“This is difficult”. Losing an arm would be a challenge to most but Xavier didn’t seem to have that problem, he seemed more concerned with how to get out of this situation. But it would seem he could only draw blanks, that much was expected though considering they had crossed an entire dimension with nor preparations it would be odd to have a plan in the first place. “Master any ideas as to how we could go home?”.

The look on disbelief painted on his face would make for a world class portrait as the two exchanged looks “Are you seriously asking me? Like I don’t know what to tell you man but unless Sol recreates what happened we’re gonna be stuck here.”. Xavier nodded his head, now this was one of Xavier’s stranger habits he often asked questions with guided answers, he would borrow their brains to think so to speak and use that to derive a solution.

“Well, I do wonder how much time differs in this dimension”. Time something, they both had to consider in this context as they weren’t sure if time flowed slower or faster for them or if they were affected by it. If they were lucky their dimensions time was slower and this one’s time stream wouldn’t affect them much or they would be old men by the time they came back.

“When you put it like that everyone could be dead when we get back too”. Max said aloud leaving Xavier in deep thought.

“Those two are suspicious”. The elf captain thought to himself, it wasn’t because they had appeared and claimed to have no memories nor is it because they were human in fact it was because one of them wasn’t human that made it suspicious, the races got along fairly well and it wasn’t odd to see them with each other but for all wants and purposes a homunculus wasn’t exactly a common occurrence in the first place one would have to be either extremely crazy or extremely powerful to even think about having one of them anywhere near them in the first place but here they were with one and it had quite the intelligence as well, that and he couldn’t identify what language the two were speaking. Thanks to magic they could understand their words but he didn’t know the language they spoke itself it would be best if these two were monitored closely. “We will be within city walls shortly please bear with us a little longer”. He told the two as they trudged on.

Along the way Xavier had seemed to have given up on thinking of a way out and was just taking in the scenery for what it was comparing it with how earth currently was, thought the planet would do rather well thanks to his previous exploits.

This world was quite green and most likely larger than their home dimensions planet seeing as how large the vegetation was growing and from what he had heard it would seem they had more than one moon on this planet which would imply the planet they were on was large enough to do so, which raised another question in his mind, where was the extra gravity? It was a different case for Xavier since his body was strengthened and with how his body was built it may have slipped him by but that shouldn’t be the case for max and another thing that had been bothering him was the language barrier, it was quite obvious this world would have a common tongue and they obviously wouldn’t speak it so how did they understand him? That and the fact that even if they did, how could they not pick up on the fact that the language they were speaking was odd at the very least.

Arriving at the city Stolas they could see the high and thick walls that were used to construct it, if Xavier and Max were right then there were most likely monsters and other things roaming around and judging by how much damage they could do it was going to be a long and hard road ahead of them if they were going to stay in this world but hopefully Max doesn’t die before it ends. “Did you just think about me dying bro?”.

“You’re talking nonsense again Lord Max”. The two continued this back and forth and it got the others thinking the two were rather close for a master and servant, although it would make sense if he truly was a sheltered young master like they claimed.

The checks weren’t much they were just checking them for criminal identification and everyone cooperated that was until it got to Xavier’s turn. “How does that work?”. The guard gave the others a quick look and the elf nodded.

“he’s a homunculus”.

“So not one of the races but rather an object, I see”. They might not have said it and Xavier didn’t seem to care but they didn’t feel comfortable addressing something with such high intelligence and human like features as an object, it even made them feel bad about taking one of his arms.

The others were quiet but Max and the elf captain were quite vocal about their discomfort “One of the races or not he is a living, intelligent being you’d do best to remember that”. Xavier just sighed and asked about the orb again.

“well it checks the past of people using a combination of mind reading and something else about the soul, magic is not exactly my forte”. He explained and that seemed to bother him as he stepped back with a worried expression.

“This might be problem”.

“What’s wrong?”