
Chapter 20

Sirius and Raul weaved through the crowd on the avenues full of people from various races.

Early in the morning is the best time for most adventurers to begin their journey.

In terms of his previous life, if the dungeon is a company, adventurers are the workers arriving early for check-in.

Humans, dwarves, elves, pallums, cat people, chienthropes, etc. Many adventurers of various races walked on the streets equipped with dangerous weapons and gears.

Some conspicuous supporters carried huge backpacks and shuttled through the streets.

Sirius revisited the guild headquarters, which operates and manages dungeon-related activities.

It was early in the morning, and many adventurers were lined in front of the reception. And every service window had a guild staff present.

Sirius looked around for a familiar half-elf from yesterday.

After noticing her, Sirius asked Raul to wait, came to a service window, and lined up.

After some time, it was finally his turn.

"Next, please! Guest, what help do you need?"

The beautiful half-elf, Eina Tulle, held a pamphlet in one hand and a pen in another, had a professional smile and spoke out habitually.

"Please register me as an adventurer, Miss Eina!" Sirius smiled and politely said.

After hearing a familiar voice, Eina turned around and met gazes with Sirius.

"Oh, it's you, Sirius! Congratulations on joining the Loki familia!" Eina looked at his current appearance and easily guessed the reason for his arrival.

Perhaps because she was personally involved in this matter, Eina was pleased to see the boy's success.

"It was thanks to your help, miss Eina, that I was able to smoothly join Loki familia~"

Should this be called flattery?

The two talked to each other regarding this matter. Soon, Eina began to go through some procedures for registering a new adventurer.

"Speaking of which, Sirius, do you need a dungeon advisor?" While filling out the forms, Eina suddenly asked.

There are many instances of adventurers dying in the dungeon because they didn't prepare enough in advance.

The guild often assigns an advisor to a rookie adventurer to quickly get started.

However, it also depends on the situation.

If a newcomer is like Sirius, coming from a powerful familia, they may not need an advisor.

In the end, this kind of thing depends entirely on the adventurer's wish!

"Dungeon advisor?"

The sudden question stunned Sirius, then he thought for a while.

He wanted to reject it, but then he thought about his familia's situation.

Tomorrow, the Loki familia will go out on a dungeon expedition. So, there won't be a strong senior to guide him in the manor.

Sirius is strong for a newcomer, but he needs to be more cautious in the novice period.

After all, he didn't want to lose his life in the dungeon due to some recklessness.

Hence, having prior information about the dungeon is a must.

So, it is a good idea to find a guild advisor.

"Only if you agree to be my advisor, miss Eina! I can't trust anyone other than you in the guild!" Sirius soon gave her the answer.

"Really? But I haven't done this type of thing before." Eina lacked confidence.

"I'm sure! You're the only choice for me!" Sirius nodded confidently.

Who wouldn't want to have a beautiful half-elf clerk as his advisor?

"Well, alright then! I can squeeze out some time for you. Come see me when you are free, Sirius!" After saying this, Eina quickly helped him go through the formalities.

A few minutes later, Sirius successfully registered as a new adventurer in the guild.

"Well, I'm a bit busy at the moment, so see you later, Sirius!" After saying goodbye, Eina quickly left him.

Sirius also went back to the place Raul was waiting for him. He was holding an adventurers' handbook.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Sirius quickly apologized for the wait.

Raul shook his head, "I only waited for a while, so it's nothing. Anyway, are you done registering?"

"Well yeah, I'm a noobie adventurer now!" Sirius answered.

"Noobie?" Raul didn't know this term.

"Well it means a newcomer, it's just an informal way of saying." Sirius briefly explained the term.

"Nice to know then~"

After saying this, they walked out of the guild and headed toward the dungeon entrance.

"Speaking of which, Sirius, did you accept an advisor?" While walking, Raul suddenly asked him a question.

"Yeah, I did. Is there any problem, Raul?" Sirius looked at him curiously.

"Well, it's no big deal. And, you should accept a guild advisor. After all, starting tomorrow most of us will go on a dungeon expedition. So, you can ask your advisor for dungeon-related questions in our absence." Raul stated his thoughts.

"Well, it's better for me this way. After all, I have a beautiful half-elf as an advisor." Sirius was relieved to hear his words.

"Hehe, did you find a girl so soon, and a half-elf on top of that? I didn't expect my brother to move so fast!" Raul teased him with a meaningful smirk.

"No, it's a misunderstanding. We only met for the second time after all." Sirius tried to explain but only received a teasing glance.

After chit-chat, they reached the dungeon entrance and entered inside.

The entrance to the dungeon is on the first underground floor of Babel. A ten-meter-long hole in the center of the room leads straight into the dungeon.

Within the circular room are multiple columns at equal intervals. Above is a beautiful azure painting of the sky that resembles the real sky.

Along the circle are gentle stairs that spiral down into the dungeon.

On the first floor of the dungeon,

The walls and ceilings are light blue colored, occupying the entire view.

There is also a broad hallway on the 1st Floor known as the Beginning Road.

Walking along the hallway, Sirius, who had taken out his weapon from the back and put it in his hand, entered a state of combat readiness.

On the other hand, Raul strolled beside him with a calm expression.

He walked with ease and listed a series of precautions inside the dungeon.

Such as the types of monsters available on the upper floors, their weaknesses, finding the way between floors, etc.

The ceiling above ground emits a faint light in a narrow hallway, illuminating the way.

The surrounding atmosphere is very dull and silent, making it clear that this place belongs to an area without biological activity.

Or not yet…

Crack… Crack… Crack…

It didn't take too long before the wall in front of Sirius burst into cracks and made some cracking noises.

Dark red energy seeped through the dungeon, manifesting itself into an entity. Like a chick piercing an eggshell, a monster crawled out of the wall…




Three goblins with dark-green skin and long pointed ears emerged out of the wall with an unpleasant roar.

For some reason, goblins are born with a wooden stick as a weapon.

It was a solid wooden stick almost the size of their body, and a single blow could injure a low-leveled adventurer.

Soon, they noticed the presence of two humans and rushed there with an angry expression.

They rushed in front of Sirius and Raul with eerie glowing scarlet eyes, waving the stick in their hand.

After seeing this scene, Raul tried to observe Sirius's expression. He didn't know whether the blond-haired youth had any experience dealing with monsters.

He was thinking about whether to remind the boy or not.

However, he quickly dismissed the idea because he couldn't find a single trace of panic in the youth's face in the face of the monster's attack.

But instead, the blond lad had a calm expression.

Tread… Tap… Tread… Tap…

Cluttered footsteps resounded through the hallway as the three goblins quickly approached them.

Sirius held the silver-gray spear in his right hand and quickly sprinted forward, meeting the three monsters head-on.

In an instant, he drew out his spear and headed straight to the goblin in the middle.

Cold light flickered at the tip of his spear; it had already come to the front of a goblin.


The spear's tip sank directly into the goblin's head in a face-to-face situation, killing it instantly.

When the other two goblins saw their companion killed so quickly, their movement paused.

Sirius quickly noticed their movement and hurriedly retracted the spear.

Then, he twisted his waist, knocked out a goblin with the spear handle, and turned around and stabbed the throat of the other goblin with the spearhead!


His fast and accurate movement quickly tore apart the goblin's throat.

With a burst of black smoke, two small magic stones emitting violet-blue light fell to the ground.

Sirius did not rush to pick up the items but turned around and delivered a fatal blow to the remaining goblin.


The three goblins disintegrated into ashes in less than half a minute and dropped three magic stones on the ground.

After quickly surveying his surroundings and finding no other enemy nearby, Sirius picked up the dropped items on the ground.

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