Upgrade System

Jiang Xia was now certain that her interspace had leveled up.

It seems that all the novels Zhou Lan read weren't completely useless. At least her speculation about the power upgrade was right.

But what was the mechanism of this power upgrade?

As Jiang Xia was planting the newly acquired herbs in the land, she recalled her actions over the past few days.

She had merely planted a few more vegetables and added a few more animals. Could it possibly be related to the variety of flora and fauna?

While Jiang Xia was contemplating this, suddenly the clouds in the sky transformed into words: "Achieved cultivation of ten crops and breeding of five animals, interspace upgraded."

It seemed she was right. The upgrades were indeed related to the variety, and both flora and fauna needed to meet the requirements!

This means that as long as she had a sufficient variety of flora and fauna in her interspace, it would upgrade again. How wonderful!