Loki's Surprise!

Finn looked at everyone mysteriously and said, "Well, our newcomer possesses a very rare and powerful skill. Loki just wanted to verify its effect."

Nobody was satisfied with such a vague answer, and their curiosity was further piqued.

"Eh? Rare skill!? Is it really that powerful?" The curious Tiona asked for more information.

"Yeap, it's even more powerful than you can imagine. I've never seen anyone possess such a rare skill. Sirius will definitely become a powerful adventurer in the future."

Finn didn't disclose Sirius's information and vaguely hinted at everyone around. After all, information about his skill was top secret.

Although he didn't outright say anything, Finn's hint still surprised the core members of Loki Familia.

"Captain has such a high expectation for that kid?" The older twin sister, Tione, muttered to herself. As an admirer of the Captain, she took his words seriously.

Tione has dark green eyes and long brown hair. As an Amazoness, she wears revealing clothing and has sky blue earrings on her ears.

Although she expected Loki and the big three of the familia to have high expectations for the boy, she never expected it to be so much.

Now that her beloved Captain admitted this himself, her previous perception of the boy was ultimately overturned.

The same goes for others like Ais and Lefiya. Both of them felt the same way as Tione.

Ais looked at the blond youth harassed by their goddess with growing curiosity in her heart.

She wanted to know what was so special about the boy.

"Humph! I'm done eating. I'll go out first." Bete, the werewolf of Loki familia, snorted and stood up. He didn't want to participate in such meaningless chitchat.

Bete has gray-colored hair, along with amber eyes, as well as a sleek tail. He has a blue tattoo on the left side of his face and a muscular physique.

But, he didn't forget to look at Sirius a few more times due to the Captain's words before leaving the room.

No one was surprised by Bete's behavior. They were used to this tsundere wolf and continued their discussion.

"Hey, Captain! Can you tell us what effect his skill has?" Tiona pestered the pallum Captain for more information.

"Well, It's a secret for now. And, it's very inappropriate for me to disclose his information without permission, understand?" Finn reminded the younger Amazoness sister. Sometimes he was very helpless with Tiona's liveliness.

"Humph! The Captain is just a meanie! If you don't want to tell, don't make some excuses." Tiona was angry and complained, making the older twin dissatisfied.

"Tiona! Don't speak ill of the Captain!" Tione, the older twin, glared at her sister angrily.

The liveliness there didn't affect the communication between Loki and Sirius.

After thinking for a while, Sirius agreed to update his status. He didn't want to suffer from any more harassment from the red-haired goddess.

Then, he sighed and leaned back, feeling the goddess's chest.

'Well, I can feel her firm ribs….' Sirius thought painfully.

After leaving the dining room, Sirius walked along the corridor and looked at the tall towers above his head.

The sun had long disappeared into the horizon, and the sky was full of glittering stars and moon.

After seeing this scene, Sirius felt the peace of mind and looked outside Twilight Manor.

The streets were full of dazzling lights, and the atmosphere was vibrant.

After staring outside for a while, Sirius headed toward Loki's room after asking a senior for the way.

Loki is really careless sometimes. After he agreed to update his status, the goddess ran off to drink some more wine without giving him any instruction.

But no matter where she goes, she should return to her room in the end.

Thinking like this, Sirius walked to the top floor of the central tower of Twilight Manor.

After climbing a spiral staircase, he came in front of a room.

He hesitated for a moment, then knocked on the door.

There was some rustling noise coming out of the room, and the red-haired goddess opened the door after some time.

Just as he expected, Loki was in her room after all.

"Oh, you're here!" Loki greeted him with a smile.


When the door was opened, Sirius looked at the scene inside speechlessly.

There were piles of trash and wine bottles scattered all around the room.

If he remembered correctly, yesterday, the room was pretty neat.

What happened to make it look like this?

"Quickly come inside, kiddo! My room is a bit messy, but I'll just ask Riveria to clean it up before leaving for expedition tomorrow." The goddess dragged him into the room while saying this.

'Riveria-san, I have a little more respect for you.' Sirius thought while being dragged inside.

Loki was unaware of his thoughts and asked him to lie on her bed. She grabbed a nearby chair and placed it beside the bed.

"Before I start, tell me how your first dungeon exploration was? Was there any danger?" Loki took out a needle, poked the tip of her index finger, and used it to trail behind his back.

"Well, the monsters on the upper floors are pretty weak, so there was nothing particularly dangerous!" Sirius answered her after thinking for a while.

"Is that so? Speaking of which, how many floors did you explore with Raul today, Sirius?" Loki didn't forget to ask while doing her work.

"Hmm… Up to the seventh floor!" Sirius honestly answered her.

"Oh? Seventh floor huh… Eh? The seventh floor?" Loki was very surprised after hearing this. After all, Raul didn't mention anything about it before.

The dungeon starts to get difficult beginning from the fifth floor, especially for newcomers.

Even the previous most talented member of her familia, Ais, didn't go that far in her first dungeon exploration.

"It's an incredible feat, kiddo! By the way, did Raul make a move during this time?" Loki didn't forget to ask for confirmation.

"No! I am responsible for battle, while Raul was acting as my supporter." Sirius truthfully answered, making the goddess smack her lips in surprise.

"Tsk, tsk… It looks like I underestimated you, kiddo! When you said you have experience with some monsters, I thought you were just bragging…."

Loki didn't forget to mention this topic making Sirius helpless.

Why doesn't anyone believe the truth these days?

Sirius didn't know what to say.

"Alright! I'm done updating your stats. I'll quickly write it down, wait for a second!" Loki suddenly said this, making him a bit interested.

"Okay!" Sirius nodded and eagerly waited for her.

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