18. Preparation

In the end I did it 5 more times with Melodi.

She resisted the pleasure at first but eventually after we're done with the second round, she can't hold back the pleasure anymore and just closed her eyes while she moaned with an unwilling expression.

I did it 4 times inside her ass hole and the last time inside her virgin pussy.

When we reached the last round, Melodi mind was already muddleheaded and her eyes has blurred out of focus.

Since she stopped responding anymore when I fuck her ass hole, so I decided to fuck her pussy for the last time.

She only felt something was wrong when I had already put my dick inside her and touched her hymen.

When she realized that, she begged me to stop without end but since we have been having sex a lot, her body has turned weak and she couldn't make any resistants.

In the end I took her virginity and she could only cry about it.

I even finished inside her and she stopped complaining at that point.

But what she doesn't know was actually the maid girl that fainted from before had woken in the middle of our session but since the princess mind was to occupied with the pleasure she felt by having sex with me, she didn't notice it.

I signaled Lucia to take care the maid girl first for now but I didn't expected her to fingered the maid girl while increasing her sensitivity by ten folds every minutes.

In the end the maid body fell to Lucia scheme and the room were filled with both of their moans.

After we were done, I ordered Lucia to question about the maid real identity and because her mind was muddleheaded from all the pleasure and shocked she felt, she couldn't think properly and answered all of our question.

I couldn't help but be surprised when I found out her real identity was actually also a princess as well from Garus kingdom.

Her name was Irina Vilvania Garus, and her identity was actually the fourth princess of Garus kingdom which was also the direct descendant of the current queen and king of the kingdom.

Unlike Melodi which was actually a child between the king and his second wife which was the second queen.

Now I know why Melodi tried to protect her at all cost, even using her body on the line.

Since Irina was the child of the main queen, her rank was higher than Melodi rank even though she's younger than her.

The other reason was that even though they came from different mother, the relationship between the two girls was actually very close.

I asked about why did Irina disguised as a maid and she said that she was trying to slip out from the castle to see the outside world.

She asked Melodi to help her because she was banned by the king to go outside as she was the only child the king had with the main queen while he still gave freedom to the other prince and princess that born from his other wives.

Well even though I tried to act bravely before in front of Melodi, but actually the thoughts of being found out by the royal army was quite intimidating.

Irina said that there should be at least 100.000 soldiers in the royal army, not including the royal guards and the other nobles private armies.

After that, I chained both Melodi and Irina again on the wall and got out from there with Lucia as we already got the information we wanted.

Since we already kidnapped her, I can't just let her out free so easily like that as it will only expose my dungeon existence to the whole kingdom so that's why I was brave enough to fuck Melodi, the second princess of Garus kingdom without worry.

I then look at my DP and it actually had risen by 2000 points and made the total to 47.000 DP.

I can't believe just by fucking and made the two princess despaired in pleasure would give me this much DP.

If I knew this before, then I would rather do it as long as I can.

I asked Lucia about how long did we spent there and she said that it was more or less 2 hours.

There still 2 days left before the banquet start and right now I got a very great idea to increase my DP in a short time.

Except Lucia, I ordered my S-ranked monsters which is the girls plus the blood duke to keep raising their level up.

I divided them into two teams so they can hunt even faster.

With many soldiers roaming around the forest right now, I don't want to take a risk by letting my monsters hunt alone and that's why I made them hunt wild beasts in teams.

After that I went back inside the torture chamber and create a large bed right in the middle of the room using the book of creation and it only cost me 50 DP or so.

I then moved Melodi and her sister to the bed and asked Lucia to use her lust heal skill to heal both of them and wake them up.

The lust heal skill can be used to heal someone but in exchange the person being healed and the healer will both become horny after that.

Fortunately Lucia was an S-rank Queen Succubus so she can hold the after effect of the skill very easily but I couldn't say the same for the two princesses.

When both princesses woke up, they actually took the initiative to fuck with me themselves.

After that, I spent almost all of my free time to have sex with both of the princesses inside the torture chamber and also took Irina virginity in both of her holes.

Their expression was quite amusing when the lust side effect was over but I kept doing it with both of them.

As time passed by, I keep doing it with more passion as I could see my DP was still increasing by a lot.

In the end, I also did it with Lydia and all the other captive girls inside there while Lucia went to torture the guys captives.

When the day finally turned to midnight, My DP reserve has already increased by more than 20.000 DP and made my total DP to 70.000 DP.

The two princesses contributed at least 1.500 DP together every hour, while I got the rest of it from the other captives.

But in exchange for that, any of the captives had succumb in despair and couldn't be used as a farm anymore.

Almost half of the humans had become useless, but fortunately the two princesses has a very strong will and even though they lost in the pleasure before, they didn't broke at all.

But what surprised me was that 3 of the girl captives didn't succumb to the darkness at all and instead become the opposite of it.

Just like Lydia, they swear their loyalty to me and want to work for me as a torturer.

That day to replenish the farm, I ordered my subordinates to kidnap a lot of humans.

Sine there are a lot of soldiers right now inside the forest, it was easy to replenish the DP farm to full capacity again.

Of course I didn't do the kidnapping near my dungeon which located at the south from the city, instead I did it in the east forest that host another forest type dungeon.

Since I was having sex with the girls captives and princesses for the sake of increasing my DP, I didn't let Lucia and the other girls to participate.

Then time passed and another day had passed again with me only having sex with them all day long.

As a demon lord, my physical ability can't be compared at all to human and I don't need to sleep as well, and that's why I can keep doing it all day long.

And now that I have 1 day left before the banquet, my DP reserves had reached more than the 100.000 goal I had set up yesterday.

My total DP had actually risen to 114.000 DP and now I could build another floor together with the blood castle special room.

And that's was the first thing I do when I got out from the torture chamber.

I first created another floor which cost me 11.000 DP, and then I built the blood castle immediately which squeezed my DP purse dry until it only have 3000 DP left.

The blood castle room was very huge and wide, after all it took the whole floor to built.

The empty floor had turned into an eerie room.

The huge blood castle was located at the center of the floor while it was surrounded by blood colored trees and the ground also had a grayish color which made it look even horror.

I got inside the huge castle and what surprised me was that the insides has already fully furnished with a lot of things such as silver armor sets, some odd looking paintings, blood colored flowers in a white vase, jet black colored floor, some gold chandeliers in some rooms, and many others.

I even found some very big rooms in the the last 3 top floors.

The biggest room was located the highest floor of the castle which also act as the dungeon heart room.

I decided to use that room from now on as the interior was quite comfortable and the bed was even larger than my previous bed.

Another boon from building this castle was that there are many available room inside there.

The highest floor actually has 3 rooms, 1 room which was the heart dungeon room was the largest, while beside it was the other two rooms that also quite wide and large for their size to but not comparable to my room.

the second highest floor also have another 10 rooms, while the third highest floor has 20 rooms there.

In total, the blood castle has a total of 20 floors and I plan to guard the first to 10 floor with many low ranked monsters , while I will put the higher rank on the upper floor, with some of the last floor being guarded by my strongest monsters and guardians.

I will make this floor as the last floor for my dungeon and that means every time I will build another floor, I will add it bellow this floor, t on the top of this floor.

After that, I built the D-rank Blood Hound Summon Pool, the D-rank Giant Blood Bat Summon Pool, the C-rank Blood Viscount Summon Pool, and lastly the B-rank Blood Earl Summon Pool on the highest fourth floor of the castle.

The D-rank monster summon pool can summon 5 D-rank monsters a day, the C-rank monster summon pool can summon 2 C-rank monsters a day, while the B-rank monster summon pool can summon 1 B-rank monster a day.

So in total, if I include the monsters that will be summoned tomorrow, I now have 300 F-rank giant black rat, 150 D-rank arok, 10 D-rank giant blood bat, 26 C-rank storm wolf, 4 C-rank blood viscount, and lastly 2 B-rank blood earl in my army.

My subordinates strength also increased by a lot to.

At this date, Lucia level is 37, Livia level is 40, Restiya, Aridnia, and Fina levels are 25, blood duke is level 21, blood duchess is level 22, while the 3 named A-ranks I brought from the trial are levels 20, 22 and 23 respectively.

For me, I had leveled up to level 33 at the moment and my status has changed quite a lot.


Race: Demon Lord [Storm]

Name: Vestia

Level: 33

Strength: C-

Endurance: C

Dexterity : D+

Agility: C+

Magic Power : B

Luck : S

With this, all my preparation for the first banquet is over.