Court Lady Li Hua II

"There was a time when I walked with dignity, working diligently within the royal palace. I served as a court lady at the residence of Her Majesty, the Empress of the Zheng Empire, Yang Ning." Li Hua reflected, her voice quivering as the weight of the past bore down on her, memories that pursued her relentlessly to this day.

"Served as the court lady at the Empress residence? For Empress Yang Ning?" Yang Ning frowned and asked in confusion, not sure if she heard it correctly. Wasn't she just the writer of the novel? How come she served at the royal palace as the court lady? She wondered. 

More than that, the woman was not addressing the ex-Empress Yang Lingxin who was exiled for poisoning His Majesty but Yang Ning. However, in the present scenario, the Emperor is still alive and Zheng Liang hasn't ascended the throne. She is still the Crown Princess.