" pick it up" a seventeen years old boy said to another who was simply sitting on the ground, giving out an expression that says he doesn't want to.

" I said pick it up " the seventeen commanded,

yet the boy the ground who should be fifteen ignored him.

" proving stubborn huh?" the seventeen said with a smirk, he suddenly kick the fifteen really hard making the poor boy scream.

" stop it" the fifteen shouted, yet the seventeen kept on kicking him.

" stop it Mac" a blonde hair girl with blue eyes said coming closer to the seventeen.

" why should I?" the seventeen years old said,

the girl ignored him, she reached out for the boy on the ground and help him got back on his feet.

" run along now Gerry" the girl said.

" thank you" the Gerry replied before running away.

" you seems quite happy ruining other people's happiness, Damansara " the Mac said.

Damansara ignored him she began to walk ahead.

" you can not ignore me forever Sara" Mac pointed out.

Mac bend down and pick up the arrow on the ground which he has been commanding Gerry to do.



More than one hundred stood face to face with a ten thousand,

the hundred were dressed in white garment, each one of them look innocent, Contralateral to the appearance of the other ten thousand, who seems like they were going to eat them raw.

" surrender now and Live" the night creature with red eyes said, with the way he carries himself one could guess pretty much that he's the leader.

" we can never surrender to you or any other creature" a man clothed in white garment said.

a mischievous smile appeared on the lip of the night creature's leader.

" that's what you want, kill them all" he instructed.

the night creature suddenly dashed at the male witches, tearing them into tiny pieces.

watching the scene from behind a tree a distance away from the battlefield was a sliver hair boy, his Sliver eyes gazed upon the dead bodies on the ground which happened to be mostly his people.

he just doesn't understand why his people kept on being attacked by other creatures, his people weren't known for combat but due to threats from various creatures, his people has been forced into learning this skill, one more thing that bothers him was the fact that his people were losing greatly to this night creature with red eyes. other creatures are normally allowed to go to war at the age of thirteen, once the enter teen-age, because by then they would have awaken the beast inside of them or maybe master whatever abilities that they possess, but as for the witches, they have to wait till they're twenty before going to war, as spell casting isn't a joke, the art of witchcraft is definitely no joke, one must learn the root of it and also learn the art of portion making which isn't a day Job.

being a boy who just entered the teenage, his senses and way of reasons has been highlighted for him, thus when he saw his people preparing for war and moving to the bother, he literally followed them while tiptoeing behind them, after all no one will notice his absence, his curiosity has gotten a better of him.

he watched as a young vampire rip the head of one of his own off. the boy could only shake his head in fear, if his people lose they will become slaves to the night creature.

gripping the sword in his hand tighter, he tried to control his anger, anger isn't the solution right now, he tried to remind himself.

his gaze fell on that vampire leader, walking behind a male witch, who he remembered to be Mac's father, he noticed that the night creature was moving very close to the man, he knew it was never something good after all they're in a war , thus he charged in quietly,

from behind he stab the night creature through his heart, a painful groan was heard, causing the other creature who were fighting to stop and stare at the direction of the boy and the night creature.

" what a brave little boy you are" the night creature leader commented, before he held the boy by his shoulder, he allowed his long nails into the boy's shoulders which lead to an unearthly scream from the boy.

" the sliver hair boy again?" one of the male witches recognised him.

knowing that the night creature will die soon two male witches attacked, they were finally able to free the boy from the grip of the night creature. but then the boy collapsed on the man.

" go and perform the burial of your King, and don't return ever again" the man who was holding unto the boy suddenly said, everyone was still staring at the boy in his arm.

" give us the boy" one of the night creature suddenly said.

" we can't" the man replied.

" just the boy" the night creature insisted, the night creature took two steps forward , the boy in the man's arm, made a slight movement in his unconscious state, with his sword in his hand like it was glued to it.

" give us the boy" the night creature said when he stopped halfway, but then something caught his attention, the boy's Sliver hair.

" a sliver hair male witch?" the shock was visible in their faces but that wasn't all, when the night creature looked closer he saw some of the boys hair has turned to gold, just a strand of his hair.

" golden hair colour!!" unbelievable, even the male witches had to look at the boy very closely to notice the hair colour.

" you have a Demon among you? this is adjourned" the night creature spat out, his fellow night creature agreed with him, he gestured for two to carry their King, which they complied to.

" we shall return, and when we do it shall be for the demon boy" with that said the night creatures left, leaving the witches all alone with the boy.

" how is this possible, each and everyone of them knew the boy's parents, they knew the fact that the boy is a pure blood witch, his parents were never Sliver hair's which made them wonder where the boy got his Sliver hair and eyes from, now golden hair, the colour of the demons.

if not that they have tried the family test on the boy and his parent everyone would have concluded that the boy is actually a Demon.