Tea Time III

  Zheng Liang was baffled when the voices coming from the hallway sounded like Lady Yang Ning.

  However, how can she be at the Dragon Pavilion? There is no reason for her to be at the palace when he is locked inside his chamber. 

'Am I hallucinating?' He wondered if he was hearing things wrong and doubted himself for being too obsessed with her.

"Zheng Liang, come to your senses. You're the Crown Prince of the Empire. Are you going to lose your mind over a woman?" He even slapped himself lightly on the face to wake up from this reality which felt like a dream. 

Just as he was wondering if something was wrong with him, he heard Yang Ning laughing loudly once again and heard her say, " Guard Gu Lan, thank you for your hospitality!" 

" Even though His Highness cannot come and greet me, I am glad that you allowed me to stay here and have some tea. Can I come here again tomorrow as well, if you don't mind?" She asked carefully.