Our friends have appeared in unknown world according to the deduction of the ever intelligent-

" Stop, if you keep talking like that even I'll notice the styles changed "Xavier quipped while looking at the sky .

" Who are you talking to ?"Max asked with a puzzled expression and Xavier just smiled and shook his head finally standing up from the ground .

"Even if I tried to explain I'd look crazy "As soon as those words left his mouth Max gave him a look " Crazier "Max nodded in mock satisfaction " I've lost connection to the house "

"So we're dead?"

"Not quite Sol will think of something and it's not like I'm powerless more importantly why are you calm ?"Max just shrugged seeing as he himself couldn't explain it " I'll give you a check up when we get back ".

"It might be cause I'm a weeb though too many isekai manga "he said finally as he took a deep breath of air " Are those people?" Xavier shoved him aside since he had better vision literally .

" Huh would you look at that elves" Max had a weird expression on his face but before he could ask xaviers arm suddenly got blown off the force launching his whole body backwards the next second an arrow was fired at max's head but it stopped just shy as it was caught by Xavier " I forgot elves are racist" his arm still missing but not bleeding at least not how it should .

"A humanoid chimera? And it's so well made " One of the elven men said as they inched closer to the duo "Yellow haired boy are you it's master ?"a one who would seem to be their leader given the way he spoke .

"Me? I-" Xavier gave him a quick glance "Yes I am it's master what of it?"he replied like that but was afraid he may have been a bit too arrogant, there was a few seconds of silence the elf sighed and turned to face his men .

" Who attacked the chimera and who took that shot " two younger looking elves stepped forward " You know how expensive chimera's are especially one s well made it doesn't look like it was made for combat but more importantly you disobeyed orders I told you not to attack "while he lectured the two max and Xavier were having a conversation of their own .

" You okay? " Max whispered to Xavier as the two waited Xaviers eyes darted around for a moment before looking back at him.

" For now at least ,I wasn't expecting them to be able to blow of my arm like that. They seem to think I'm a chimera while that assumption isn't wrong I can't be bothered ,like the elf said I'm not built for combat you gonna need to play your part Master ".Max shuddered when he heard those words come out of Xaviers mouth and the elf turned round and bowed his head .

" Many apologies for damaging your product sir we hope you are not upset " the elf spoke with a little more courtesy but only a little .

" Why don't you ask it, you can speak can't you ?" Max gave an arrogant nod to Xavier who they all turned their attention to .

" I am fine I will find a way to fix my arm later "He said sounding as dead as possible and the elf nodded .

" If I may be so bold may I ask where you're from ?"

"We are not sure my master has suffered some injury it appears he doesn't remember how we got here nor where we came from "

"And you don't remember either ?"

"I am an object built for companionship I have never left our manor and am inactive unless needed "Xaviers answers were quick and monotone with no change in his expression or body language .

" I see then we can assume you don't have money either I'll take you to the nearest settlement and get you set up for now so it's fine come with us .

Following the small group the two were mostly silent and where looking around their environment max seemed amazed by everything he saw while Xavier seemed to be studying it . ' These two seem strange, especially the chimera I don't know what it is but something's off about him I've never seen a chimera speak so well I had best warn the king'.

The two seemed to have their work cut out for then well it wasn't just them

" Lord Xavier!!!!!!!!"she screamed as she rose from the rubble of the collapsed house having had half the lab blown away along with the house "This isn't good people are going to notice, more importantly that bitch will be more pissed than me." She grabbed her hair and yanked at the ends " I knew we should have done this on mars I don't even know if he's dead and the part with the activation codes got blown up " she sulked as she sat on the floor trying to think of a solution, she suddenly heard a voice that sent chills down her spine .

" Where is he?" a woman with streaks of white in her red hair who looked no less than twenty looked down at her from behind "where is he and what happened " she said with a burning gaze staring into the poor girls existence .

"W-what do you mean ? " The woman stomped her foot smashing the pile of debris she stood on and brought her eyes to sols level.

" Don't play dumb with me, I'll ask you again where the hell is Xavier "The sound of police sirens interrupted them and the woman quickly grabbed sol and took her away.

Upon arrival off her base Sol went off to take a bath and was given a change of clothes and she finally started her explanation, this didn't take too long as nothing much really happened at least that's what sol said .

"You dumb creator obsessed bitch do you understand what you've done? You should have just listed to him but you couldn't even do that " she scolded but Sol took offense to that .

" Dumb? Bitch ? I'm sorry I didn't realize I was your mirror you father stealing trollop".The woman stood up from where she sat and stood directly in front of here

" Hah?!?!? Call me that again I dare you Xavier can't protect you this time you tiny little microwave

" Fuck you Yaya your insults are beneath me "

" Says the girl who had a doll of her father, you creep" The woman gave her a look of disgust before the two started staring daggers at each other and continued to argue

"What are we watching right now ?"one of her guards whispered amongst the group.

" I don't know but it's interesting seeing the boss excited for something "

" I know right I really wonder who that other girl is they seem kinda serious and they keep talking about some dude "

" Yeah sounds like the girls father, you think the boss likes older dudes? "

" Who knows, sounds like she worked for him for a while too "

" It's getting pretty heated "

" You think we should stop them?"there was a long silence between them as they all exchanged glances .

" Nah "