Taking a deep breath, I slashed downwards decapitating a dog-headed monster named Kobold. These things were easy to defeat and I didn't even need to use any forms, however, they were good testing dummies.
Dance of the fire god: Flame dance.
The Goblin in front of me was cut into four parts and started turning into smoke, leaving behind a purple stone.
A magic stone.
...It was tiny. With a sigh, I just picked it up and pocketed it.
There are four monsters until floor six, Kobold, Goblin, Jack Bird and a Dungeon Lizard.
Jack bird was a rooster like monster that spawned very rarely, its high speed and senses allow it to avoid adventurers easily and it has a guaranteed drop of a rare item that can be sold for 1,000,000.
With a small shrug at my circumstances, I start walking toward the second floor... it was going to be a long walk.
"...Well, time to grind."
-The next day, Loki's POV-
"He's been gone since yesterday, why don't we send a search party for him, as far as we know, he didn't take any supplies."
Finn, a short, blonde haired boy that was forty years old, asked with crossed arms.
Loki remained silent, She was warned about this, he warned her that he might disappear and reappear at his own leisure during his free reign over dungeon dives.
"I made a deal with him, but that doesn't mean I don't worry."
A goblin was decapitated. The magic stone was picked up with a flat side of the bale and caught in the middle of the air.
"A... Deal?"
Ais, a sixteen-year-old human girl with blonde hair and golden eyes, wearing a one-piece white dress with blue outlines that revealed her back, asked while tilting her head.
I had to try hard not to squeal, she was so adorable when confused.
"Yes, his offer was interesting, to say the least."
Two slashes, followed by fire, landed on two lizards splitting them in half horizontally.
With the twist of his body, the figure blurred and three goblins were swallowed by a fire pillar.
Five magic stones were left to be picked up after the battle.
"What could a weakling like him offer you anyway?"
Bete asked from the couch as he bit down on some dried meat.
I could only chuckle at that, to him, everyone was a weakling.
"Well, he asked for a year of freedom in the dungeon."
That got curious eyebrow raises from the others.
It was quite normal, even I would be confused if it didn't happen to me.
"Why would he ask that?"
The question was asked by the green haired high elf, the book in her lap momentarily forgotten.
"Well... He said that in a year, I would have a new level four or five members."
Their dumbfounded looks were going to have a special place in her memories.
Bete was the first one to react, by bursting out laughing.
"Like that weakling could level up to four so soon! Ais got to level five after working her ass off for nine years and he wants to do it in a year?! Man, he has one hell of a sense of humour!"
I just smiled at that statement.
The group of adventurers watched as a figure, surrounded by dark humanoid monsters with three claws on each of their old arms, swung his sword horizontally, unleashing a burst of flames and splitting the monsters in half.
"Well, we will find out when he comes back for an update. But for now, it's getting late, We all need some rest, Im pretty sure Giyu will be back in the next few days, he will need the rest too, after all."
Bete just huffed and got to his feet, walking out of the room without any care.
Others soon followed and I was left alone in the room. I sighed and stood up, silently walking over to an open window.
"He will be back tomorrow, due to running out of supplies, every adventurer needs food and water, exhaustion will be problematic to deal with too... He will have no choice but to come back unless he died."
With a sigh, I close the window and start heading to my bedroom.
I wonder what he's doing right now...
-Giyu POV-
"...You wouldn't happen to have an extra backpack, would you?"
The party of five stared at me weirdly, it was understandable, with me using my Haori as a bag... It has only been a day since I entered the dungeon and floor six was challenging, not because of the strength of the monsters, but because of the sheer amount of them.
The war shadows in particular were hard to find unless I eliminated the area with flames.
"U-Uh, yeah, we ran out of supplies and were planning on going back up and the bag is empty, it's the least we could do after you saved our lives."
Who I assumed to be the leader said with a slight stutter in his voice and handed him an empty bag. It was large enough to hold four times what he could with his Haori. It was sufficient.
"Thank you... I have killed the monsters towards the exit, but the dungeon may have spawned more so, be careful."
They nodded and turned to leave, I was about to turn around to pick up the stones when I saw the leader turn back to face me and wave before turning back around to catch up to the group.
I stared at them for a second, shrugged and started picking up the magic stones.
Well, off to find another adventure...
A slight movement caught his eye.
Or the adventure could find me.
I gripped my katana again.
-Two days later, Loki's POV-
"He's still not back!"
I whined, yes, the goddess of trickery could whine when she wanted to, sue me!
"Well, He may have found a party that could have shared supplies with him..."
Fin tried to appease me but failed miserably.
-Three days later-
"Okay, I know I said we had a deal, but now im worried..."
I paced back and forth. Sure Giyu might be a new child, but he is my child! The second he received that blessing, he became my responsibility.
"You want me to go down there?"
Ah Ais-boo, I can't! If you go the deal is broken and he can technically leave the moment he wants, and I want to know what that skill "Limit Break" can do.
It can mean anything! Can he break the limit of stat rank? bridging the gap between levels? Can he break the limit of his body? Developing his strength more than his other stats? Can break the stat development limit? There is a reason why it takes so long to level up, it's not because the monsters give little Excelia, the body just limits its intake
"Elemental Breathing" Was very interesting as well, even though he didn't tell me what it could do.
"No... We wait."
I looked at Bete and Finn sparring, this was a usual thing, humanoid monsters were regular on the lower floors.
Tione, one of the female amazons, looked over at me and opened her mouth to say something but no sound left her as she closed it again and stared at something behind me.
Raising an eyebrow, I look back, only to see an emotionless face...
"...Im back."
-Giyu POV-
Why are they looking at me weird?
Loki shouted out, pointing an accusatory finger at my nose. I looked at it for a second before looking back at her.
"Yes, me."
She glared.
"I almost started thinking that you died!"
"...Uh, Surprise?"
She deadpanned at me, seriously, what was the problem? I did warn her that I would be gone a couple of days at a time.
"Yeah, surprise. So what did you do for the past week?"
I grabbed the backpack and took it off my back, placing it in front of me with a thud.
Loki raised an eyebrow and crouched down in front of it.
"Where did you get this? You didn't have this when leaving."
I just shrugged my shoulders while watching her fumble with the straps.
"I saved a few people from a horde and since my makeshift bag was full, I asked if they had a spare bag..."
She finally managed to unstrap it but looked at me before opening it.
"They just gave it to you?"
I shrugged. By now, everyone, even Bete was close enough to see what was inside my bag, most likely interested in what I brought back.
Loki opened the bag, looked inside, closed it, opened it again and openly Gaped.
"Th-These are War shadow claws..."
I shrugged again and reached into my pockets, taking out a good sized pouch, I reached into my other pocket and took out the second pouch.
"I also got about 800,000 when exchanging my magic stones."
Loki's jaw dropped. What was wrong with these people?
"H-how many stones did you get?"
I looked up, There were a lot of monsters that I came across until I reached the seventh floor...
"I stopped counting after a hundred and forty-three...So... I stopped counting after the second day."
...I feel like im not normal right now.
There it is.
"-What do you mean the second day? How many did you kill?"
I just told you that I stopped counting.
"Dunno, anyway I need an update, so, I came back, can you update me?"
We moved inside the twilight manner and headed towards Loki's room, the mutt and the others were following us but I don't mind.
As soon as we entered the goddess looked at me with the most serious face she could muster and said something that I was prepared for.
I could feel the other's gazes on me, waiting for my reaction.
I started taking off my Haori, My shirt and my undershirt. I made eye contact with her smirking face and grabbed my belt. Her eyes widened, watching me unbuckle my belt and grab the sides of my pants.
"Okay, okay, the top is enough, I don't need Ais-boo to have mental scars..."
I heard the chuckles coming from the midget and the mutt but I was unfazed.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
I shrugged and laid face down on the bed, waiting for her to do the ritual.
I remained silent as a soft blue glow appeared from my back. A gasp was heard by the person on my back and this time, my sigh was audible.
The light dimmed and I felt a paper placed on my back, a finger gliding along the paper and then taken off.
I stood up and extended a hand for her to give it to me, she just stared at it for a second before giving it to me.
Level: 1
Strength: E 487
Endurance: D 502
Dexterity: F 398
Agility: F 378
Magic: I 0
Elemental Breathing
Limit Break
"I need to train my speed huh?"
I felt a tap on the back of my head and turned towards my Goddess.
"You just came out of the dungeon and you want to train?! What were you even eating while inside? Aren't you Tired? Go rest!"
I rolled my eyes and stood up, picking up my clothes.
"...I need armour for my left arm and right forearm, can anyone point me to a smith?"
"Don't ignore me!"
The blonde haired girl with golden eyes, Ais, raised her hand and I nodded to her. She turned and walked out of the room and I followed her.
"Hey! Don't do something weird to Ais-boo! Shes my Gir-"
I closed the door behind me and caught up to her.
We walked in relative silence with only the sound of our feet touching the ground echoing through the corridor.