
I had three exams, Georgian, math, and English.

My friend and I are taking these exams from 4 to 20 and we have Biology as the last, I have been freaking out while he seems completely relaxed and when I asked he told me that he was writing as a stress relief.

When I checked, he paused the current fic's he had going and is writing a new one, he is basically speed writing whenever he has time. He told me to try it out so I will be writing something simple and something that will give me quite a bit of freedom to run my imagination. I will not be writing more than two at a time and if I drop a fic, I might start a new one then but not more than two, I will continue this when I'm done with the Biology exam.

...Who knew that wanting to study medicine was this hard?

...Bruh, we don't even want to do it... Parents are pressuring us into it.