A single eight years old boy stood in the middle of the battlefield, his Sliver eyes gazed upon the dead bodies on the causing him to let out an unearthly scream.

the boy had no idea about what's going on, earlier he was playing with his mates, when he chose to hid in a box, since the game was, hid and seek .

few seconds of hiding, he felt the box been lifted up,but he kept quiet, thinking it might be his mates who were looking for him.

after staying in the box for what felt like ' forever' , he decided to come out of the box.

one reason was because he was hearing some scream that didn't sound right to hid hearing and also because he needed some oxygen.

the world felt like it has ended for the boy who couldn't comprehend what was going on, they were attacked by Wolves that's for sure considering the pack of wolves that kept on attacking his people.

His gaze fell on a black Wolf that stood on all four staring at him.

the little boy suddenly found it hard to breath as his eyes stare back at the black eyes of the black Wolf, while the Wolf seems lot in thought maybe because it doesn't understand what a little boy like this will be doing in a battlefield.

After giving it more thought and obviously concluding the boy to be an enemy, the Wolf launched an attack on the boy, the little boy seeing the Wolf launching at him, picked up his pace and made for a run.

But how can an eight years old boy outrun a Wolf.

Before the boy could even take three steps the Wolf caught his right ankle causing the boy to fall on the ground.

" let me go" the boy screamed out loud, while kicking the Wolf with his other leg, but the Wolf was a beast who doesn't understand anything other than to kill it's prey .

the little boy kept on struggling with the Wolf, who sung it's Fang deeper into the boy's leg, which made the boy yell in pain.

he closed his eyes, stretched forth his hand and directed it towards the Wolf, suddenly a sword out of nowhere priced the Wolf .

the Wolf howl in pain, while releasing it's grip from the boy , who was fast enough to try and get back on his feet.

he dragged his right leg towards the Wolf, who was already on the ground in a pool of it's own blood while whining in pain.

the boy pulled out the sword and stare at the Wolf before he cut it's head off .

before the boy could even have a sign of relive, he noticed how the other wolves has stopped attacking his people, now all eyes were on him.

the Wolves stare at him like he has just killed an important figure.

" Awoooww" all the Wolves howl in agony which frightened the little boy.

" run" someone screamed to him.

the boy took to his heel while holding unto the sword very tight, he knew that the moment the Wolves get a hold of him, death will be inevitable .

he ran as fast as his tiny legs could carry him, but that was nothing compare to the speed of wolves.

finally noticing that no matter how hard or fast he run the Wolves will still get to him, thus the boy held the sword very close to himself, this sword has saved his life hope it will still do it again.

the people fighting the Wolves were confused on why the boy stopped running, .

the first wolf that made it way towards the boy was cut into two by the boy, his people seeing this decided to let him be on his own, if he die that's his business, after all, the life of one doesn't matter when the life of thousands were involved.

on the other hand the little boy was expecting one of his people to come over and help him out, but yet no one came, even when he shouted for help no one answered him.

a Brown Wolf alongside a Gray Wolf made their way towards him,

the little boy closed his eyes, so this is how he's going to die.

suddenly the image of a woman dressed in white garment appear in his head.

" c'mon son you can do this" she urged him, that was when he was practicing his protection spell, he had tried that for the ninth time yet nothing happened, all his mates has already move to the next stage yet he's still at the beginner level.

" I can't do this momma" he called out.

" yes you can, just Breath in and relax" her voice slowly fade from his head.

the boy position the sword behind him, while waiting for the Wolves, both attacked him together, one grip on his leg while the other dung it's Fang deeper into his lower abdomen.

the boy yell in pain, before he stab the brown Wolf which held his abdomen, he stab it countless of times, making sure that the Wolf was dead, before he focused on the Gray Wolf, he also stab the Wolf to death.

the other wolves who were about to attack him suddenly stopped, they all stare at the dying boy, before they finally retreat, running back to wherever they came from.

when the people saw this they were amazed, they turned their attention towards the little boy who was whining in pain on the ground.

" it's the sliver hair boy" someone pointed out.

" let's leave him, he will soon dead" someone suggested, the other men nod in agreement.

the boy saw the people leaving, he wanted to call unto them, to ask them for help but he couldn't find his voice, the venom of the Wolves were already taking a great impact on him, he tried to move but he couldn't.

no if he doesn't do anything, his people will leave him here, thinking that he might have died, no he must do something.

" p..p.. ple..ase" he yelled with his last strength.

" i don't think we should leave him, at lease let him die in Avondale his homeland" another Suggested, finally the people agreed.

A man carefully walk over to the little boy, lifted him up and carry him.

before one of them created a portal, everyone stepped in as the portal closed.