
Jiang Qing looked at Zhao Wan's partiality towards her, and was so moved that she couldn't help but tear up.

Seeing the atmosphere build up, Zhou Lan, her biological mother, didn't want to lose to Zhao Wan. She quickly pulled Jiang Xia out, taking out all the dowry prepared for Jiang Qing from her interspace.

After a simple arrangement, they returned to the room. Zhou Lan placed the items in front of her daughter, "Xiao Qing, when you got married, we couldn't prepare a dowry for you. This trip is to make up for it."

Zhou Lan presented embroidered cloth shoes, a new set of clothes, and a cotton quilt. These were items Zhou Lan had rushed to prepare on their journey, finishing only the night before.

Seeing these dowries, Jiang Qing could no longer hold back her tears and threw herself into Zhou Lan's arms.

While these things might not seem like much in modern times, in that era, they represented the best a typical family could offer.