Pair Training! (II)

Chapter 115

"Sirius! Are you alright?"

After someone flew out and smashed into the other side of the city wall and his body came into intimate contact with the ground, Ais subconsciously raised her dull-bladed sword and paused.

Immediately afterward, she realized the situation and quickly ran toward Sirius, lifted his body up, and apologized softly.

"Sirius, I'm sorry…I thought our duel was similar to that of Tiona and the others and used too much strength…." Ais felt guilty thinking about it.

"Ahem, it's alright. I can withstand this level of attacks, come again!"

Sirius covered his painful flank, coughed twice, and quickly regained his posture.

Sirius is indeed very painful, but he suffered no apparent damage.

His skill, 'Heart Of Gaia,' significantly increases his strength and durability when entering a combat state. Therefore, his defense and endurance are incredible compared to other adventurers of the same level.

Sirius had no idea how much his skill increased his stats for the time being, but he can guess it's not low.

With the previous level of attack from Ais, Sirius was confident of holding it for a while!

'Hmm… It'll probably be painful…' Sirius thought pessimistically.

"Ais, can you stop kicking at my lower body?" Sirius asked.

He negotiated with the girl and hoped she would stop kicking his crotch area the next time, which is related to their future happiness.

Ais tilted her head cutely, with eyes full of doubts.

But in the end, she still obeyed his instruction and decided not to attack his lower body.

For a while, neither side attacked.

Sirius took a short rest, and a few moments later, he faced Ais again.

They began their second round of training.

Ding! Ding!

'Have I seen this scene somewhere?' Sirius inexplicably felt familiar with the scene and felt deja vu.



His spear was pushed aside again, and the sword princess did not give him a sidekick this time, but roundabout kicked him in the chest.


Thanks to his intuition, Sirius dodged the attack.

However, Ais's skirt flew up before he could react, and the scene that countless gentlemen hoped to see was presented in front of Sirius.

"White? Pfft—"

Before he could enjoy the short-lived scenery, Sirius flew out again.

But this time, after Ais reacted, she didn't immediately help him up.

Instead, the sword princess stretched out her hand, pushed her skirt down, lowered it a bit, and her cheeks were flushed red.

"Sirius…hentai…" Ais complained.

"It's force majeure…." Sirius, who was in close contact with the slate on the city wall, raised his hand tremblingly after hearing this and tried to defend himself.

But after he looked at the embarrassed Ais's eyes wandering and not knowing what she was thinking, he guessed that no explanation was helpful in this case.

On the other side, Lefiya, who had lost sight of both of them, was constantly searching for their traces under the northern city wall.

Although she lost them in the middle, Lefiya was sure they were heading north.

So, she guessed that they were heading toward the area near the northern city wall.

"Hah, hah, hah…!?"

The elf girl who almost searched the entire perimeter around the wall but still couldn't find their traces stood against a building at the foot of the city wall and gasped for breath.

"Where did those two people…go!?" Lefiya muttered while thinking.

Where can they go?

Lefiya overclocked her entire brain thinking about the answer but still had no clue.

But in the next second, her long and slender ears trembled, and in this quiet environment, she heard some faint sounds of metal collisions.

It sounded more like the clashing of weapons and came from above.

"Don't tell me they're up!!"

Immediately, Lefiya looked up at the city wall; it was the only place she had not paid attention to before.

The tired elf caught the sounds of an intermittent collision and had some guesses in her heart.

Without wasting any more time, she stepped forward, ready to go up and take a look.

A few minutes later, a figure appeared on the city wall where only two people existed.

Lefiya squatted and hid under the crenels of the city wall, revealing only her head, and quietly watched the scene in front of her.

When she saw Sirius and Ais practicing against each other, she squinted her eyes and let out a long breath, feeling relieved.

"Hah, is it just paired training? That's great…." It took Lefiya a lot of time and energy to find them, and she got such a common result. Nonetheless, the elf girl was satisfied after finding out.

She thought that at least Sirius and Ais weren't conspiring to escape and elope. (That's just her fantasy.)

Lefiya quietly spied on the two from the side. After a while, she couldn't bear to look at Sirius constantly being kicked out by Ais.

"Sirius-san is so miserable…." The elf girl who paid attention to only superficial things didn't realize that the time Sirius could last under Ais's attacks was slowly increasing.


After not knowing how many times, Sirius was once again blasted on the wall.

He laid down on the floor, gasped for breath, and this time he didn't have any extra strength to stand up.

After seeing this, Ais slowly walked near him, squatted down, and softly spoke.

"Well, do you want me to go back and bring some healing potions?"

Ais was worried about him and didn't know what to do, so she asked for his opinion.

She put her sword aside and was so close to Sirius that he could even smell her body fragrance.

He was also concerned about the girl and reluctantly raised his hand and shook it.

"No need. I will be fine after a while. Using potion is a big waste…." Sirius rejected her offer.

Ais's golden eyes blinked twice, and after pondering for a while, she nodded and kept staring at him.

The atmosphere was suddenly quiet, and the two looked at each other without speaking as if they could communicate with their eyes.

Ais, who was naturally naive, didn't know what she was feeling, but Sirius felt a little awkward by the silence.

He looked at Ais's innocent and almost expressionless face and wondered what she was thinking.

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