Tea Time II

"Lady Yang Ning, are you sure about it? Gu Lan asked worriedly as he directed Yang Ning to the hall in front of the chamber of Zheng Liang. 

Yang Ning pursed her lips when she saw the closed door of Zheng Liang's chamber and felt strange. 

The last time when she was here, she didn't realize how beautiful this place was. However, today she is here again, and it doesn't feel as beautiful as before because the real beauty of the palace is hidden. 

'Oops! That sounds so creepy, Fang Li.' Yang Ning scolded herself for thinking stupid things when she is here for a good reason.

She isn't here to admire the royal beauty of the Crown Prince's residence. She is here to help him in this situation and do whatever she can to make him feel better. 

She took a deep breath and turned to Gu Lan, who was confused by Yang Ning's behavior and was wondering what she wanted to do. She smiled at him and said, " Absolutely. That's why I came here."