Court Lady Li Hua.

"Because….I am the one who wrote it." Yang Ning's eyes widened in shock when she heard the woman say this. Her hands that were on the table trembled as she tried to register her words in her head. 'How can that be possible?' she thought, her mind struggling to comprehend the implications of this revelation.

The realization that the woman before her who claimed to be the author of the novel that had turned her life upside down, left Yang Ning utterly stunned. She had hoped for answers, but this revelation was beyond anything she could have imagined in her wildest dreams.

Yang Ning couldn't help but react with disbelief and skepticism to the woman's claim that she had written the novel. The entire situation felt like a surreal, fantastical nightmare that defied all logic and reason.

"What do you mean by you wrote it?" Yang Ning asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of anxiety and confusion. "You're spouting nonsense again, aren't you?"