
Chapter 6

In the quiet night, Sirius could faintly hear some familiar voices.

He could probably guess whose voice those were.

From the bottom of his heart, Sirius silently prayed for the well-being of Lante and Chloe.

Then, he focused on the sound of the burning firewood and slowly calmed down.

In this quiet environment, a small red exclamation mark in the lower-left corner of his field of vision became very conspicuous.

He had an urge to click on it...

So, Sirius followed his urge and mentally clicked on the exclamation mark.

Immediately after clicking, a virtual screen that only he could see unfolding in front of Sirius, with a few lines of text brightly written on top.

[System v1.0]

[Skill: Stellar Affection (Semi-Activated)]

[Ongoing Quest: Join a Familia (Incomplete)]

[Reward: New Skill - Heart Of Gaia]


After seeing this, one can immediately tell that Sirius is a despicable transmigrator with a hidden plug-in.

However, his system is not like those omnipotent systems in some fanfiction. It's more like a game menu in an online RPG game.

There are three modules in his system: Status Panel, Quest Panel, and Achievement Panel. You can understand these terms as the same as game vocabulary.

Usually, his system is hidden in the lower-left corner of his field of vision, like a small arrow icon.

If one doesn't deliberately look for it, they won't even find it.

The small red exclamation mark means that the task/quest has not been completed.

Quests appear randomly, and you have the freedom to choose whether to accept them or not.

Tasks are not mandatory to complete, but they won't get any rewards if one doesn't finish them.

The Skill name 'Stellar Affection' is the reward Serius received after completing the achievement of 'First Travel to Another World'. Although, it has not been fully activated yet due to the oddities of this world.

Sirius guessed that this should be because of his inability to tap into his potential due to the peculiarities of the Danmachi world.

According to his assumption, 'Skills in the Danmachi world belong to the crystallization of the mind/soul, and it is the potential hidden beneath an adventurer's body. You can call them the transformation of a mortal's hopes and desires.

And the 'Falna' is the divine blessing developed by the gods to unlock the potential hidden deep inside an adventurer's body.

Falna is the key to unlocking the potential of a mortal's body.

It is due to the existence of Falna that his skill is only semi-activated.

At the moment, the only thing his skill can do is strengthen his physical fitness a bit.

There is still a lot of power hidden beneath his body.

If he wants to fully activate and awaken his skill, he will need to join a Familia and obtain Falna.

At that time, Sirius's strength will also usher in rapid growth.

However, the achievement of 'First Travel to Another World' made him question whether he transmigrated and obtained the system or obtained the system and then transmigrated.

It's like the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg?

But he didn't struggle for too long and soon became contented with his new life. He didn't want his new life to be plagued with some unnecessary worries.

Therefore, Sirius simply accepted his fate and chose to give up unnecessary thinking.

"Speaking of which, I have a goddess beside me now..."

Looking at the familiar quest panel, Sirius muttered to himself.

"But Artemis... I don't think there's no need to ask~"

Artemis is the goddess of nature, childbirth, wildlife, the Μoon, the hunt, sudden death, animals, virginity, young women, and archery.

Much like Athena and Hestia, Artemis preferred to remain a maiden goddess and was sworn never to marry and was thus one of the three Greek virgin goddesses over whom the goddess of love and lust was Aphrodite had no power whatsoever.

She is a free and independent goddess, loves nature, opposes marriage between men and women, and impures heterosexual relations.

This is the case with Artemis in mythology.

In this world, staying with her familia for an extended period has somewhat changed her character and gained human empathy. However, she still prohibits love within her family.

It is tough to change her thoughts.

Unless she meets her fated Orion in the legend.

After staying in this world for 16 years and recalling his previous life memories, Sirius felt that Bell couldn't be the Orion of Artemis.

Sirius swears by his future lifespan that it is absolutely impossible...

Anyway, to sum it up, the idea of joining the Artemis Familia is not very realistic.

At least for now...

After looking at the stars for some more time, Sirius finally felt sleepy and headed back to his tent to rest.

After all, the Artemis familia doesn't stay in one place for too long. It's already become their habit.

Tomorrow they will begin their journey back to the Labyrinth City, Orario.

And Sirius, as the 'weakest' member of the group, felt that it would be better for him to get some more rest.

Speaking of which, where is the black iron spear he was carrying before?

"Where's my spear?" Speaking muttered, but no one replied...


The night passed by without any incident.

When the rising sun washed away the darkness in the sky in the early morning, the girls who got up early had already prepared breakfast. They packed their belongings and were ready to set off.

The same is true for Sirius. At this time, he is carrying a large leather backpack behind him, looking like a supporter.

The captain of the regiment, Rethusa, was beside him, telling him some points to pay attention to.

Also, from Rethusa, Sirius learned that the black iron spear he was carrying was broken in his battle with the dragon...

Well, the spear fulfilled its duty and died a glorious death!

In the end, Rethusa gave him a spare long sword for temporary use.

"Well, that's all you need to pay attention to. By the way, how do you feel now? Is your backpack heavy? If you have something to say, then feel shy and stay silent. You should know that if you fall behind, you may die..."

After giving him the reminders, Rethusa pointed to his heavy backpack that was taller than the ones others were carrying and asked.

"I'm okay, please don't worry. Maybe this is due to my natural physique?" Sirius effortlessly picked up his huge backpack and demonstrated it to her.

The backpack looks big, but the things inside are only quilt and folded tents, etc. So, it's not that heavy.

Anyway, this is only not heavy for Sirius.

"Really? I'm glad to hear that."

After seeing that he didn't seem to be pretending to be okay, Rethusa nodded in relief.

"Don't worry, Sirius! From now on, even if you encounter any danger, I will protect you along the way. You can always trust me in this regard!"

At the same time, the lively blue-haired half-elf ran over to join in the fun. Lante stood on tiptoe and patted Sirius on the shoulder like a little adult.

Amongst the long-lived species such as elf, the thirteen-year-old Lante is undoubtedly still a child. After all, whether it is a half-elf or pure-blooded elves, they have a longer life span than most humans.

And, Lante's personality is also a bit childish. Yesterday, she was complaining about the monsters brought by Sirius. But now, she has completely forgotten about it and promised to protect him.

She's just like a child, after all...

After all, she forgot her revenge the next day~


No, where did they see that he was afraid of the monsters?

After not knowing whether to answer or complain, Sirius faced the half-elf and forced a smile in the corner of his mouth.

His eyes are very soft looking at her, just like a child.

The girls around him couldn't help but smile when they saw this scene.

In such a kind and lively atmosphere, the Artemis familia finally began their journey toward the Labyrinth city, Orario.
