Inviting Ryuu!

Chapter 46

Sirius stopped at the alley's exit and looked at the figure standing before him.

"Sorry for letting you see such a joke, Ryuu-san!" Sirius patted the back of his head in embarrassment.

A familiar elf girl was standing in front of him with two paper bags in her hands.

She had beautiful green hair with fairy-like facial features.

She wore a green maid outfit with a white frilled headband, matching white apron, and a pair of brown boots over black leggings.

Her sky blue eyes stared at him with some curiosity. After all, she had witnessed his fight with the gangsters before.

"No, Sirius-san, you are mistaken. I just heard some noises coming out of the alley and wanted to check out…." Ryuu explained the reason for her arrival.

"Accidentally encounter, huh…." Sirius repeated this word and looked at her chest, which was tightly covered by clothes and holding two paper bags in one hand.

The other hand clenched an unsheathed katana.

When Sirius saw this, he immediately knew what the elf waitress wanted to do before.

'She should want to protect me before….' Sirius thought while looking at Ryuu strangely. Thankfully he didn't give her a chance to reverse play damsel in distress. Otherwise, he would be too embarrassed in front of her.

"..." Ryuu didn't know what to say after seeing his gaze.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

"Well, the weather sure is nice today…." Sirius gave a dry laugh and tried to break the silence.

"Um…" The green-haired elf waitress just nodded.

"Ryuu-san, why are you here? Did you buy something before?" Sirius could only ask this question.

"The tavern ran out of some stuff. So, I came out to buy them, mostly ingredients and spices. Because of the customers, only I can go out shopping." Ryuu explained her purpose concisely.

"...While I was walking on the road just now, I happened to see you surrounded by a bunch of thugs. I was worried about you and wanted to help, but it looks like you don't need my assistance, Sirius-san. You're getting stronger very fast…." Ryuu gave him a deep look making him a bit embarrassed.

Her explanation was perfectly reasonable.

In the past two weeks, Loki often dragged Sirius to the Hostess of Fertility for a drink. Therefore, he was very familiar with the people there. They can be considered friends to a certain extent.

Correspondingly, Ryuu and the other waitress in Hostess of Fertility also know something about him.

He is a rookie who only became an adventurer half a month ago.

Usually, new adventurers take their sweet time to get stronger. It was almost a turtle pace.

Ryuu didn't know about Sirius's skills. When she saw him surrounded by some bad people, she wanted to help him out.

However, when she just grabbed her short sword, she witnessed him effortlessly defeat those gangsters.

It was amazing for a newcomer to be so strong at this stage.

"Fast? Maybe…" When he heard her answer, Sirius sighed.

The improvement speed of his stats is impressive, but he is still catching up to his peers.

It was kind of late for him to become an adventurer at the age of 16.

Many others received falna when they were young and had a head-start on him. They also have more experience dealing with monsters in the dungeon.

Sirius had to wait until adulthood to join a familia. It was an unavoidable situation.

If he had joined earlier, he might have become a level 10 adventurer by now.

'It's still not too late. I can catch up to them….' Sirius shook his head to remove some depressing thoughts and tried to focus on the present.

When he turned around and looked at Ryuu, suddenly he thought of a good idea. The corner of his mouth raised into a smile, looking at her.

"Speaking of which, Ryuu-san, you were once an adventurer, right? And a powerful one at that, right?" Sirius tried a roundabout way to ask.

"Sirius-san, what are you trying to say?" Ryuu frowned slightly after hearing his words and stared at him.

"Wait, don't be angry, Ryuu-san. I got some news from Loki and didn't mean anything bad. Strictly speaking, I would like to ask you for a favor…." Sirius quickly tried to correct himself when he saw her worsening expression.

He expected her to be oversensitive to such topics.

However, he had already figured out how to fool her and invite her as his prospective teammate. After all, Ryuu is a powerful adventurer who can guarantee his safety on the middle floors.

Even though adventurers should take some risks to become stronger, it doesn't mean one has to be completely reckless. He wanted to find some strong backup just in case of an accident.

"Goddess Loki…" When she heard this name, the doubts that aroused in Ryuu's heart were quickly dispelled.

She thinks Sirius is not bad because he has natural charm and affinity. Plus, conversations with him are often knowledgeable and exciting.

He is undoubtedly a good friend if she ignores some of his occasional nasty thoughts. Therefore, Ryuu is naturally willing to believe him.

What's more, Loki is such a cunning goddess. If it's her, then maybe she already knew about her situation.

"Achoo!" Loki, who was in her room, sneezed suddenly.

She rubbed her nose and murmured, "Who is talking about me?"

"I understand. But, if you want help, why are you looking for me? In terms of relationship, shouldn't you be closer to the two cat girls?" Ryuu softened her eyes and asked in confusion.

After all, Sirius had a better relationship with the two catgirls in Hostess of Fertility. He often teases and chats with them in the tavern.

"Well, those two hate dungeon very much for some reason. I don't think I will be able to invite them successfully…." Sirius scratched his head and truthfully answered.

When Ryuu heard this, she asked her doubts, "Dungeon? Excuse me, what help do you exactly need, Sirius-san?"

"Well, I need some help with dungeon exploration and level up. You can understand it like that…."

Nobody was around except for some fainted gangsters, so Sirius started explaining to her in detail.

After about ten minutes…

"That is to say, Sirius-san, you wanted to battle against an irregular black wyvern on the middle floors to fulfill the conditions required for level up? That's why you need to team up with some powerful adventurer to guarantee your safety, right?" Ryuu had a hard time maintaining her calm.

After hearing his explanation, Ryuu felt somewhat ridiculous. Her previous experience made her doubt his words.

"Well, that's right…." When Sirius looked at her calm appearance, he couldn't help but praise her vision. He thought that she would not believe his words.

"I see. Sirius-san, is this the end of your jokes? If so, then excuse me for leaving. The store is still waiting for my delivery." Ryuu made it clear that she didn't believe his explanation.

After just half a month of becoming an adventurer, Sirius somehow wants to form a team to explore the middle floors and single-handedly defeat an irregular black wyvern whose potential is at least the top of level 2.

No matter which three of these reasons are picked out on a rookie adventurer, they are outrageous, not to mention concentrated on a single person all at once!

Therefore, it's evident that a veteran adventurer like Ryuu would think he was joking.

"..." Sirius was very speechless.

He thought before that Ryuu believed in his words with such a calm expression.

But that was just a pretense. Ryuu didn't believe a single word of him.

He felt kind of deceived even though he knew it was his fault.

When the elf girl wanted to leave, Sirius panicked and hurriedly grabbed her hand.

"Wait, Ryuu. I'm not joking." Sirius forgot that elf usually hates such a sudden physical contact.

But, Ryuu strangely didn't have any unpleasant feeling when he grabbed her hands, making her a bit bewildered.

"Are you serious?" She shook he head and asked him for verification.

"Yes. I'm not lying to you, Ryuu. Please believe me." Serius met eyes with her and expressed his sincere emotions making her heart a bit agitated.

Aware of her rapid heartbeat, Ryuu turned around and escaped his gaze.

After calming down, she looked at him and answered, "Okay then…I will try to believe you once, Sirius-san. What about the time and details?"

Ryuu decided to believe in him for once. After all, she can confirm whether he is lying or not inside the dungeon.

With such things in mind, she accepted his invitation to team up. It was definitely not because she was too flustered by his gaze.

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