Discovering Lingzhi

Jiang Xia nodded and followed Jiang Chuan, taking refuge in the car.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew, dispersing some of the thick fog. Jiang Xia seemed to recognize a familiar cave in the distance.

"Dad, do you see that? Isn't there a cave over there? It looks just like the one in my dream!"

Jiang Chuan looked through the car window and indeed, it appeared to be a cave. And it was not far from them. Given the current visibility, they could easily reach it.

"Let's go and check it out."

Saying that, Jiang Chuan led Jiang Xia out of the car towards the cave.

Luck truly is unpredictable. The cave wasn't deep. By Jiang Chuan's measure, it was only about six steps from one end to the other, with signs of frequent human visits.

Yet, in such a small cave, Jiang Xia managed to find a Lingzhi mushroom!