry about this. I will definitely arrange everything for my godmother. How could the Zhang family not find a village to settle in?"

When Su Zhen spoke, Liu Neng had to give him some respect.

Su Zhen was the largest buyer for all the hunters in the mountains. Without him coming up every month to buy the wild animal meat, the hunters might not starve, but they wouldn't be as prosperous as they are now, occasionally affording to shop in the market.

The first time Su Zhen came up the mountain to buy wild animal meat, Liu Neng looked down on him for being a kid, showing him a cold face, and even chased him away.

Su Zhen remembered the grudge. The next times he came, he simply ignored Liu Neng's family, making them strangers.