New Chamber.

"What? You are going to stay at the Yang Household until the wedding?" Yang Ning's eyes gleamed when she heard Yu Ling's words. 

She was glad that Yu Ling decided to stay by her side and support her. Because at the Yang Household, where all the people belong to Chang Ah and Yang Luoyang, she falls behind because other than Xiaowei, she has no one to lean on. 

She was still trying to register in her mind that she is in the fictional world and has no idea what the hell is happening around her. Yet she has to deal with all the nuisances created by Chang Ah and Yang Luoyang all the time. 

These people can do anything to her and no one will be able to come to protect her in time. Because she cannot fight against a group of people who are ready to rip her apart in pieces. 

If Yu Ling will stay by her side, she will feel guarded and won't need to worry about the schemes of Chang Ah and Xing Bao.