chapter xxx

" we all need to get away"

They all in the living room, they can see how stressed, and tense Viktor, is. " we are working to hard, today the Nevada is leaving Seattle for a few, day way from wrestling, we can run the studios from the Hotlink network tablets, babe? said. Viktor, " I think that great idea, what you wall think, Vance, Volance, Vandor, Vinatone, Volume, Venton, Veggo, Viktora, Vonnie, Vickie, Vivian, Vollie, Vanessa, and Vixen? we just hit cities a Month, call it the Nevada get away, said. Kari, " I was wandering when we going on an a get away, when we are going dad and mom? asked. Vance, " now bring what you taking and bag down here to us, I guess we going to money on the card, for gas, hotel, and food. said, Viktor, "I tell them no matches for this week, "along with your hair, favorites, and bath stuff, we be gone a whole week, how much you want on the card Reno? they smiled, " can we pick where we can go to mom and dad? asked, Viktora," yes, do you guys want to drive or ride? asked, Vitor, " come on dad we want to do the Nevada line, said. Volance, " the line it is, go bring what you taking for a month, do not forget your Hotlinks and Hot-network tablets, said. Kari, they went to get what they had taken for a month, Viktor called the arena and tell Samantha, but he still thought they we gone for a month to get some air. they bring everything down to their mother, she bags their bags. ' Vance and Viktor hair spray, and razor and shaving cream, where your underwear Vance? asked. Kari, they ran back upstairs, " Volance your favorite shirts, and body wash son, Vonnie bras, girls you starting to take after your brothers, Reno now I know where my children get this from, your favorite shirt and shorts, and hygiene stuff, they get this from you, " no they don't I don't know where they get leaving what they need behind, make it a lot babe, we going traveling cross-country, he walked upstairs, " Vandor socks and the same for you to Vicki, Vinatone deorderant, Vollie hair gel, Voluume toothbrush and toothpaste, and Vivian favorite pants, Venton moose, and Vanessa hair spray, and Veggo son where is your clothes at? Vixen panties said. Kari, " mom, " I know son, they washed in the dryer, he kissed her and went to get them, after she finished packing their bags, and double mount put the card, they walked out and locked the door, "where are we going first kids, asked. Kari, they talk and agreed, "Florida, they said. " we go straight to get on the highway, and once we hit the Florida freeway, we pull up at stop A. the gas station to fuel up, after we get the exchange 34A heading to the state of Florida, once we get there we look for a restaurant and a hotel, any question? asked, Viktor. they got in the cars and left the house pulling out of the gates and driving up the road. " [ like before let them if you have butt line tell us, and we pull over to let them over,] said. Kari, " [and let them get in front. ] thy are out of Seattle and head down the highway to Florida, "[Kari baby you guys at home or work?] asked, Su. "[family day we are heading out of town on cottage across-travel, Mr. Nevada is stressed to unstressed the king, the princes and princesses, and the queen decide no wrestle and get out of Seattle for a month, said. Kari, a gas station 4 miles up, "[gas station coming up,] said. Viktor, they got over in the turn lane, "[hi, Viktor I heard you had a rough day at work,] they pulled into the gas station, they got out of the cars and pump gas in their cars, "[yeah, need a month off of work and month with my family,] said. Viktor, "[the thirteen v of power, if you got to go to the bathroom now is the time before we get on the road,] she slap his butt, " that goes for you to Reno, " yes mom, they walked into the store went to the bathroom, "[nothing wrong with that where you all heading ongoing?] Henry and Savannah knock on the door, Tom answered it, "hey son come on in, said. Tom, they walked out of the store, in getting in their cars, and got back on the road, "[ we are in Florida right now, what do you guys want to do here first,] asked. Viktor, " [theme park!] everyone said. "[ theme park it is, then we head to a hotel for the night, which everyone gets their own room.] said, Kari."[ seven TVs off, we have dinner in our room, first,] said. Viktor, they stopped at a red light, they walked into the living room, " [ have fun, call us when you get to the next destination, ] said. Su, "[we will grandma, we talk to you later, } the light turn green and the drive up the street, they are now in Florida, they turn into an amusement park, and park their cars, " hey, didn't see you came here, I do not want to hear you cry today

savannah, " mom we love here too, we love all of them, said.Henry, " Henry you wouldn't give her the money to leave or start out, you in fact got p^st when she didn't want that piece of a crap hole in the wall of your grandfather, h^ll I did want you to haveyou want it you thought that you can make it something, you cast her out, now you uppity in the air find out that she ismarried totheman sheloves have kids by him, you want robe involved you haven't earned that right to call you grandfather of father-in-law because you haven't yet prove to her you her father that goes for you to Savannah, you both let Park do anything and do what he wants, now you want to be stern with him now, yes he garages thanks to you, you baby him, you spoil him, you put him first, isthat fiar to Kari, no you do have or earn the right to be grandparents, you both are sorry excuse of crap, she doesn't want you in here life and she has very right to feelor say that,so go back to the one you stand by and support, the one who ever leave you or disappoint you, said. Su, " iwo, I would like to get to know my daughter and be there, " Savannah Viktor is doing that, he standing by her, supporting her, be therefor her, henot going to stop being her husband so you act likeyou care and lovethem so you can get back in the kids lives, no don't try that fake crap with me, Tom told her, " go get close to parker your baby boy, he gave you a daughter-in-law and grandson, yes you have a daughter you never loved because she was different and had a dream, you have a son-in-law that put on a front like he likeyou justforher, and you have grandsons and granddaughters you missing growing up, all because of you lack interested and care about, go home and livewith what you did, and get over it. said, Su. they left, Tom shook hishead at them,