Successful Enchantment!

Chapter 120

Riveria watched the back of Sirius and blinked a few times.

She felt kind of weird looking at his hurried footsteps.

A virtual question mark appeared above her head, and she couldn't guess the answer.

After a while, mama-elf poked her cheek and shook her head.

'It may be an illusion~' Riveria didn't think much about this matter.

Northwest Street,

Sirius was unarmed and was carrying a small single-person backpack while walking alone on the bustling streets.

He looked in the left direction, where many weapon shops and stores were located.

Sirius carefully searched the area and eventually came in front of a shop.

Compared to adjacent shops on the left and right sides, this weapon shop is much more significant.

The shop's exterior was covered in red paint, reminiscent of fiery flames, making it stand out among many nearby stores.

A sign hung on the heavy door panels with strange symbols.

It's the hieroglyphs, the language of the gods.

Sirius, who had studied hieroglyphs under Riveria, could easily recognize the words above.

[Hephaestus Familia]

It is the most prominent smith-type Familia in Orario, led by goddess Hephaestus.

They operate and manage various weapon and equipment stores in the labyrinth city, including the tower of babel.

Of course, quality is fully guaranteed.

It was the first time Sirius visited this store, so he felt a bit strange. However, after he announced that he was a member of the Loki Familia, he walked into the store under the respectful reception of the clerk.

The primary purpose for him to enter this store is to buy some experimental weapons for testing enchantments.

So, the quality of the weapon does not need to be too good. Sirius needs more quantity of weapons than quality for his experiment.

In the end, Sirius bought four long and two short swords in the store.

Of the four long swords, two were priced at 50,000 valis each, whereas the remaining were 7,000 valis each.

As for the short swords, their cost was 10,000 valis each.

The clerk calculated the bill and presented a perforated sword holster that could carry six swords.

After paying the bill, Sirius set off toward the tower of babel.

"It looks like I can start my experiment on weapon enchantment…." Sirius muttered. His purpose today is not to explore the dungeon but the experiment.

Testing and experiments are very common things for adventurers.

Testing magic, trying out the effect of skills, and testing various magic items can all be included in the category of 'experiments' for adventurers.

But such 'experiments' are usually carried out at the edge of each floor in the dungeon.

It's not only because of security issues but also for confidentiality.

After all, some things are inconvenient for outsiders to know.

Sirius is no exception. He didn't want someone snooping on him while he experimented.

On the edge of the 8th floor of the dungeon, in a particular cave,

There is only one entrance and exit in the large square cave, and Sirius found no other figure inside.

There were occasionally some killer ants wandering outside the cave. In fact, for him, upper-floor monsters are just playthings. Sirius wanted to use these monsters to test the quality of his enchanted weapons.

As a result, killer ants with hard carapaces became Sirius's preferred experimental subjects.

Sirius pulled out two 7,000 valis long swords from the holster behind him and waved them around.

"Too light…"

For Sirius, who was accustomed to spears, weapons like swords always felt a bit uncomfortable.

'But never mind, I only have to try these weapons out. It's okay after a little adjustment.' Sirius did not rush up immediately and raised her long sword in his right hand in advance.

"Illuminate the sky(Orionids)!"

Sirius recited the unique chant, and his magic began to respond to his will.

Sirius's right hand began to emit a little light, and a faint blue starry flame arose in his hand. He didn't expand the fire and just kept outputting mana to the point where it could cover the entire sword.

At this moment, Sirius's development ability, 'Mystery,' showed its wonder.

A mysterious silvery white pattern emerged on the hilt of the sword held by his right hand and quickly began to spread.

At first glance, it looks pretty mysterious, but after closely looking at the pattern, one can't find anything.

The enchantment process lasted for a few seconds, and when the mysterious lines spread to the whole body of the sword, Sirius put away his magic.

"The enchantment succeeded…."

Lifting up the long sword and looking at it, Sirius found that the ordinary sword now exudes a stunning sharpness.

The shimmering shimmer of the mysterious lines and the dim illumination in the cave complemented each other and made it look exotic.

Sirius had a vague feeling that he could enchant weapons without chanting.

But the disadvantage is that the enchantment's effect is not as good as the one with the chant.

Grumble! Grumble!

At this time, there was movement from the killer ants outside the cave. It seems that these monsters sensed the magic fluctuations generated inside the cave.

The killer ants became agitated after entering the cave and finding Sirius.

The mouthparts of the killer ants chewed and started making crackling sounds as they began to approach him.

The closest monster had already launched an attack, and after jumping in mid-air, the killer ant rushed toward Sirius.

However, its speed was too slow in the eyes of Sirius.

Sirius gently turned sideways and avoided the attack.


It was another killer ant that wanted to pounce on him from behind.

Sirius stepped aside and dodged its attack.

Soon, many killer ants came together and became entangled with Sirius…

It might not be quite right to say entanglement.

Sirius was just playing these monsters unilaterally.

If he wanted, Sirius could play with them all day.


But the next moment, a silver light flashed, and a crisp sound of collision sounded.

A killer ant groaned in pain and was knocked out by Sirius.

The left hand that swung the unenchanted sword was still in the air.

"Can't break the defense with this one, huh…." Sirius muttered.

Killer ants' outer shells are very hard, and ordinary adventurers' weapons cannot break them.

Sirius thought that with his overpowered stats, he might directly cut them in half.

However, the reality is often disappointing.

The conspicuous gap on the left-hand sword told Sirius that it stood no chance against the killer ant's shell.

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