
Chapter 67

The night was just getting started, and the Hostess of Fertility was already full of people.

People of various races were drinking and having fun, and in contrast, the vacant seats reserved by Loki Familia seemed a bit quiet.

Many customers wondered why the seats were empty, but when they saw the Loki Familia entering the store, they realized the reason and began whispering.

Loki and the rest of her familia members were used to the sights of others. They took their seats with normal expressions.


After taking the seat, as Sirius previously expected, he was surrounded by a group of level 5 adventurers, mostly girls. They kept staring at him in silence, making the atmosphere a bit awkward.

"Hey, don't put on such faces. I know that you are all curious about Sirius, but it's celebration time! The silence is killing the atmosphere. If you have any questions, please ask later. Now is time for the banquet!" Loki couldn't stand the weird atmosphere and shouted out loud.

"Hehe~ We are just curious~" The first one to react to Loki's speech was Tiona, who has the attributes of a little angel.

Her innocent and straightforward character is very easy to get along with. Therefore, she easily accepted Loki's suggestion.

"Well, me too." The elder sister of Tiona, Tione, nodded without hiding her curiosity. But, this matter was not as important to her as attracting Finn's attention.

"Now is not a suitable time, if you're curious, you can ask later, okay?" Finn stepped forward and expressed his suggestion with a cordial smile.

"I understand Captain, what you said is right." Tione immediately agreed.


The werewolf, Bete, who was listening to their conversation, snorted and turned back, suppressing his curiosity. He didn't want to disturb everyone's interest.

As for the last one, Ais… well, whether she stared at Sirius or not would not affect the atmosphere because everyone was tolerant of her.

After all, everyone knows her dedication to self-improvement and getting stronger.

This little drama was over soon, and Loki turned her attention to alcohol. She took the lead and slammed the tables and raised her glass.

"Everyone, cheers!! Let's celebrate tonight!" Loki ignited the atmosphere.

"Hoh… yeah–!!!" Every member of Loki cheered out loud, and the party officially started.

The waitress, Lunoire, led Ais and others to empty seats in the corner of the tavern. Their group attracted a lot of attention from other customers, but it was mostly harmless, not to the extent of affecting their moods.

There was an open-air seat next to the window where one could freely enter and exit by opening the door.

The waitresses soon served various dishes and drinks to the members of Loki Familia. Everyone stretched out their hands to get their share of the food and alcohol.

"Captain, please allow me to pour out wine for you." Tione looked at Finn expectantly.

"Well, thank you, Tione. But why are there so many drinks? What do you want to do to me after getting me drunk?" Finn agreed but looked at her suspiciously.

"Uhaha, nothing…I never thought of bringing you to my bed after getting you drunk…." Tione was embarrassed and exposed her hidden intention.

"..." The others were speechless by Tione's self-destructive behavior.

Tione exposed her crime before doing anything.

Tiona, next to her sister, couldn't help but stretch out her hand to cover her face in shame. She was embarrassed by her sister's foolish behavior.

She jokingly thought she would want to replace such a shameful sister if possible.

"Ugh! Gareth—! You're drinking more than me." Loki complained to the dwarf Gareth.

"Humph! So what? Let me show you how powerful I am!" Gareth was proud of his drinking capacity.

"Oh? Is that so? Let's make a bet then, whoever wins the drinking contest gets the chance to date Riveria all day tomorrow as a prize!" Loki squinted her eyes and made an incredible announcement in high spirits.

The mentioned elf was sitting next to Loki. Riveria raised her eyebrows, and her eyes sharpened. She subconsciously touched her side, trying to grab a staff.

But, there was no weapon.

Immediately, Riveria realized that because of the banquet, everyone was empty-handed without weapons.

In other words, her intention to punish Loki with a staff like before was unsuccessful.

"..." Loki felt malice coming from her side and turned around and found dark-faced Riveria.

"Ri-Riveria-sama…" Loki gulped in nervousness and said.

"Forget it. I will spare you tonight…." The green-haired elf had no way to punish Loki tonight, so she simply closed her eyes and sipped juice. She didn't want to ruin everyone's moods.

Many people were making a fuss beside Ais. She maintained her pace and ate silently, but the corners of her eyes always focused on a blond figure.

"Although I know Ais-san has her reasons, she has been staring at Sirius for too long…." The jealous Lefiya took out a handkerchief and whimpered while grinding her teeth.

However, the atmosphere was lively, and her voice was not very loud, not attracting anyone's attention.

Whether inside or outside the tavern, everyone's voices are getting louder and more cheerful.

The food and drinks were quickly swept away, and the waitresses had to work extra hard to replace them.

As time passed by, Sirius felt some gaze.

He felt something was wrong with the way Anya looked at him during the banquet.

Her eyes were not like others, and there was a hint of anger and revenge in her eyes…

'No way! Don't tell me Anya hasn't let go of what happened during the day?' Sirius thought with some uncertainty.

If it were only Anya, he would not be so worried. But Chloe and Lunoire also looked at him weirdly.

Unsure of what the three waitresses were thinking, Sirius's hand trembled while holding the glass.

He also didn't find Ryuu anywhere in the store.

When he asked Syr, she told him that Ryuu was busy in the back kitchen. Ryuu was responsible for washing dishes tonight.

The time at the banquet passed quickly, the guests were chatting and laughing joyfully, and gradually everyone had a pleasant time.

It was soon the middle of the night, and many customers were so drunk that they could barely stand still.

After seeing this, the sober people had a helpless expression, and they started carrying their drunk companions back home.

Sirius was among the sober people.

But, he was responsible for carrying the drunk and unconscious Loki.

"Is that okay? You are all level 4 and above, why would you let a newcomer like me carry Loki?" While walking with everyone on the street on the way back, Sirius asked with a face full of bitterness.

Raul, Anakitty, Alicia, Ais, Tiona, Riveria, Gareth, etc., were around him.

Among the group, anyone is more powerful than him and capable of carrying Loki.

He was puzzled and suspicious why the responsibility of carrying the red-haired goddess fell onto his shoulders.

"I want to help you, but I must carry someone else…." Raul gestured to Sirius, pointing at an unconscious chienthrope, Cruz.

Cruz Bussell is one of the Second String of Loki Familia, but he was also drunk and unconscious now.

"Haha, hic, Sirius boy, a man should not complain so much. All of us trust you very much." Gareth let out a breath full of alcohol and walked with some difficulty. He was barely maintaining his consciousness.

"Well, Sirius, please be considerate~ You know how Loki is. Unless necessary, no female in our familia wants to carry Loki with them. You don't know that drunk Loki is terrible…."

The little angel Tiona carried her shameful sister on her shoulder and kindly explained. Tione failed to get Finn drunk but was drunk instead.

For some unknown reason, once Loki gets drunk, she subconsciously pulls her hands up and down on the girl's bodies, wrapping around them like an octopus. It was very difficult for them to get rid of Loki's hold.

It's unbelievable that such perversion comes from a female goddess, not a male one.

"It's really… a lust factor hidden in the DNA." After listening, Sirius was silent and complained.

"Well, drunk Loki is perverted and horny."

"That's right!"

In the front, Ais and Lefiya couldn't help nodding. They were also victims of Loki's molestation.

One is a target that the red-haired goddess often tries to molest and fails, whereas the other is the one who is always caught and teased by Loki.

Both suffer from Loki's harassment daily.

Afterward, the topics gradually shifted towards Loki and her perverted behaviors. The girls around Sirius complained endlessly about their goddess.

In this way, they soon returned to Twilight Manor.

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