Rich Sirius?

Chapter 124

"If the enchantment is really as amazing as Sirius demonstrated, the weapon stocks in our warehouse may not be able to support such a huge consumption." After hearing Finn's analysis, Riveria reminded them.

"You mean, we need to cooperate with other familia…right? It's better to be a smith-type Familia." Gareth also understood.

"Just say we need to cooperate with Hephaestus Familia. What are you beating around the bush?" Loki looked at her two top executives angrily.

In fact, Loki Familia cooperates with not just Goibniu Familia but also Hephaestus Familia. The two goddesses have a good relationship and are drinking friends of each other.

Hephaestus Familia is a large-scale smith-type Familia with many blacksmiths under their command. In Orario, they are mainly responsible for producing weapons and selling them at wholesale prices.

Goibniu Familia is mainly focused on customized weapons. After all, they are relatively small in scale and cannot support the consumption of such a vast wholesale market.

Therefore, Loki understood that if they wanted to open the enchanted weapons market quickly, it was best to cooperate with Hephaestus Familia.

Hephaestus Familia is responsible for providing sample weapons, and Sirius does the enchanting.

Additionally, Hephaestus Familia's reputation will make it easier for customers to purchase such a new type of weapon.

Sirius also agreed to such a proposal and left the rest of the negotiations and deals, including pricing, to Loki and the big three.

After that, they can discuss the business of enchanted weapons with Hephaestus Familia and find the ideal way to promote it.

The plans for enchanted weapons temporarily came to an end. After a bit of discussion, Sirius and the big three decided to hide the existence of enchantment for a while.

Not for anything else but to supply their familia first.

After all, strangers and friends should be treated differently.

Sirius prioritized supplying Loki Familia with enchanted weapons, slowly promoting the business outwards.

If possible, Finn hopes that Sirius will try to equip each expedition team with a high-quality enchanted weapon before the next expedition.

That would be a great improvement for the overall strength of Loki Familia.

Of course, the members must bring their weapons and pay the enchantment fee. At most, Sirius will provide some discount.

As for the equipment of the core team members…

"How about the price of 10 million valis for perfect enchantment?" Finn thought for a while and offered a good proposal.

Although it's lower than the expected market price, Sirius won't complain. After all, he was even ready to enchant their weapons for free.

"No problem, captain. The price is fine. It doesn't matter if it's a bit lower, anyway, sooner or later I'll be the richest person in our familia." Sirius waved his hand and said narcissistically.

Which adventurer can resist such temptation when the enchanted equipment hits the market?

As the saying goes, pay-to-win is the kingly way.

Saving money for a good weapon is a surefire deal for any adventurer.

For most adventurers, high-quality equipment brings a considerable improvement in their strength. It's especially true for adventurers belonging to powerful familia.

Let's imagine that there are two A and B familia who were initially evenly matched in strength.

If there is a war game between two familia, A familia members equipped themselves with enchanted weapons, whereas B familia members didn't.

Then, the result is needless to say. It's a devastating defeat of B familia.

Nobody can accept such a result. Therefore, B familia has no choice but to buy enchanted weapons for fair play.

In the room, looking at the boastful expression on Sirius's face, Loki's eyes lit up as she thought of something interesting.

"Yeap! Sirius! From now on, you will be responsible for all of my alcohol consumption!" Loki decided.

"Hah? Why? I don't want to." Sirius mercilessly rejected her proposal.

"Aren't you my familia's richest handsome boy in the future? Don't be stingy with a little wine money!" Loki didn't forget to praise him for getting him to accept her proposal.

"Heh, do you think I'll accept such a proposal after hearing your compliment?" Sirius sneered and posed a manly pose.

"But I refuse! One of the things I love best is saying NO to those who think they're right!" Sirius had a menacing look while saying this.

"..." The others in the room were speechless.

"How about it? I looked handsome while saying this, right?" Sirius returned to his usual expression and asked.

"..." The room was reengulfed in silence.

After a while, Riveria thought of something and looked at Sirius with a faint expectation in her eyes.

"Sirius, can wands be enchanted too?" She couldn't stop asking.

"Uh…" Sirius was stunned.

But after thinking for a while, he still answered her truthfully: "I don't know. I haven't tried it yet, but I can test it out later."

"Really? Then I'll wait for the result." After hearing this, Riveria was not disappointed but encouraged him with a smile.

"Well, no problem." Sirius patted his chest and answered.

'Eh? Why does it feel like something is off?' Loki discovered something unusual.

The vermillion-haired goddess looked at Sirius, then at Riveria.

Afterward, she found that Riveria's attitude toward the boy was too good.

After watching for a while, she found that Riveria's expression was back to normal, and it was no different from her usual self.

'Is it just my illusion?' Loki thought hesitantly.

Afterward, she stopped thinking about this matter. Loki figured she couldn't do anything about this matter anyway…

The matter of Sirius's enchantment ended for the time being. Loki and Finn needed to stay and make more detailed plans for this new enchantment business.

If done well, it will bring massive wealth to their familia and a steady supply. So, this matter needs their total concentration.

As the concerned party, Sirius had no interest in their discussion. After saying goodbye, he left the room with his spear.

He only needs to act like a golden goose and be responsible for laying 'eggs', and how to sell the 'eggs' is what Loki and the others need to worry about.

This is also the benefit of a big familia.

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