chapter xxix

a meeting and what happen last time

it was a Sunday morning, and at the Nevada place, Viktor is wandering. " we won our match, I don't care that NCw is a family arena, you still got unmarried dogs who want to miss our family life, I still don't want my wife, daughters, even daughters-in-law there! Hunter feels the same. I not going I stand, you going to try to mess with my family or Hunters you are going to get your little feelings hurt. said, Viktor, " Reno okay we will stay out of the stadium, they probably going to congrats you boys for holding on to the titles, said. Kari, " if not they stripe the belts fro, I will rip up my contract, never wrestle again, and screw every sing wrestling arenas flavors to their ^$$holes because they are not talented, unskilled, flat out can't wrestle! snapped, Viktor. Kari looked at him, " I love you, I would fight the world for you Mrs. Nevada, no man will ever touch or disrespect you, lord knows I will never cross that line, they kissed each other, and he picked her up, " don't you have to go? asked. Kari. "later I was about to plunge my wife, " okay that is a mood killer Reno, said. Kari, " no for me, said. Viktor, Viktor, and Kari started to make love to each other on the kitchen floor, few minutes pass, and they are done, they were getting dressed, " Reno, no matter what happens we are with you, he hugged her. " I nothing without you, I will be back. " hey it is okay, he kissed her, and said, " I know if not we putting the boys in another stadium, and stepping out and working full time at the studio, " you sure you can live without the ring of the ring/ "I may not be the king of the ring which doesn't matter, I am already the king babe, He walked out and left, they both pulled up at the same time, and walked in, " you want to see us, " yes glad you hold on to them, they said you attack them, and that is not what we are bout, said. Mr. Rancher, " what is thatyour wife they tryingto flirt with, I don't know what you doubt you do not mess with who is mines my family is off-limets, and crying to the GM to get you're a title match instead earning it, or when you not man enough to take a tail kick why messing with a married man wife and kids! said. Hunter, " exactly, you say we are a family stadium, really you have unmarried wrestlers men and women, some are married, you need to stop playing favorites to them and tell them either get married, leave our families alone, start being a family wrestling arena, I not going to have them here if dogs like them going target my family life Ranchers! Wrestler !# and his wife walked in, " I agree with them they did the same thing to meet Ranchers, you need to get rid of them or tell them to find a single wrestling arena if they don't want to get married, said. Wrestle 1#, those that are married are reporting that ones who are single have been flirting with their husbands and wives and that they need to go now!" if you not going to do your job, thanks to you just lost Nevadas, I put my boys somewhere else, I quick all together wrestling, that be on your shoulders since your wife and mines know each other, you can find another fit gym for your injured too! snapped, Viktor. " I dead first before someone like them come after my wife and daughters do you get that between your peanut size brain!" everyone calms down, we are we will handle this, I will state out to those without wives and husbands, myself, you did right all of you standing by defending your families, why you even talking to them, Tag team 7# target Kari and Beth singlely, just like they target viktor and hunter, we do not do favortize here, nCW is family arena meaning our wrestlers has wives and kids, our female wrestlers has husbands and kids, she cut on the innercom, [ this is Samantha Rancher, you want a title shot you have to earn not ask for it the tag title match yesterday is void, Mr. rancher will be no longer signing matches, I will to get a title shot paper view event get your steaks up to 500, then we see about, those aresingle and been told to either find a husband or wife to stay haven't disobey your contracts be terminated, if you ever target another women or man wife orhusband you never wrestle in this city again, clear lockers and leave,] said. Samantha, " John do a better job as a Gm no more favoritism or scolding those who defend their families, put yourself in their place, " sorry sweetheart I will, Viktor and Hunter I'm sorry for everything, please don't quit or take your sons out, Hunter I hope you stay. said. John, " I think about it, you tripping, you lucky you get that much! Viktor walked out and left, " I too will think about it, you're lucky you get that! Hunter walked out and left, Viktor pulled into the gates and up the house, he got out of the car and walked in the house, his sons walked up to him, Vance, Volance, Vandor, Vinatone, Volume, Venton, and Veggo. " what the new dad, mom told us that you and uncle Hunter got called on about last night, said. Vance, " what's up with the Ranchers man they tripping. asked. Volance, " or picking favorites all of sudden, said. Vandor, " I say it him, he on the side of the unmarried, maybe because he want to be unmarried himself, said. Vinatone, " he needs takeup with his wife not take that out on dad and uncle Hunter, said. Volume, " word Vol, said. Venton. " what are we going to do dad? asked, Veggo. "