Riveria's Teaching!

Chapter 75

In the morning of the next day,

Sirius followed Riveria's instructions and came to the familia library early.

Since it was still a rest period, the green-haired elf took this time to teach him magic knowledge.

Knock! Knock!

Sirius knocked on the library door.

"Please come in." There was a calm feminine response from the inside.

After getting permission, Sirius gently opened the door and entered the library.

There was massive space inside with various collections of books placed neatly on the bookshelves.

In the center of the library, a familiar elf, Lefiya, held a heavy book and was studying hard.

Riviera was sitting beside Lefiya, reading a book, and answering Lefiya's questions from time to time.

"Good morning, Sirius-san." Lefiya noticed his presence and greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning, Lefiya." Sirius returned the greetings.

It looked like Riveria had already told Lefiya about his arrival. Therefore, she was not surprised by his presence.

"Riveria-san, good morning to you as well~" Sirius didn't forget to greet his temporary mentor.

"Well, good morning." Riviera nodded lightly and then closed the book in her hand.

"Since Sirius is here, then Lefiya, you should study yourself. I need to find a suitable book for him." Riveria told Lefiya.

"... ok!" Lefiya obediently nodded, while Riveria mentioned to Sirius to follow her.

Sirius followed Riveria towards the other side of the library. It seemed that Riveria wanted to avoid disturbing Lefiya's study.

After walking through an area filled with the scent of books and ink, Riveria asked softly, "Sirius, you seem to have your own ideas about developing your magic. You must have your own future direction. I won't change your plans, but can you tell me your thoughts? It will help me make suitable arrangements for your studies."

Although Riveria is not a full-time teacher, she still understands the method of teaching students according to their aptitude and can't force her ideas on them.

This is irresponsible to both herself and Sirius.

Learning is a gradual process of self-progress. Some students may even surpass their teachers in the future. Therefore, a teacher must maintain the most basic humility.

"Sure." Sirius nodded and expressed his thoughts.

He mainly wants to develop 'Stellar Magic.' So, he needs to delve deeper into astrology, constellation, etc.

In addition to hitting people with meteorites, he also intends to develop toward gravity. After all, gravity is an essential aspect of stars.

He also plans to develop some auxiliary magic like healing magic. But, to do so, he needs to go to a suitable healer for lessons.

As for 'Earth Magic,' he needs to be proficient in his existing ones.

In the future, he dreams of smashing thousands of rock pillars at his enemy with a shield on his body. None of his enemies can stand such bombardment. Maybe his attack can even change the dungeon terrain.

Anyway, the deeper one goes inside the dungeon, the bigger the space. Therefore, there is no restriction on unleashing large-scale destructive magic.

It should be noted that the dungeon is gradually increasing downwards in the shape of a pyramid.

The area of the 40th floor alone is equal to match the size of the entire city of Orario. And beneath that, the area of each floor exceeds that of Orario.

So, there's nothing bad with an AOE attack.

Arriving at a wooden seat in the corner of the library, Riveria fell into deep thoughts after listening to Sirius's thoughts.

She was surprised and amazed by his detailed plans. It looked nothing like the one made by a 16-year-old.

Almost every aspect is covered in the planning.

There is defense, control, wide-range attack, ultimate attack, as well as healing magic.

If Sirius develops his magic as he planned, then he will become a proper hexagonal warrior in the future with no apparent weakness.

Hence, as a teacher, all Riveria can do is give Sirius more knowledge to make it easier for him to develop his magic.

Every teacher wants to have such worry-free students.

But after thinking about Sirius's future, there is an inexplicable sense of frustration within Riveria.

After a while, Riveria shook her head to eliminate unnecessary thoughts and returned her attention to the present.

For Sirius's magic study, she thought of a book Loki had brought long ago.

"I don't have any good suggestions for your goals and development direction. But, Sirius, I have something that should help you. Come with me…." Riveria brought Sirius to a bookcase near the wall.

It was not a single bookshelf but a huge one that covered most of the wall.

"It should be right around here…Sirius, come and help find a book with a golden olive branch logo on the cover." Since the time was too long, Riveria forgot about the book's exact location. So, she simply called Sirius for help.

"What's the matter with that book, Riveria-san?" Sirius asked curiously.

"You'll know when you find it…." Riveria didn't give him the exact answer.

"... Ok ~" Sirius nodded.

The bookcase was leaning against the wall. Sirius and Riveria divided the job and cooperated in finding the book.

A few minutes later, Sirius almost checked half of the bookcase but found no such book.

On the other side, Riveria paused and looked up with an annoyed expression.

"This height…who put it up there???" Riveria found the book with the golden olive branch logo on top of the bookcase, and the corner of her eyes twitched.

She could vaguely remember placing the book where she could reach out, but not at such height.

'Who placed it so high?' Riveria thought with some annoyance.

At this height, even with her tall figure, it's still a little short of reaching the book unless she uses her staff.

But she didn't have her staff around. After all, nobody would carry their weapon in a library.

"..." Riveria felt complicated and didn't know what to do.

'Or…step on a stool to get the book?' Riveria felt embarrassed asking her new student for help.

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