
Chapter 10

"Hmmm, well then the only ones that may meet your requirements are 'Ganesha Familia', 'Apollo Familia', and 'Loki Familia'." After saying this, miss half-elf spread out three recruitment notices on the table.

"Among them, the 'Ganesha Familia' is an exploration type familia, as well as the security forces in Orario. So, I'm afraid you won't have many opportunities to attack the dungeon if you join this."

"And about 'Apollo Familia', well... their reputation is a bit too bad... I guess this one is not suitable for you!"

"And the recruitment notice of 'Loki Familia' is for supporters rather than adventurers. This may be unexpectedly suitable for you? But, the goddess Loki has a very high vision for supporters..." The half-elf clerk concluded her thoughts.

To put it simply, there are more or less some problems with the recruitment of these three familia.

Sirius looked at the three documents carefully and thought for a while.

The first one to be rejected was the 'Apollo Familia.' He didn't want to enter the familia of such a perverted god.

The Ganesha and Loki Familia are well-known exploration type familia in Orario, ranking third and second in strength, respectively. Both of them are a good choice for him to join.

But after hesitating for a bit, Sirius decided in his heart.

"Does the guild have any information whether the 'Loki Familia' have any intention of accepting a newbie adventurer?" Sirius asked the clerk in front of him.

Ganesha Familia, full of burly men, and the Loki Familia, full of beautiful women, he didn't hesitate to choose the one amongst them.

There may be some beautiful women in the Ganesha Familia, but obviously, the Loki Familia has more.

And he is more familiar with Loki Familia due to his previous life memories. He likes the atmosphere there.

"Eh!??" The half-elf clerk was stunned after hearing his inquiry.

"Well, this gentleman, may I ask you whether or not you have Falna?"

"No, I don't. This is the first time I have come to Orario."

"Well, then... I may not be able to give you an exact answer."

After all, whether or not he can join Loki Familia is not something a small guild staff like her can decide.

In the end, it depends on the will of God.

"What about this then, if I want to join the Loki Familia, do you have any good suggestions, miss clerk?"

Sirius asked for some suggestions. After all, the guild may have some way for him to introduce to Loki Familia.

As a newcomer, it would be almost impossible for him to see goddess Loki if not for some particular circumstances. So he can only ask the guild for some help.


After hearing this, the kind-hearted half-elf hesitated, stared at the young Sirius with half-slanted eyes, and spoke weakly.

"There is a way, but are you willing to some risk?"

"Is there any threat to my life because of this?" Sirius asked her seriously.

"There should not be any..." The half-elf lady replied.

"If that's the case, then I'm ready for it." Sirius quickly nodded in agreement.

"Huh, okay, then please fill out this form."

Although the situation was completely different from what she expected, the kind-hearted miss half-elf still decided to help him as much as possible.

In Orario, the Adventurers' Guild has the purpose of taking extra care of newcomers.

Because most newcomers do not know anything about the dungeons, they are complete rookies.

And suppose the guild didn't take care of these newbies. In that case, the mortality rate of newbie adventurers will rise to a dangerous level.

Therefore, many adventurers are very grateful to the guild and rarely cause any trouble inside.

This is one of the reasons why the rowdy bunch of adventurers crowded at the exchange area, even if they are impatient, will not take the initiative to break the order.

"Well, thank you. I will fill it out!"

After taking the form, Sirius quickly filled in the answers.

The questions are nothing more than his name and age, the reason for joining Loki Familia, etc., and whether he has entered any other Familia before.

To the last question, Sirius naturally wrote none.

Finally, according to the regulations, he gave them the funds required for consultation.

And after a few minutes, Sirius received a document with the official seal of the guild.

"What is this?" Looking at the white document in his hand, he couldn't help but wonder.

"It's something similar to a certificate, Mr. Starr! I just canceled the recruitment announcement of 'Loki Familia' for supporters, and what you have in your hand is the letter of introduction according to the commission. With this, you can formally visit goddess Loki."

The half-elf clerk explained to Sirius with a smile.

She also knew his name after reading the form.

"Well, you can call me by my first name. And, by the way, I want to be an adventurer... not a supporter, right?" Sirius quickly reminded her.

"I know this, Mr. Sirius~ But this is the only way for a newcomer like you to join Loki Familia as soon as possible. With this introduction, you can directly meet the main God of the Familia. And, after that, everything else depends on you. Whether or not you can convince the goddess to let you join the Familia depends on your abilities..." Miss clerk showed a helpless expression after explaining.

"Well, I understand..." Sirius realized her intentions.

This trick is to use this permit as a way to contact the goddess.

He pretended to be a supporter to meet the goddess. And the next thing was how he could convince the goddess to let him join her Familia as a newbie adventurer.

There is a certain chance to succeed, but he will be kicked out of the Familia if it fails.

Even if this matter was seen through, he didn't think Loki would care much about such a small thing.

This is a good idea!

Sirius thought so inwardly.

"Thank you very much, miss clerk!" After receiving the introduction, Sirius solemnly thanked the half-elf lady.

"There's no need for thanks, Mr. Sirius. I hope the next time I see you as a new adventurer. You can come to me anytime if you have some questions. And, by the way, my name is Eina Tulle, you can just call me Eina. Sorry for the late introductions!" The clerk named Eina quickly introduced herself.

Sure enough, she was the one he expected...

Sirius already knew about it but still responded politely.

"Well, thank you for your encouragement!" After thanking her, he took Lante by her hand and met with Rethusa, who had already completed her task.

So, the three of them were waiting for Artemis outside the guild.

"Sirius, how about your consultation?"

Sitting on the edge of the building, Rethusa put some funds into Sirius's backpack and asked him curiously.

"Well, it went well. Although the method is a bit tricky, I met a kind-hearted guild employee!" Sirius warmly smiled after seeing her intention and answered truthfully.

"Huh? Don't tell me you have a good impression of the clerk just after meeting her, would you?" After she spoke, Lante showed a disgusted expression, but her little butt still moved to the side.

"Lante, where did you learn to be a tsundere?" Sirius teased her after looking at her expression.

"What is a tsundere?" Lante didn't know the meaning of the term.

"Forget it then, I didn't say anything!" Sirius shook his head and dismissed the topic.

"You're so annoying! Don't play with my emotions, scumbag!" Lante gave him a disgusted look.

Well, what does this have to do with scumbags?

Sirius couldn't understand her way of thinking.

After seeing the two bickering with each other again, Rethusa slightly smiled.

"Then which familia are you going to join, Sirius? You haven't thought about it, have you?"

Because Sirius couldn't join Artemis Familia, Rethusa had nothing to complain about but only felt a bit of pity.

As the captain, she was the one who knew Artemis the most.

Although Artemis has unique feelings toward Sirius, it has not reached the point of breaking her persistence for many years.

After all, they have only known each other for a month.

As for the future... who knows!


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