
"What are you looking for, exactly?"

Ais questioned me and I started thinking. Sure, I wanted armour, but... yeah.

"Im looking for something light but sturdy for my left hand, preferably covering the back of my hand the forearm bicep and shoulder. On the right hand, I need my forearm and back of the palm covered."

She nodded and avoided running into a child. We were currently walking toward a tall tower where according to Ais, blacksmiths were selling their work.

"So... How much does an average set of armour cost?"

she lowered her head, seemingly in thought before answering.

"Depending on where you're looking, you can get anywhere from 5000 to 50000, but if you're looking for something enchanted or from high-end material, the prices start from millions."

Ah... That was good to know.

The silence descended once more between us, only this time, the footsteps blended in with the bustling street.


After reaching our destination, Ais took me, to what seemed like, an underground black market, but in reality, it was a place for newer smiths to sell their items.

She entered a room that was displaying a lot of armour of all sizes. Some were double my size while some looked like it could only fit a child.

"If it isn't the sword Princess! Does Finn need another set of armour? Or does Bete need a replacement plate for his enchanted leg armour?"

A large man wore a brown shirt with short sleeves that showed off his heady forearms, with grey hair and brown eyes, looked down on the two of us while chuckling... pretty loudly.

"No... Giyu has an order to place."

She motioned towards me and his brown eyes glided over to me and his bushy eyebrow raised.

"Oh? Well then, I always welcome a new customer, now tell me, lad, what do you need?"

And so, I started telling the man what I needed. At some point, he took out a piece of paper and a pencil for me to sketch the design.

After taking the sketches, he nodded in approval of the design.

"Very well lad, Considering you want these items light and sturdy... Hmm, if you can bring me hard armoured shells, I can make you sturdy armour and it will cut down the cost to... And you should just ditch the upper arm guard, you won't be able to support the katana with the other hand freely."

I started thinking, armoured shells, they were drops from Hard Armored, Their shells are hard while their insides are soft. they have the highest defence on the upper floors, so the level one's cant beat them one on one.

And my Sun Breathing would just burn any drops that may drop... Well, looks like I need to develop some water breathing...

"Very well, could you make me the armour with the leather you have, I will need some armour to go down lower. Also, can you add a chest plate that doesn't restrict arm movements? Also... Make them blue."

The man chuckled and nodded.

"Alright, lad, Just come back to me in a week, I need some time with the chest plate... And I need your measurements before we talk price."

I nodded and followed him into the back, leaving Ais behind.

"Lad, how long have you been an adventurer?"

He asked while taking the measuring tape out of a box.

"A week."

If he was surprised, he didn't show it. I raised my hand for him to measure my forearm and he encircled it with the tape.

"And how long have you been in the dungeon?"

...Here we go.

"A couple of hours per day."


"...How far did you go?"

"...Floor four..."

Plus two.

"Well, I see why you would need armour, must have had close calls with those Kobolds and Goblins tend to surprise you with their sneak attacks and hordes."

I held my arms out to the side for him to measure my torso.


He backed off and wrote something on the paper.

"Okay, come back in a week, everything will be ready by then."

I nodded and headed back to the exit... Only to see someone flirting with Ais, while she just ignored him.

Walking up to the two I looked at my companion for a second, then at the guy that looked like he was in his twenties... This guy is a pedo.


After getting rid of the pedo, and by that I mean ignoring him until he left, we reached the twilight manner.

I need to perfect the dance of the fire god, so I need a clearing that... doesn't burn... and has enough space for a fire dragon.

"Is there a fire resistant clearing in the manner?"

Ais stopped, looked at me, shrugged and continued walking.

Well, that's the best ill get from her.

"Ais-tan! Your back!"

Loki jumped at Ais, trying to hug her, but she missed when the blonde haired swordswoman dodged to the side.

"Ais-tan! That was mean! What did he tell you to hate me?!"

...This is my life now...

"Is there a fire resistant clearing in the manner?"

Deciding that the best way to get what I wanted was to ask the owner.

"...Why would you need a Fire resistant... clearing..."

So we had one.

Loki sighed and motioned me to follow her while Ais walked off to somewhere.

"Seriously, you were in the dungeon for a week, came back, and want to train some more? seriously, I just had to pick up a training maniac, what are you going to do in there anyway?"

...Well that's a good question, isn't it, I can't tell her that im practicing something that was meant to kill the strongest demon in existence.

"I will dance."



Loki groaned as she led me to the training room.

"This is a room used mainly for attack magic testing, so there will be occasional mages in there, but it is mostly free. If you wanted to dance, couldn't you do it outside?"

I remained silent until we reached a giant door... in the basement... I swear to god if she was bringing me into her perverted dungeon.


She opened the door to reveal an empty room with a few targets on the wall, the room was large, large enough to fit... I dunno, maybe one giant box that was four times my size?

The height was satisfactory and I had no problems with the space it presented.

"Have fun dancing!"

The goddess closed the door behind her, leaving me all alone... Again.

I walked towards the centre of the room to give myself enough space if I suddenly felt the urge to turn into a pyromaniac and started swinging my sword, going through the stances of the sun breathing.

It was rigid, too stiff, it was like I was getting into poses rather than dancing...

Yeah, this was going to be a long week.

I moved into the fifth form.

-The next day-


My sword came down in a swing and immediately I twisted my body, and did a horizontal slash.

Turning around I thrust my sword forward, transitioning it into a swing.

I moved in a circle, lowering my core to balance myself and jumped, performing a vertical slash, executing the fire wheel.

Twisting my body, I turn around again and slash two times, one vertically and one horizontally.

I started over.

"Hey! Aren't, you done? did you go to sleep at all?"

I ignored the shout and continued through the motions, not wanting to cut off my momentum.

"I think it quite interesting, he's improving each time he repeats the movements."

I ignored Finn as I did two back to back horizontal slashes.

"I still don't get what he's doing..."

"Don't you have something better to do?"

I asked as I moved into the next stance. I have been listening to them for a few hours now, ever since the sun came up.

"Don't you have to take a break?"

She might have a point if it was someone else.

"Don't you have paperwork to finish?"

I knew I won when I heard a groan. A door slammed closed and I was left alone again.

"What are you doing Giyu?"

Or not.

"Im practicing my technique, Ais, what about you?"

She didn't answer and watched me perform the false rainbow. To her, I blurred, to me, I just changed my footwork.

"Im watching you."

Oh really?

-Four days later-

"So you finally stopped?"

I rolled my eyes.

"No, Loki, Im starting over."

I took a breath and swung.

Fire burst out of my sword, surprising the spectators, then followed a horizontal circle of fire.

two slashes, I transitioned to the third form: the burning bones, summer sun. I slashed forward but transitioned it into a thrust, using the slash as a faint.

I jump and twist, creating a spiral of fire in the air.

With a thrust, I sent forward a pillar of flames, I moved forward and a fire dragon formed from my flames, following my movements.

I jumped again and did a front flip, creating a verticle circle. Focusing on my footwork I blur from sight as I create a cross slash in the air.

I looked to my left when I heard a clapping sound.

Ais was clapping... Why was she clapping?

Loki, who pushed paperwork to someone else was looking at me with eyebrows raised to her hairline, the green haired elf, Riveria I think her name is, was stunned into silence.

"...Im done... For now."

"Can we celebrate now?"

Three guesses who that was, the first two don't count.

"No... I need to go check on my equipment, The forearm guards should be done by now, I need time to get used to the grip with them on."

She groaned, again.

"Why are the strong ones always addicted to training?"

"Could you update me, too?"


Level: 1

Strength: D 568

Endurance: C 601

Dexterity: B 719

Agility: B 726

Magic: I 0



Elemental Breathing

Limit Break:

If the user perceives anything as a limit, it shall be broken





I was looking over my stats in the shop I was at five days ago, while the man, whose name I still didn't know, by the way, was getting my armour.

The definition has appeared for the Limit Break and looks like the dance has increased my stats a fair bit... but judging from the fact that I can feel the "Excelia" entering my body, I think that whatever limit was on that is already broken... I can technically level up...

Folding the paper up and looking up, I see the old man walking out of the next room with forearm guards.

The forearm guards included leather gloves and came up to below the elbow while the shoulder guard came down to above the bicep, just like I requested.

Putting them on, I clench and unclench my palm, then unsheathe my katana and swing it a few times, the gloves don't get in the way, even though they look like they should.

Shrugging at the strangeness of it all, I put it in the "Anime Logic" corner of my brain.

"Thanks, the chest plate will be ready in two days, right?"

I ask while tightening the shoulder armour.

"Yeah, those parts are going to cost 25000 and the chest plate will be 15000 once it's done."

I nodded and looked around, I need something better than a giant bag to store the magic tones... Spotting what I need, I walk over and pick up two utility belts that had a bag that could be secured on the leg.

"How much for these?"

The man rose an eyebrow and looked at the belts.

"Ah, those will coat 5000 each."

With a shrug, I took out the money, Strapped both belts on my waist, securing the second set of straps on my thighs.

I did a few squats and moved my legs around to see if it restricted my movements, thankfully it didn't.

Now... Let's see what the lower floors hold for me, shall we?