Loki Familia

In the early morning, Orario was still filled with some mist, but the sky had already lighted up, and people slowly started appearing on the streets and alleys.

People who have woken up from their sleep have started a new day of their life.

Sirius returned to the hotel he stayed at last night and carried the backpack he left behind. It contained the documents from the guild yesterday.

After packing up and saying goodbye to the yawning hotel staff, Sirius briskly headed to the northern part of the city.

On the way, Sirius bought a cheap and affordable potato puff for breakfast for only 30 valis.

Yesterday, when he was shopping with the goddess Artemis, he was curious about its taste.

After eating, he found it to be quite delicious.

And it only takes 30 valis.

It was pretty cheap.

So, it's not unreasonable for so many potato puff stalls to open in the streets.

In the northern part of the city, on the side of the road outside of the bustling street, stood a long and large mansion much bigger than the surrounding buildings.

Multiple tall towers overlap and support each other, with the middle building being the tallest. The home is also described as being carved out from flames.

The tallest central tower consisted of a clown-shaped flag on top which fluttered along with the morning breeze.

It is the base camp of Loki Familia, also known as The Twilight Manor.

In front of the main entrance, a janitor meticulously guarded the gate with a weapon in his hand.

After all, as one of the largest familia in Orario, no one can enter and leave the building casually.

The guard that it would be a quiet morning like usual, but after seeing a figure getting closer to the gate, he dismissed this idea.


When Sirius was almost near the entrance, the gatekeeper hurriedly asked him to stop.

"This is the territory of Loki Familia. If there is no legitimate reason, I can't let you in."

After saying this, the gatekeeper gestured his weapon to Sirius.

The guard had strong muscles under his armor, showing his powerful strength for deterrence.

Those who can stand guard at the front gate of a famous familia like Loki Familia are at least adventurers who have accepted the grace of God, i.e., Falna.

Sirius could even imagine the gatekeeper in front of him to be a level 2 adventurer if possible.

"Ahem, I'm here to join the familia. So, there's no need for weapons, right?"

Sirius stopped what he was going to say, helplessly explained his purpose, and took out the documents that Eina gave him yesterday from his backpack.

"See, this is a document signed by the guild. I believe with this I can enter inside, right?"

Eina's original words were that these documents were just a pass. In the past, many supporters who noticed the recruitment notice of Loki Familia came to the guild for a recommendation.

Especially when Loki made the announcement herself, the guild gave many such documents, but almost all of those people were rejected by the willful God.

That's why Eina said that Loki had a high vision.

But the situation of Sirius and those people are a bit different, so it can't be generalized.

After seeing this, the gatekeep received the documents to check. He ignored all the contents of the letter and directly moved to the bottom page.

When he saw the unique seal of the guild, the guard had already confirmed the authenticity of Sirius's words, and he could indeed let him in.

However, after returning the documents to Sirius, the gatekeeper looked at Sirius complicatedly.

"Join the Loki Familia? Are you sure?"

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be here!" Sirius gave him a confident reply.

After hearing such a confident speech, the gatekeeper somehow saw his former self in Sirius.

In the past, he also came to join Loki Familia due to its prestige and was equally confident, thinking that he would quickly make a name for himself.

And although he was lucky enough to join the familia, he slowly went from an ambitious adventurer to a gatekeeper over time.

He had no such negative emotions as grief, jealousy, etc.

He has seen the reality!

Even if he entered one of the largest familia of Orario, it did not mean that he was talented enough to rise above others. In the end, he could only be a gatekeeper.

Many more powerful and talented adventurers are in Loki Familia, and some are even younger than him.

"Since that's the case, come with me. I'll take you to see goddess Loki!"

The janitor called his companion from the side and asked him to take over his job temporarily. And then, he opened the gate and brought Sirius into the interior of Twilight Manor.

"Just to be clear, whether you can join the Familia or not depends completely on the wish of our goddess. If you fail, you better not make any trouble, or else I will throw you out of the door."

Because he was used to seeking this kind of scene, the gatekeeper gave him some warning.

"Okay, I understand! If I can't join Loki Familia, it's because of my incompetence. I will have nothing to do with other people, and leave willingly."

In this regard, Sirius nodded in understanding.

"It's better for you to understand! I've seen many arrogant newcomers who overestimate themselves and make unreasonable trouble after failing to join our familia. I personally don't like such kind of behavior, so please don't think that I have any malicious intent towards you."

When the gatekeeper saw Sirius nodding in agreement, he didn't feel that it was fake. So, his expression softened a lot, and then he led him to the place where the goddess was located.

Perhaps because he saw a glimmer of hope in Sirius to join the Loki Familia, he told him a lot of daily trivia along the way.

After entering the Twilight Manor from the main entrance, a vast mansion occupies almost 70% of the area.

Loki Familia's headquarters, built on a limited space area, seems to lack space for horizontal expansion. It is expanded vertically to the top, with the tallest central tower to the most prominent.

The courtyard in front of the mansion does not seem very spacious. A few plants and colorful flowers swayed along with the breeze as they passed by.

When they were passing by, there was a beautiful figure exercising in the courtyard of the Twilight Manor.

The girl held a wooden sword in her hand and constantly wielded it.

Her long golden hair was scattered behind, and her clear gold eyes focused on the exercise.

"Sword Princess...?"

Sirius, who followed behind the gatekeeper through the courtyard, could not help but stop and stare at the scene.

Sword Princess, Ais Wallenstein.

She is a first-class adventurer and an executive of the Loki Familia. Among the small fraction of first-class adventurers, she is considered one of the strongest.

For his current weak self, Ais is an existence beyond his reach.

The other party seemed to be doing their morning exercise. I guessed Ais has been doing it persistently for almost seven or eight years.

With a proud talent and quietly working hard, she deserves to be one of the strongest.

"Don't keep on looking! It's not good for us to disturb the morning exercise of the Sword Princess. A newcomer like you should not be too ambitious. Even if you are lucky enough to join our Familia, it is very difficult to reach the level of a cadre/executive."

The gatekeeper who noticed his movement advised him earnestly.

The cadres or executives in Loki Familia are the absolute prominent members of the dungeon raiding group, and they are all first-class adventures above level 5.

There are as many as four executives in Loki Familia, not found in most other familias.

It's enviable indeed...

"Well, she won't lose a piece of meat if I look at her~"

Retracting his gaze back to the gatekeeper, Sirius joked with a smile.

"Well, you kid, I understand... After all, Ais-san is a charming, and beautiful girl that even our God is fascinated with."

The gatekeeper seemed to understand his intention and winked at him meaningfully.


What does that look mean? Please don't misunderstand my look!

After walking past the exercising Sword Princess, Sirius followed the gatekeeper and entered the mansion.


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