
Chapter 49

Even though Ryuu was speechless, she still sat beside him on the mattress.

After all, sitting in a clean place is 100 times better than a dirty place, especially for a cleanliness-obsessed race like elves.

"Here, you can have them~" When Ryuu sat down, Sirius handed her share of the meal.

Ryuu was surprised by his actions, but Sirius had already stuffed the bento box into her hand.

"Sirius-san, I'm not that hungry…." Ryuu still wanted to maintain her modesty.

"It's okay. You can eat it later if you don't finish it~" But Sirius didn't give her any chance to reject.

"..." Ryuu was very speechless by his reply.

'I don't have the option of not eating, right?' Ryuu couldn't stop complaining in her heart.

If Sirius knew what was in her heart, he would brightly smile and answer yes.

While preparing before going out, he had already anticipated such a situation to a certain extent. Therefore, he especially prepared food for two people.

In this case, Ryuu would have no choice but to accept his care.

Otherwise, he can't eat a happy meal with a hungry, stubborn elf watching nearby.

That would be too embarrassing.

"Ryuu-san, just think of this meal as an energy supplement. We should search the place where black wyvern was spotted. You don't want to be hungry during that time, right?" Sirius tried to persuade her.

Since wyvern can fly, Sirius never thought he could find this monster so easily.

Under his reasonable explanation, Ryuu was a bit hesitant but was finally persuaded. She picked up her bento box and started eating.

"It's delicious…." Ryuu widened her eyes after tasting the food.

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment. I made them myself." Sirius was also proud of his cooking skills.

Thanks to his previous life knowledge, his culinary skills are better than most people in this world.

Now that even Ryuu affirmed this made him a bit happy.

Ryuu looked at his happy face and felt warm in her heart.

Male adventurers usually do not have any cooking skills. Most of them have the mentality of leaving such trivial things to women.

Ryuu had no opinion on this, but she was still refreshed to see someone breaking out of the norm.

Sirius will undoubtedly become a powerful adventurer in the future; Ryuu can confidently say this.

But someone as promising as him can still cook and do housework is a big plus in her opinion.

"I have some orange juice and fruit wine. Which drink do you prefer, Ryuu-san?" Sirius picked up two glasses of drinks and asked her.

He didn't know her favorite drink, so he packed up both juice and wine.

Of course, the alcohol concentration in the fruit wine is minimal. It only has a fruity smell and taste.

"...Orange juice, please…." Ryuu looked at the two drinks for some time and answered.

"Eh? I'm surprised. I thought you would choose fruit wine…." Sirius was a bit surprised but still handed her the orange juice.

"Why do you have this perception, Sirius-san?" Ryuu couldn't help asking.

"Isn't it weird for a tavern employee to not drink?" Sirius had a natural look on his face while saying this.

"..." Ryuu fell silent after hearing his explanation.

It was surprisingly irrefutable…

Sirius shook his to rid of some trivial matters and skillfully opened the bottle of fruit wine and took a sip.

The alcohol content is shallow in fruit wine so it won't intoxicate him. Usually, some alcohol addict adventurers buy this kind of drink to relieve their cravings inside the dungeon.

After all, it is very dangerous for an adventurer to get drunk in the dungeon.

Therefore, this kind of wine sales is surprisingly good in the city.

As for Sirius's skillful movement in opening the bottle, it was mainly credited to goddess Loki.

After being dragged out to drink so many times by the playful goddess, Sirius had no choice but to adapt and learn some new knowledge.

This experience is full of tears and vomits…

Both Ryuu and Sirius started chatting and enjoying their food. They did not have any nervousness like regular adventurers.

In other words, they temporarily put aside all tensions and worries.

Sirius ate his food normally without caring about his image. In contrast, Ryuu maintained graceful and elegant movements while eating her meal with skillful actions of her chopsticks.

After some time, Ryuu put down the wooden box and chopsticks and released a contented sigh of relief.

Suddenly, she noticed something on her side. She turned around and found Sirius looking at her with a smile.

"What's wrong, Sirius-san?" Ryuu asked.

"Uh…nothing. Do you want some more bread, Ryuu-san?" Sirius did not want to say that she looked beautiful at the moment and changed the topic.

"Thank you, but no need. I'm full." Ryuu politely refused his offer.

"Okay…" Sirius nodded in understanding.

A few minutes later, Sirius also finished his meal and lazily leaned against his backpack. He wanted to rest for some time and not make any movements.

Ryuu looked at his paralyzed figure, and her mouth started twitching.

She turned around to avoid looking at him. She was afraid that she couldn't stop laughing after seeing his behavior.

"Speaking of which, Sirius-san…" Suddenly, Ryuu remembered something and asked him seriously.

"Huh?" Sirius perked his ears to listen.

"After you defeat the irregular monster on the fifteenth floor, can I take some of your time?" Ryuu turned around and asked him expectantly.

"Of course… I also want to visit the eighteenth floor. It would be a pity not to go there." Sirius agreed easily.

"If it bothers you…." Ryuu never thought Sirius would easily accept her offer and couldn't stop speaking halfway.

"Isn't it just the eighteenth floor? That's not too far away. We can go there after I'm done with my goal…." Sirius looked into her eyes and gently smiled, making the elf a bit flustered.

When he heard her request, he could already somewhat guess her purpose. Therefore, he naturally won't refuse such a thing.

Additionally, the distance between the eighteenth and fifteenth floors is not too far away. As for safety, he had no problem in Ryuu's presence.

Ryuu didn't know what he was thinking. She felt flustered and surprised looking at him.

When their eyes met, Ryuu felt that he understood her. Her heart was beating faster due to some unfamiliar but pleasant feelings.

"Sirius-san…sure enough, you know something about me, right?" Ryuu pressed her hand to her chest to calm her rapid heartbeat and asked him.

"I don't know what you are talking about… I only know that Ryuu is a beautiful elven girl who is cold on the outside and gentle inside." Sirius tried to change the topic.

"Sirius-san. If you pretend to change the topic at this time, it will further confirm my guess." Ryuu gave him a brief smile.

"..." Sirius was rendered speechless.

Are the senses of elves so keen?

Sirius couldn't stop twitching his mouth. He didn't know what to say in this situation.

Nonetheless, he maintained a calm expression and shook his head.

"I don't know what you are referring to, Ryuu-san. How would I know if you don't tell me?" Sirius gave her an ambiguous answer like usual.

After all, it's not good for him to point out this kind of thing. It's almost like exposing Ryuu's mental scars, which will definitely lower her favorability toward him.

Sirius is not foolish enough to do such a bad thing.

Therefore, no matter how Ryuu thinks, Sirius will never admit to such things.

Ryuu looked at him with her clear blue eyes for some time and then withdrew her gaze, "Take it your way then…."

They rested for some more until low roars of monsters echoed in the cave. The two got up from the ground and started cleaning out.

"Look like our rest time is over…." Ryuu listened to the echoing roars and subconsciously made a warning gesture. She had already gripped her weapon.

"Indeed. The dungeon will not allow us to rest for a long time…" Sirius neatly put away the picnic mat, folded it, and stuffed it into his backpack.

Then, he grabbed his spear and entered a combat-ready state.

After the rest, he wanted to do some exercise to digest the food. And the monsters were the perfect punching bags, in his opinion.

He looked at his front and found a deep and dark mid-level entrance. Rugged rock walls were entending downhill with some dull phosphorescence shimmering dimly in the deepest depths.

The slightly earthly smell and hot and humid environment made the place look scarier than it was.

"Let's go to the fifteenth floor first. We can come back later and play with these doggos." Sirius gave his suggestion.

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