
Chapter 62

Syr Flova is an extraordinary girl.

Her close friends know that she can vaguely read people's emotions and sense whether a person is good or malicious by observing them.

This ability is similar to that of a god, where mortals cannot lie to a deity.

But in reality, Syr's abilities are much scarier than that.

She can even see through the essence of a person's soul.

But recently, she's been troubled by something. Her abilities don't seem to work on someone.

—Syr can't even sense the slightest existence of that person.

While chatting with Ryuu, Syr's eyes strayed toward Sirius, who was teasing Anya repeatedly.

Although he was standing so close to her, she couldn't sense anything about him.

If she didn't see him with her naked eyes, Syr would even wonder if Sirius was a ghost. Although, she could even know the essence of spirits due to her abilities.

Syr couldn't observe his soul because her abilities seemed to be blocked by something within him.

'Or…does he have a way to disguise his soul?' Syr wasn't sure what the problem was.

The only known fact is that Sirius is an unknown.

The 'unknown' of the mortal realm is very attractive to divine beings like her. Gods were tired of the depraved and dull life in the heavens, so they descended to the lower realm in pursuit of entertainment. The gods are essentially fun-seeking beings.

The bluish gray-haired girl quietly observed Sirius with curiosity in her eyes.

"Hey, Ryuu~ How does it feel to go on a date with Sirius-san?" Syr teased her friend to get more information.

"What!?...a date!? S-Syr, don't talk nonsense! Sirius-san invited me to explore the dungeon for a certain purpose, which has nothing to do with date…." Ryuu's ear reddened after hearing this, and she retorted with some stutter.

"But, you two spent such a long time in the dungeon, it's almost like a secret date…I heard from some adventurers that there is a different flavor to exploring dungeons with opposite sex~" Syr was pleased with her friend's reaction and continued teasing.

"Secret…date…" Syr's voice sounded like a devil's whisper inside Ryuu's mind, disrupting her thoughts and removing the calmness on her face.

Ryuu couldn't withstand her friend's teasing. Due to her lack of experience in romance, she looked like an innocent village girl bullied by her city friend.

"Hey, I can hear you two…." The black-bellied Syr tried concealing her voice, but the people in the tavern were not ordinary people.

They didn't need much effort to hear what Syr and Ryuu said.

Sirius, who was defending against Anya's attack, also heard it. Therefore, he turned his head and complained.

Of course, the situation between him and Anya was purely playful. If the cat-girl were serious, he would lie flat on the ground. She was a level 4 adventurer, after all.

"Oh? Didn't Sirius-san have any thoughts about Ryuu in the dungeon?" Syr leaned forward, sticking her head from Ryuu's side. She had a surprised expression while looking at him.

"I think there is something wrong with your thinking. It's too…I guess dirty…How can you treat an upright and serious person like me, like this?" Sirius replied while boasting himself.


Anya and Chloe couldn't hold back as soon as he said this. They looked at Sirius contemptuously.

'If you're upright, then everyone else is a saint….' The two cat-girl thought the same thing.

"If you're an upright and serious person, then why would you come to our tavern and tease our waitresses?" Chloe complained.

"And even bring the goddess of your familia to molest us?" Anya was amused by his words and said.

It was the funniest joke they've heard today!

"Chloe, Anya! He may also have some problem in his mind…." Lunoire, beside the two cat-girls, returned his words at him.

It's a pity that Sirius didn't even frown at their criticism.

After living in this world for so long, Sirius has already gotten used to criticism. So, he would selectively filter out unnecessary words and focus on essential details.

To put it simply, Sirius ignored their complaints.

"Uhm…Sirius-san, what do you mean by dirty thinking?" Syr was slower to react than others and weakly asked.

Syr is also used to Sirius popping some new words and phrases from time to time. She didn't know where he learned so much unnecessary knowledge.

"Oh? That means that one's mind is not pure and full of unhealthy stuffs…." Sirius looked at Syr with a mischievous smile and replied.

"...Unhealthy stuffs!? You're so rude, I don't have such thoughts!" Syr felt that her secrets were revealed and retorted with a pout.

"Hehe, Syr, admit it, since you understand the hidden intention behind my words, that means I was right. Bad people will never admit that they are bad, right?" Sirius teased the gray-haired girl with a grin.

"..." Syr was speechless to retort. So, she puffed her cheeks in anger.

She felt that Sirius was her arch-enemy. He always finds new ways to tease her.

Unfortunately for Syr, Sirius is a modern person baptized by countless internet roasts, so she can't compare with him in this regard.

"It's almost time to open the store. What are you girls chatting about here? Are you being lazy again!?" Suddenly, the Proprietress of the tavern, Mama Mia, quietly entered the tavern and shouted.

Her sudden appearance brought indescribable pressure to all girls in the tavern.

'No matter how many times I watch, I can't believe that this sturdy…lady is a dwarf…' Sirius complained internally. Of course, he would never dare to speak out.

"Oh? Ryuu is also here. Welcome back~ Since you took leave, you will have to do more work. Do you have any complaints, Ryuu?" Mama Mia noticed Ryuu and welcomed her.

"No problem, Mama Mia." Ryuu readily agreed to this condition.

Mama Mia had a motherly smile after hearing this. She knew some of Ryuu's past, so she always allowed her to leave during times like this.

Mama Mia never deducted Ryuu's salary even though she was on leave. During Ryuu's absence, others need to work more to fill her gap. So, Mama Mia asked Ryuu to make up to others.

It has always been like this, and Ryuu had no objection. She was grateful to Mama Mia and others in Hostess of Fertility.

"Syr, you're also here. Did you leave your job and come here?" Mama Mia squinted her eyes and said.

"Ah…Alright, I'll go back." Syr saluted and returned to the kitchen with an awkward smile.

After seeing this, Mama Mia focused on Sirius, who was still stoking Anya's head.

Mama Mia was not surprised by this situation and said, "Boy, my tavern is not opened yet. Your presence will affect the work of my waitresses. Leave, and come back later. Remember to bring money!"

After saying this, Mama Mia patted his shoulder with a smile.

Although she tried to control her power, Sirius felt a considerable force on his shoulders. It almost felt like his bones were cracking.

Sirius felt that Mama Mia was trying to take revenge on him for teasing Syr…

Although he thought so, Sirius didn't dare to say it out loud.

"Alright, Mama Mia's words are reasonable. I'll come back later…." After saying this, Sirius hurriedly left the tavern.

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