Rivira town!

Chapter 59

The location is still on the 18th floor.

Some fragrant scents came from the vibrant grasses, and the nearby crystals glowed brightly.

There was clear-blue water flowing along the stream.

Ryuu steadily led Sirius through the forest, walking along the paths woven by tree roots and crystals.

Just as Sirius guessed, Ryuu was very familiar with this area. She didn't know how many times she had been here.

She quickly walked into the dense forest, avoiding any traps and monsters. Ryuu also collected some white flowers along the way.

These flowers may be unique to the dungeon because Sirius had never seen them outside. These flowers looked similar to white lilies in his impression.

After 20 minutes, the two walked out of a narrow way enclosed by the trees and arrived in front of a cemetery.

Bushes and crystals surrounded a small clearing. The crystals illuminated several cross-shaped tombstones made of wood tied with ropes.

"...Every once in a while, I ask Mama Mia for leave to bring flowers to them." Ryuu started talking.

Even if Sirius hadn't invited her, she would have come here soon. It was almost time for her to visit this place.

After saying this, Ryuu placed the freshly picked flowers in front of more than 10 graves one by one.

After doing so, she took out a bottle of fruit wine from her bag and sprinkled it on the graves orderly.

"Ryuu-san, I know a little bit about Astraea Familia. It's not a bad thing to remember the past. But, please don't forget the present. I wish you can free yourself from the entangles of the past."

Sirius didn't want to stand by stupidly, so he also put some white flowers he picked along the way in front of the graves with Ryuu.

Ryuu was surprised by his words and wanted to say something, but Sirius intercepted her.

"Of course, I'm not asking you to let go of your hatred. I just want you to calm down and let go of your worries during peacetime. I wish you would enjoy the present and think about the future. What do you think, Ryuu-san?"

Sirius turned around and looked at the bewildered elf with a gentle smile.

When Ryuu heard his concerns, she felt touched and puzzled. But, she still shook her head and said with self-depreciation, "I'm an avenger driven by hatred. I have done many dirty and shameless things for revenge. Do you think such an unworthy person like me can have a good future, Sirius-san?"

Ryuu felt that she was not worthy of being called an elf. She has done too many bad and unworthy things for revenge.

However, Sirius chuckled after hearing her answer.

"You are doing the right thing, what does it have to do with you being unworthy?"

"Doing the right thing?" Ryuu was confused after hearing his reply.

"Yes, I also believe in tit-for-tat." Sirius gave her his opinion.

"The moment those people from Evilus murdered your friends, they were guilty of death. If you kill someone you should be prepared to be killed." Sirius sounded indifferent while saying this.

"Forgiving them is only something a noble person like heroes would do. Reality is not a fairy tale, so our duty is to send these heinous people to these heroes, right?" Sirius chuckled after saying this.

In this world, there were many remarkable heroes on the surface thousands of years ago.

They made countless epics with mortal flesh and blood and drove the raging monsters back into the dungeon. Almost every child in the present grew up listening to their tales.

However, heroes are not immortal. They will pass away with time.

But, one of the most widely spread sayings is - The past heroes ascended to heaven.

Since ancient times, people have believed that a person's soul will ascend to heaven after death.

Ryuu naturally understood his intention and her eyes widened in surprise.

"..." She was speechless by his reasoning and didn't know what to say.

"Anyway, these are just my personal opinion. You should have your views and opinions, Ryuu-san. It's a bad habit to blindly follow others' words…."

After speaking this, Sirius put the last flower in front of a tomb and walked away.

"Bad habits…?" Ryuu recovered from her trance and muttered in a low voice.

She looked at him with a soft and gentle gaze. His words brought some comfort to her cold and locked-up heart.

"Sirius-san…Thanks for your comfort. I will take your words to heart…." Ryuu gave a brief smile and replied. She was relieved and in a good mood.

"It's no problem." Sirius casually waved his hands and said.

Sirius's words clearly had some impact on Ryuu.

After leaving the cemetery, Sirius felt that Ryuu was in a better mood. She chatted with him about various topics, and they wandered around the 18th floor.

During their chat, Sirius and Ryuu learned more about each other.

It was soon night, and they decided to go to Rivera town to rest for the night.

Although the inn prices are high, it is much better than sleeping out in the wild. After all, neither Sirius nor Ryuu brought a tent with them.

Today's Rivira town is said to be the 327th generation.

Even if it was located on a safe floor, the town was exposed to all sorts of dangers from the monsters. The dungeon won't allow the adventures to gain a foothold so easily.

Although many level 3 adventurers are present in the town, it will always be damaged extensively whenever some abnormal situation occurs.

After that, adventurers will repair and rebuild the town and resume operations. This process has continued again and again.

Therefore, money is significant in this town. If one has money, it's easy to do things.

Sirius and Ryuu walked into a nearby inn.

"Boss, two rooms for us please…." Sirius asked.

Although Ryuu's veiled appearance brought some suspicions from the innkeeper, he didn't get to the bottom of the matter and gave them a pass.

The reason is that Sirius paid too much. The innkeeper would be an idiot to ignore such an offer.

Hence, Sirius easily booked two rooms for himself and Ryuu and rested for the night.

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