Amend the mistakes.

Yu Ling, who came to the Yang Household to look after Yang Ning at the request of Zheng Liang, was shocked to witness the way she was being treated at the Yang Household. 

She wasn't expecting that one of the most respected and power-holding ministers at the royal court would treat his daughter and the future Crown Princess in such a shabby manner. 

Everyone believes that it was Yang Ning, who throws tantrums and acts stubbornly because of being overly cared for by Yang Luoyang and even contemns Chang Ah, who is her stepmother and married Yang Luoyang after her mother passed away. 

Just like everyone else, she also had similar prejudices regarding Yang Ning. However, after seeing her shabby chamber, and cheap and low-grade wardrobe collection, she was sure that things aren't the same way in the Yang Household as they seem to be from the outside.