
Return, Closure and a Wish

The execution of Honest was still going on, even after Raven woke up the next day. The Emperor was making moves to remedy the rampant corruption in the Empire and make peace with the Revolutionaries. As a request from Raven, the Emperor and his new advisors made Night Raid out to be the Unsung Heroes and made the conflict between the three Beasts and them to be a misunderstanding. Not that the majority of people really minded. Two out of the three of them weren't known to be the best people.

The goal of decriminalizing Night Raid was mainly to make sure Akame and Kurome could meet again. This time, not as enemies. It was a long day of reconciliation, telling stories about the friends they made in both groups and spending time with Raven. Though Raven was dreading the next day, when she decided she had to tell the sisters she was, in fact, not their birth Mother.

She woke up, Akame and Kurome having fallen asleep in her bed. Looking over to see if Esdeath had also snuck in, she sighed in relief when she didn't see her. It seemed Esdeath was content to let her spend time with her new daughters alone. Smiling to herself, Raven swiftly moved through the sheets and slipped out of bed, making the two sisters snuggle together.

~Well.. before I rip the bandaid off, I can make breakfast. Maybe that'll appease my two new foodie daughters~ Raven thought and dressed herself, determined to make the two a good breakfast as she strode out into the Jaegers kitchen and began to cook.

-Twenty minutes later, Raven's room-

Two simultaneous stomach growling woke the two sisters up. Robotically, they rose out of bed like Raven's favorite WWE Wrestler back in her first life. Taking deep breaths through their noses, they caught the smell of delicious cooked meat. Without even changing out of their pajamas, they bolted through the halls, following their noses like bloodhounds until entering the Jaeger's quarters.

Upon entering, they saw Wave, Bols, Run and Esdeath all wide eyed, watching Raven cook in their kitchen with her hair tied back and wearing a housewife's apron. They nearly sprang on the food she was still making before they were glared at by Raven, who somehow flipped a pancake menacingly. Seeing the look in her eye, they looked away and acted innocently while sitting down.

"H..Hey is it me or does the General give out crazy 'Housewife' vibes..?" Wave whispered to Kurome.

"Oh? What's this, Wave? Are you thinking of trying to court my future wife?" Esdeath placed a hand on his right shoulder and 'smiled' at him.

"Uh.. n-no I like Kur-" Wave was about to admit something when a sudden wave of heat diffused the cold he was feeling.

"Hm..? Wave? Who did you say you liked? I heard 'Kur-' but surely you couldn't be talking about my far too young for love daughter? Right?" Raven glared at him with all the vitriol she could muster, going from 'lovely housewife' to 'overprotective daddy' in a second.

"I..Isn't she fifteen..?" Wave tried to counter, earning him Raven's ire.

"Oh, yes she is! Very good, Wave! Now.. how old are you? And don't lie to me" Raven asked, chopping the vegetables harder and harder while glaring at Wave.

"Twenty... I.. er..? It's just a five year diff-" He was interrupted again when Raven walked over with Breakfast.

Though on Wave's plate, there was an omlette with over a dozen kinds of spicy ingredients. All arranged neatly on top to say 'Fuck off' but nobody but him and Esdeath noticed this.

Akame and Kurome were too busy stuffing their faces with food to care. Run and Bols were impressed, with one of them writing down the names and ingredients of each dish to cook for his family later. Esdeath didn't even pay attention to him after seeing the message/threat. She was too busy enjoying the food and display of Raven with a flushed face.

"What's wrong, Wave? You want to date my YOUNG daughter? Don't tell me some measly spices can stop you? Hah? And you think you're man enough for Kurome?" Raven muttered as she ate right next to wave and leaned uncomfortably close to him.

Something Esdeath took as a challenge and glared at Wave too while muttering herself.

"Oh you think you're so special getting Raven to lean on you and whisper sweet nothings to you like that.." Esdeath enviously muttered, snapping the metal fork in her hand.

There was just was word that could accurately depict Wave's feelings right now.


~This... is not how I imagined being sandwiched between two beautiful mature women would feel like..~ He slowly started to eat while not making any sounds of displeasure from the sheer spiciness of his food.

After the awkward and (for a certain someone), terrifying breakfast, Raven took Akame and Kurome out onto a balcony of the Palace. They were looking down on the Capital, which was steadily beginning to look better.

After a tense minute of silence, Raven turned to them to break the news after looking down at the city.

"I have something to tell you girls. It's not easy and I'd prefer you keep your questions until the end" Raven watched as both sisters nodded seriously.

"Thank you. First off... I'm not, in fact, your birth Mother. I admitted I was because it seemed as if you both needed someone. I wanted to bring you two back together and take you out of this Hell. I lied to you and I'm sorry.." Raven lowered her head apologetically and waited in another tense silence.

She felt two sets of arms wrap around her after twenty seconds of silence and held her breath as Akame spoke softly.

"You're our Mom still... It doesn't matter who birthed us. A man in white came and explained things to us a few days ago. Kurome and I decided.. if you were going to be upfront with all this then you deserve to be our Mom. By birth or not, we've already somewhat accepted it. We know what you did for us but please don't lie to us like that again.." Akame finished while wiping her face with her sleeve.

"Mn. You're still Mom in our books. That weird man also said to ask you about where you're going after this? You're not leaving us, are you?" Raven could hear the fear in her voice as she asked.

"No.." Raven stood up and looked at their worried expressions before wiping them gently.

"The other thing I wanted to talk about is the fact that I'm leaving. I came from another world. I was sent here to get power but I suppose I'm just too nosey. I couldn't leave the Empire alone. I couldn't leave you two alone either. You deserve a better life than the one you got here. I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me. You'd be leaving everything behind here so think carefully, okay?" Raven watched their expressions change from thankful, awe, acceptance and finally, consideration.

"Do we get to say goodbye to everyone..?" Akame asked, thinking about her friends in Night Raid.

"I don't have to leave for two days" Raven admitted, seeing them both decide internally.

"Can you tell us about your world? Your family?" Kurome leaned in beside Raven.

"Well I have a birth Daughter named Yang, a drunk Brother named Qrow, an ex-husband named Tai, a best friend named Summer and a lover named Salem" Raven then spent the next two hours talking about Remnant and the people she knew there.

Though Akame and Kurome took special interest in Yang and Ruby, who Raven considered her daughters. Akame was excited to gain two more little sisters while Kurome was finally going to be a big sister. While they were thinking about what they'll do once they go with Raven, Esdeath walked over to them quickly and grabbed Raven's shoulders.

"And you were going to.. what? Leave me here? Bored and alone?" Esdeath grit her teeth and glared at Raven indignantly.

"Ah.. I didn't.." Raven looked like a deer in headlights as she came to the realization that Esdeath had been listening to her conversation.

"I don't even know if I could bring you along and.. why? You'd never be able to return, Esdeath" Esdeath sighed at her confusion.

"Why? You know why I'd want to come with you already. And besides, I have no friends here. I'd likely just get in the way of peace as well. Take responsibility for changing me will you?" Esdeath finished with a smirk.

"Haaa.. Okay.. But how exactly am I supposed to bring you along? The deal was Akame and Kurome. I don't even know if Kimblee will-" Raven deflated as she felt a familiar presence.

Kimblee cleared his throat loudly, having appeared beside them while leaning on the balcony railing.

"Didn't you give her three wishes, Raven? It'd be awfully rude to just ditch her without having those wishes granted you know?" Kimblee chortled at Raven's exasperated expression.

"Who is this?" Esdeath asked Raven, stepping in between them.

"He's my ride back home, I guess you could say" Raven sighed.

"Then you're taking me too, Beloved" Esdeath smiled back at her.

"You're allowing this..?" Raven asked Kimblee, though she already knew the answer.

"Well of course! Who am I to deny a pure Maiden's first love? I'm not that heartless" Kimblee shrugged casually as Akame and Kurome held Raven back from trying to punch him.

"He's quite wise, Raven" Esdeath happily nodded to herself.

"More like Wise-ass... Okay, fine. This is going to be a disaster.." Raven muttered as she imagined what kind of attention a battle maniac like Esdeath will receive back on Remnant.

~Will I be okay..? I will, right? Salem's going to be mad.. I just know it..~