I kicked away a shadow trying to kill a downed adventurer with cat ears. Tenka charged forward in front of me, holding off a group of shadows. Ren didn't keep him waiting, decapitating the monsters in one swing.
Turning back, I knelt down, inspecting the damage.
His thigh was going to heal, but a part of the bone was gone meaning that he would have trouble walking.
I could see a few unknown adventurers fighting close to our group. they were surrounded by frog shooters but they seem to be handling themselves fine.
Tenka slashed apart another shadow and came closer to the two of us while I took out a bandage to stop the bleeding.
"Hold it down while I wrap it up."
The man nodded and held his thigh. Wrapping the bandage right above the damaged area, I tighten it, getting a muffled sound of pain. Ripping a small section of the bandage, I fold it a few times and held it up to his mouth.
"Bite down on this."
He did, digging his canines into the cloth.
Taking the rest of the first aid kit out, I pour alcohol on the wound, disinfecting it, a potion followed that and I watch the wound slowly close, the muscle covered the bone and healed half of it. Bandaging up the rest I turn to the fight. Most of it was done. Ren and Kin were finishing off the last Frog shooters.
"Leo! You okay?!"
A man from the other party rushed to the injured beastkin and knelt down, inspecting the bandage.
"Yeah, yeah im fine."
He threw one of Leo's hands over his shoulder and helped him stand up.
"Tanks man."
Nodding to the two, I turned to Tenka who was talking to who I assumed to be the leader of the other group.
From what I could hear, they were discussing about how to split the magic stones... Well, we are adventurers after all.
-Surface, Twilight manner, Loki POV-
"Come on, Ais, just one touch."
She hit me on the head, let me tell you, I may be a god but level five strength is no joke.
"Loki, please, behave yourself, we have a meeting."
Huffing, I sit down in my designated chair right next to Finn who chuckled at my actions.
"Alright, So, we have an exhibition planned in three weeks to reach the floor 56, we will kill the goliath on the way. but for now, we need a strategy against the monsters on floor 55."
Bete scoffed, honestly, I always found his reaction to things fun if not annoying, it's entertaining to see how he reacts to some statements the other members throw at him. Noe if only he could stop antagonising the newest member.
Giyu is... Interesting, his attitude is apathetic yet he had guts, who else would call a month in the dungeon just "A walk"?
"If I distract those wyverns Tione and Tiona can decapitate them and if that fails, then Ais can team up with us to take them down."
Ah, he puts it so simply, and it is too, what's not is that there is more than one. Usually, the wyverns on lower floors travel in groups of four or even five.
Basically, a pain to deal with.
I looked around the room, wondering what Giyu would think of this. Since he managed to beat the black wyvern using his fire to melt the scales, he might be able to melt the scales of lower floor wyverns if he is high enough level...
"If Ais manages to pierce a scale, she might be able to provide a point to where I can pierce with my spears."
Fin's suggestion made me start thinking. Since he is higher level than Ais, why can't he make an opening for her? If this is about his dream to be the "Hero" then he's compromising the expedition for his own gain.
Seriously, someone needs to bring him down from the clouds.
Rolling my eyes I lean back and put my hands behind my head, bored out of my mind. I can',t even go inside the dungeon to watch them fight and they seem to be doing fine on their own...
Can I leave?
-Dungeon, Tenth floor, Giyu POV-
My sword slashed through the neck of an Orc, its body falling down to the ground, lifeless.
Looking out into the mist, I spot my temporary teammates. Ren was taking care of some imps while Kin was killing Bad bats.
Tenka was slicing an Orc apart with ease. they were close to each other, keeping each other covered. Since they could handle the front lines, I had been left to pick off any stragglers and new company for them to not get overrun.
With a sudden burst of speed, I slice apart three needle rabbits that were aiming for Kin.
"Is it just me, or is the dungeon sending more monsters towards us?"
Tenka released a huff and grunted in irritation.
"No, there are more than usual... Care to help me with these Orcs?"
He was using his sword to shield Ren and Kin from three orcs trying to reach over the large blade.
Crouching down, I jump, spinning in the air and bringing my blade in an arc to decapitate two of the three monsters.
Tenka pushed the last orc off and swung his sword down, slicing into the skin from the shoulder blade to the centre.
"You think there is a higher level a few levels down?"
Ren asked while he swung his seord to get rid of the blood on it.
I shrugged nonecomitedly, the dungeon was alive, which meant that it could be acting strangely, If I had to compare the dungeon to something, it would be an immune system, we... the adventurers were the virus and monsters, the antibodies.
The dungeon would focus if there was a stronger virus inside its system and try to take it out first before spreading its attention to the others.
You know, it's kind of disturbing. Knowing that I am currently in a living organism, breaking through its defences to reach its end and finally finish it off, we are the disease and it's only trying to keep itself alive.
What happens when we finally reach its end and kill the one-eyed black dragon? Will the gods in Orario leave because the town would lack entertainment? Because their familia members can't get stronger?
Shaking the thoughts out of my head I look around the eleventh floor. Look's in my internal monologue I managed to space out and skipped the travel time between floors... It was kind of like fast travel. Neat.
Sorry this is short, im just... not used to stretching things out.