
After entering the guild building, Sirius started looking around the reception for Eina.

He had some free time and remembered his promise to Eina.

Also, he needed her help to find a suitable place to sell all the drop items.

He looked around his surrounding for the half-elf clerk but found none.

When he was about to go to the reception for inquiry, he found a familiar human clerk nearby.

She has pink hair and pink eyes and was wearing the Guild uniform.

If he remembers correctly, she should be one of Eina's colleagues.

"Hello, miss clerk, do you know where miss Eina is?" Sirius walked in the pink-haired clerk's direction and politely asked.

"Eh? Who are you? Why are you looking for Eina, young man?" The pink-haired guild employee was surprised by his question and asked curiously.

"My name is Sirius, a new adventurer! Sirius briefly introduced himself. Miss Eina is my advisor."

"Oh! You're the guy that joined Loki Familia with Eina's help." The pink-haired quickly recognized him after the introduction.

"Yeap, that's me! So, can you please tell me where miss Eina is?" Sirius quickly brought back the topic.

After seeing his impatience, the pink-haired clerk chuckled and couldn't help herself from teasing the young boy, "Hehe, don't be so impatient, young man! Of course, I can understand your situation since my friend Eina is so beautiful."

Sirius was slightly embarrassed after hearing her tease but quickly recovered his senses.

No matter what, he could never admit such a fact.

"Please don't tease me, miss clerk!" Sirius quickly retorted.

"Okay, then! Also, stop calling me miss clerk. Let me briefly introduce myself. My name is Misha Flott, one of Eina's friends. So, if you want any juicy information related to her, you can contact me."

The pink-haired guild employee named Misha didn't forget to tease him at the end.

Sirius was obviously moved by her condition but still shook his head in rejection.

He didn't want to be seen as a pervert after all.

"Please stop teasing me! I'm not here for that kind of stuff. Can you please tell me where miss Eina is? If not, then I'll go ask someone else."

Sirius slowly walked away in a demonstration, making Misha stop him in his steps.

"Okay, okay, geez, can't you take some joke? Eina went to the supervisor's office to report something. She'll be back after a few minutes." Misha hurriedly gave him the expected answer.

"Is that so? Thank you for the info, miss Misha?" Sirius was happy to hear the news and didn't forget to thank the pink-haired in front of him.

"No problem, young man! Just call me by my name! And, please drop the formalities. Besides, eh, what's your name again? Ehe, I forgot it…." Misha stuck out her tongue and showed a cute expression.

"..." Sirius gave her a deadpan expression. He didn't know whether this was teasing him or not.

"Well, I'll reintroduce myself. Please try to remember!"

"My name is Sirius Starr, a new adventurer from Loki Familia."

Even though he complained internally, Sirius still honestly reintroduced himself.

"Well, Sirius, why don't I take you to Eina's office? You can wait for her there." Misha giggled and asked for his opinion.

"Really? I'll take you on that offer, Misha!" Sirius had no reason to refuse such a good thing.

"Hehe, it's no big deal. It sounds a lot better if you call me by my name. Then, please follow me" Misha looked pleased and led Sirius to the staff room.

After entering Eina's office, Misa says, "Well, this is Eina's place. You can take a seat and wait for her patiently. I am still on duty, so I'll take my leave. Have a good time with Eina, Mr. Sirius!"

Misha didn't forget to tease for the last time.

"Well, I'm also glad to meet you, Misha! If you could stop teasing me, that would be even better!" Sirius couldn't help himself from complaining.

"Hehe…" Misha just stuck out her tongue and cutely left the place.

Sirius took a seat and patiently waited for Eina's arrival.

The room was nothing fancy—just a typical office with a table and chairs, a bookcase, and a drawer.

There was a window on the side, showing the scene from the outside.

After a few minutes of waiting, a slender half-elf beauty wearing a guild uniform opened the office door. She is the person Sirius was waiting for, Eina Tulle.

"Good afternoon, miss Eina! You look beautiful as usual." Sirius greeted her and praised her looks. Even if it was the third time they met, he gave her a feeling of being friends for a long time.

"Oh! It's you, Sirius! Thank you for the praise. I didn't expect you to visit so soon. Are you ready to accept some lessons?" Eina also noticed his presence and walked over with a smile.

"After all, I don't want to make you wait for a long time, miss Eina. I'm sorry for taking your time."

To be honest, Sirius didn't want to take any class, but he endured the uncomfortable feeling for the sake of his life and nodded positively.

He needs to learn more things about the dungeon. After all, he had heard the famous quote; knowledge is power.

"Hehe, don't worry about it! This is my job and the guild will properly compensate me for this type of work. Also, I've registered myself as your advisor. So, don't regret it later, alright?"

Eina quickly reassured him and couldn't help herself from teasing him.

"Anyway, I still want to thank you for all your help, miss Eina." Sirius solemnly looked at her and said.

His serious expression with a bit of childishness poked the maternal instinct of the half-elf clerk.

But she quickly managed to control her expression and gave him a warm smile, "Alright then, I'll reluctantly accept your thanks."

Due to her beauty, Eina is popular with her coworkers and adventurers and is often flirted with.

However, she doesn't like normal adventurers due to how reliable they seem, a quality that intimidates her.

Instead, she has come to prefer young and immature men who are relatively normal and can awaken her protective instinct.

And right now, Sirius perfectly fits into all three categories, catching her off guard.

"Ahem, then Sirius, I have some free time now. Do you want to start your lesson?" The embarrassed half-elf quickly tried to change the topic.

"Well, I'm ready whenever you are, miss Eina!" Sirius nodded in affirmation.

"Ahhh, please stop calling me so formally, Sirius! You're making me feel old. I'm only a year older than you." Eina glared at the blond boy making him break out in cold sweat.

"Never ask a lady her age!' Sirius mentally agreed with this statement.

"Okay, then, Eina! Well, I was waiting for you to say this. It's also tiring for me to be all formal." Sirius quickly agreed to her condition and teased her in the end.

"Hehe, you little rascal! And here I thought you were a polite young man." Eina chuckled helplessly and replied. Her last impression of a polite boy quickly disappeared.

"Well, you allowed me to be a rascal after all." Sirius weakly retorted but got a glare in response.

"Well, enough chitchat! It's time to start our lesson! Call me teacher during the class, okay?" Eina quickly got into her teaching mode.

"Understand! Eina-sensei!" Sirius agreed to her condition.

"Well, let's begin with the introduction of dungeon…."

Afterward, Eina earnestly started teaching essential knowledge and information related to the dungeon, primarily focused on the upper floors.

After all, she would never expect him to visit the middle floors and below so soon.

Her lessons mainly focused on the monsters and the terrains. She taught Serius various ways to remain safe in the dungeon.

She also gave him brief information about magic stones, dungeon materials, and drop items, ensuring he won't lose any money due to lack of knowledge.

After this, she told him some other essential facts and concluded her lesson in about an hour.

"Well, this is all the info you'll need as a beginner. So, do you have any questions?"

Eina quickly readjusted her glasses and asked. But only found the dazed boy staring at her.

"Sirius?" Eina soft called out his name, bringing the bewildered boy back to his senses.

"I'm sorry for dazing out, Eina! It was a lot of information for me to digest at once." Sirius sighed and gave her a helpless answer.

He thought the curse of school wouldn't follow him in this world, but who knew that he wouldn't escape from it even after going to another world.

Eina's lessons contained too much information, making it difficult for him to remember them all.

Eina also understood his difficulties and sighed. She knew that there was no way for him to master all this knowledge at once.

But, even so, she couldn't stop herself from doing so.

Because if something bad happens to him in the dungeon due to her carelessness, she will never be able to forgive herself.

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