Once Raven made her way back, she heard a loud 'CRASH' sound. Yang's hair was glowing and she was trying to beat up Qrow. He was dodging her but the house was getting damaged in the process. Akame, Kurome, Summer, Tai and even Ruby was trying to stop her rampage but it was proving difficult. She was like a freight train.
"Hey! What is going on!?" Raven yelled, getting them to stop and look at her as Yang scored a punch to her Uncle's gut.
"Haah! He messed up.. my hair!" Yang pointed at her head, right at the cowlick on top of her head.
"Ooough... she's never been triggered so easily.." Qrow winced as he got up, none too worse for wear.
"Er.. Mother, I believe it has to do with your bestowal. Yang always had some anger issues due to her semblance" Akame commented as Kurome and her looked at the simmering Yang.
"Actually, Rae... why give Yang wrath at all? And why give ME lust!?" Summer grabbed Raven's shoulders, demanding answers.
"Thank you for that, actually.." Tai whispered.
"Calm down.. I had to do something to protect you from the God's corruption. That, and the associated powers that come with it will make you stronger. Yang's flames enhanced, Ruby's aura devouring energies, Tai's ability to steal techniques, Akame's ability to subjugate Murasame and evolve further with it, Kurome's ability to integrate traits she desires and Summer's ability to achieve better results in whatever she does according to how much she desires it. It's all to help you" Raven explained while gently removing Summer's hands off her.
"But why am I LUST though!?" Summer asked again.
"S..o you can make better things with your lust for cool weapons and-" Raven was cut off as Summer got up close.
"Rae. The real reason.." Summer asked again, smiling.
"...I didn't want to give it to the kids" Raven admitted as she turned away.
"Not in front of the kids, Sum!" Qrow yelled as Tai couldn't help a grin on his face from growing.
"If I gave it to Tai... You'd already be pregnant or he'd be locked in a damn bathroom for the entire day. He's the last person I'd give it to.." Raven sighed as they let go of Summer.
"Eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww...." Yang, having calmed down, was gagging while Ruby's ears were blocked by Akame.
"Fine... I can accept that.. But Tai..?" Summer turned to her husband.
"Y..es?" Tai, a little taken back by her expression responded.
"No sleep tonight. I swear to god if you pass out on me I'll go down on Rae, I don't care!" Summer 'threatened'.
"EWW!! EWW!!" Yang paled as Tai furiously nodded.
"Actually.. I'd hate to make your threat empty but I want to take Yang out with me to train in another world. One that fits her level but can sufficiently push her. I'll help train her control too, of course" Raven responded, smirking at Qrow's sour expression at Summer's threat.
"Really!? Hell yeah!!" Yang exclaimed while pumping her fist.
"As long as you're with her, Raven. What about your duties with the White Fang?" Tai asked.
"Things have been looking better for Kali and Ghira actually. As much as I like visiting Blake, the job's quickly becoming unnecessary as Faunus acceptance starts to become the norm. Though I do wonder what Blake will do.. She said she wanted to be like me but huntsmen and huntresses won't be all that in demand after everything. Hm.. maybe police?" Raven finished with a guess.
"Why don't you take her and the others with you to that shared dimension you were talking about? I'm sure they could socialize there and decide if they want to pursue that path still" Summer added.
"Maybe.. I know Neo has a bunch of altermate Remnant people there. It'd probably annoy her so it sounds fun" Raven smirked to herself.
"Good.. someone else can take the brunt of your cruelty" Qrow muttered.
"Don't even act like you don't start shit first" Raven glared at her twin.
"So when are we going!?" Yang asked, grabbing Raven's sleeve.
"We can go after you pack the essentials. Clothes, toothbrush.." Raven chuckled as Yang immediately took off.
"She's rather excited.." Qrow spoke, taking a drink from his flask.
"It's her first trip with Rae that doesn't involve other kids" Summer responded, grabbing his flask and finishing the rest.
"It is, isn't it..? I thought she'd want to hang out with Blake when I took her to Menagerie.. They got strangely competitive though" Raven mused, hearing Tai and Summer sigh.
"Blake sounds like Yang in that particular way.. You're quite hard to live up to, Rae. Even we've fallen behind. You were stronger than Qrow before all this but now..?" Summer pointed out as Qrow grumbled.
"Yang is still growing up. Physically and emotionally. I know for a fact that she'll be a better person than me in both aspects. She doesn't ever have to worry about living up to me. I'm already proud of how far she's come" Raven replied, seeing Summer rubbing her face.
"That's so sweet.." Summer cooed as Yang ran out with a bag and a smile.
"Ready, Mom!" Yang exclaimed as Raven rubbed the top of her hair and opened a rift.
"Good. Come on, Yang. Stay close. See you all later" Raven waved them off and walked into the rift with a happy Yang beside her.
"Does it have robots? Or magic?" Yang asked as they appeared in a slum.
Raven furrowed her brow and looked around. Japanese people were all around, selling their wares. They were all by a waterfront too. Raven smelled the sea and put her hand on Yang's shoulder as they walked out of an alley.
"Not sure.. It looks pretty modern, actually" Raven replied as they walked out and saw the inner area of Tokyo submerged in water. Tokyo tower being on an island with taller buildings poking out of the water's surface. The slums were all built around the waterfront and the former residents who lived within five kilometers of Tokyo tower were living there.
~So what happened here..? And it's strange, being in Japan after everything. Even stranger is how they live like this..~ Raven looked around at the poor area and clicked her tongue.
"Huh... it's kinda like Vale, isn't it?" Yang said, noticing the eyes on them.
Mostly due to Raven for her unique appearance and tattoo on her chest. Though there were eyes on Yang, too. For her beach blonde hair and lilac eyes. Raven urged her along and started to walk the busy streets of the slums. Raven pulled Yang away from a woman who was purposefully trying to bump into her.
"Tch.. hyenas.." Raven scowled as Yang raised her brow.
"Hah? What? What happened?" Yang asked innocently.
"Someone tried to pickpocket you and.. Son of a.." Raven saw the same woman steal from a little girl's bag before walking away.
"Did she just.." Yang growled and tried to walk after the woman but Raven pulled her back and shook her head.
"It's not worth it. Though we should see if the little one needs help" Raven told her while walking over to the little girl who stopped at a ticket booth.
"Excuse us, little girl?" Yang greeted first, waving at the little girl, who turned to them.
"Huh..? Yes..?" The girl answered, seemingly distrustful.
"We noticed that woman you ran into earlier took something out of your bag. Do you need some help?" Raven leaned down and asked with a small smile.
"Huh!?" The girl started checking her bag, pulling out an empty pouch with a pout.
"Aww my ticket fare was in here.. What do I do..?" The little girl asked as she looked over to Tokyo Tower.
"No worries! We can probably help.. right?" Yang asked, both looking at Raven.
~Ah damn.. I don't have any Yen. Not like I strictly need it to take her there though..~ Raven rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed.
"Yeah.. Why do you need to go there though?" Raven asked and the little girl got happier as she strutted up to Raven.
"It's where I'm supposed to meet my Mom whenever we get separated! I.. um.. lost her a little while ago and I need to find her!" The little girl emphasized.
"Well alright. I hope you don't mind us waiting with you then? I'm Raven, this is my daughter, Yang" Raven started walking, looking for a more secluded spot.
"Nice to meet you! I'm Rihoko Amaha" Rihoko returned the greeting politely.
"Wow, aren't you the polite one? How old are you?" Yang asked, smiling at the girl half her height.
"Oh I'm seven!" Rihoko responded, clearly flooring the Mother and Daughter.
"I've never met a seven year old quite as well-spoken as you, Rihoko" Raven said as Yang nodded in agreement.
"Well I'm a quick learner! My Mom taught me a lot of things!" Rihoko replied proudly.
"She sounds like a wonderful Mother" Raven smiled and picked both Rihoko and Yang up under her arms.
"Um.. why did you pick me up? Aren't we taking a boat?" Rihoko asked, looking up at Raven.
"Haha! No, you're gonna see something really cool though" Yang gave her a thumbs up and said.
Raven kicked off the ground and jumped a long distance over the water. Rihoko was shocked as they seemingly flew over the clear blue waters. Raven landed on a sunken building and leaped off that too, making the way over as smooth as she could.
"Wow!! How are you doing this!?" Rihoko asked, seeing a slight smile on Raven's face.
"My Mom's pretty cool too" Yang puffed up her chest in pride.
"She can fly!!" Rihoko yelled in glee before Raven made a soft landing, using her Divine aura to cushion the impact.
"I just jumped there, sadly. Though I can turn into a bird" Raven replied, seeing stars in Rihoko's eyes as they walked over and sat on the stairs outside the tower.
"What else can you do!?" Rihoko asked excitedly.
"Nothing else very... pleasant" Raven scratched her cheek and admitted.
The next few hours came and they spent the time talking to Rihoko about her Mother, what they've been through and Rihoko's skills. Turns out, she was far more Motherly than her Mom. It was kind of funny but also a bit sad. Her Mother couldn't stay in the housing the government provided for her and Rihoko so they had to run. They came to Tokyo, to start fresh and try to live a better life. But the authorities tracked them down and took Rihoko, who escaped from their custody to find her Mother.
It was a story Raven could sympathize with. If she were alone and only had Yang, nothing would pry Yang from her. It unfortunately became late and Rihoko was on Raven's lap with Yang snuggled in beside her. Right as Raven was about to call it there and find a place to stay the night with Rihoko, she heard a helicopter. A spotlight shone down on them and she raised her guard instinctively.
Rihoko got up and smiled as she saw a woman open the helicopter door.
"RIKOOOO!" The woman yelled as a man tried to get her back in.
"Mooom!!" Rihoko opened her arms as Yang got up, confused.
"RIKOOO!!" The woman jumped out of the helicopter over fifteen feet.
Raven saw this and sighed as she got up and caught the woman in her arms. Surprised at how effortlessly she had been caught, she looked at Raven and started to thank her before she noticed her eyes. Something inside her stirred due to the proximity between her and Raven. The odd eyes and the feeling the two got from each other, there was one shared feeling between them both.
~She's dangerous~