19. First Banquet

AN : Hello guys, sorry for not updating almost for a month. I was busy with an international competition you see and the last month took almost all of my time to practice for it so I don't have any choice but to stop writing for a while. Well, now that the competition is done, I'm free again and I will keep updating back every week just like before.

By the way, I got the championship of that competition so currently I'm in a high spirit to write more^^.


Today is the day for the first banquet of the year to start.

It's 6 at morning and Lucia said that the banquet will start at noon today so I still have some time left.

I decided to use the little time that I have to check all of my S-cards and try to think about a good combination.


- [Light] S-card (S-rank)

- [Shadow] S-card (S-rank)

- [Storm] S-card (S-rank)

- [Blood] S-card (S-rank)

- [Royal] S-card (A-rank) 2x

- [Rain] S-card (A -rank)

- [Fox] S-card (A-rank)

- [Speed] S-card (C-rank)

- [Ground] S-card (E-rank) 3x

- [Shield] S-card (F-rank) 2x

- [Bird] S-card (F-rank)

I generated the [Blood] card after I got out from the inheritance trial and I got the [Royal] card after I finished cumming inside the princesses as a hidden quest reward.

Since I will only use the S-rank cards for myself and I have enough cards to create at least one SS-rank monster, I decided to create one now.

I already got an idea before to mix [Light] and [Shadow] together but I since I didn't have enough cards before to combine them as I want to use 4 cards to create my monsters.

Before I wanted to try combining [Light], [Shadow], [Storm], and [Fox] but since I have the [Royal] card now, I changed the [Storm] card with it.


A familiar blue screen appeared before me with four empty card slots.

I put the [Light], [Shadow], [Royal], and [Fox] cards there and start to create my second monster.

Once again a dazzling light then illuminate the room, just like before.

The light that escaped from my closed hand became even more intense, more dazzling than ever before.

The combining process also took around 10 minutes this time.

The light then turned into particles, gathered in one place, and formed a humanoid shape. After a short while the light then stopped.

In its place was a white skinned beautiful girl with a white fox ears and nine sparkling bushy tails which divided in two colors, white and black.

She has a silver white shoulder length hair with a shade of black on it's end and a pair of golden eyes.

She looks like a girl in her latter half of her teens.

Her beauty didn't lose out to Livia or Lucia, instead she looks as beautiful as them.

Adding with the majestic aura around her, it makes her looks stunning and even better than Lucia or Livia at a glance.

"Greetings master."(???) she said while bowing to me.

I didn't reply to her greetings and checked her status right away.

Race: Twilight Elysian Nine Tailed Fox

Name: -

Rank: SSS

Level: 1

Strength: SS+

Endurance: SS+

Dexterity : SSS-

Agility: SSS+

Magic Power : EX

Luck : SS

Skill :

- Light and Shadow Manipulation

- Dawn / Abyss Revelation

- Monarch of Twilight

- Nullification of All Magic

- Fox Goddess Transformation

- Precognition

- Guardian of Light and Darkness

- Ascension (Locked)

I cannot believe what I'm currently seeing.

I just created an SSS-rank monster.

SSS-rank monster, according to Lucia there's no known way to create or obtain one, but there are rumors about some of the oldest demon lords having them in their ranks but there's no way to confirm the truth.

I found her skills name quite intimidating and powerful, unfortunately I still can't access their details yet as my current 'Status' skill is still at the lowest level.

The 'status' skill is one of the few exclusive skill that only the demon lords can have beside 'combination', 'generate S-card', build dungeon', etc.

I decided to give her a name because she is my first SSS-rank created monster.

"From now on your name will be Elisa."(Vestia)

When Elisa heard her name, she smiled a little bit showing that she was happy, but not long after that her expression turn to normal again.

"Thank you, master."(Elisa)

Maybe she is the type that doesn't show her emotion to much.

Lucia said that I can only bring 2 companions to the banquet so I plan to bring Lucia, and Livia there.

As for Elisa, I told her to hunt some beast to raise her level first.

Hours passed and the time for the banquet has come.

[You are invited, Demon Lord Vestia]

With that voice as a sign, a bright red magic teleportation magic circle appeared on the ground.

I hold Lucia and Livia on my sides with my hand and we close our eyes as the light start shining blindingly.

When I opened my eyes again, we already moved to a different place.

We're not even standing anymore.

I'm sat on a comfy red sofa and in front of me was a large round table with other 9 demon lords surrounding it, including me, there are 10 demon lords on this table.

I stopped my urge to look around me and instead kept my eyes on the demon lords on this table.

From the 9 of them, 7 of them keep turning their head left and right like a country bumpkin, but I can't fault them as it is their first time here and curious with everything here.

Instead of being wary against other demon lords on the same table, they choose to succumb on their curiosity, while the other 2 kept their gaze at each other in check, including me.

On my left, three seats away from me is a humanoid man with a snake head and a slit on his eyes.

Behind him stood a lady with hair made of green colored snakes and a long white haired old man with a sword on his waist.

on my right, two seats away from me is a teenage looking girl with a long silver hair tied into a ponytail, a pair of pointed ears, and a pair of golden eyes, accompanied by two dark elves behind her.

The three of us are trying to size up the others silently while the other keep looking around while being reprimanded by their advisor I guess who stood behind their back.

From the 7 idiots reaction, I reckon that all of the demon lords in this table are newborns, the same as me and new to this situation.

Lucia and Livia were standing behind me and it also the same for the other demon lords subordinates they brought with them.

I continues to look at my surrounding calmly and noticed that our table is the only one table here.

Thinking about where the other older demon lords was, I turned my head a little upward and see any floors on top of this floor.

The floor was designed with a hole in the middle so that the demon lords there can see about our situation.

I could see many floors and the higher the floor is, the less the demon lords there.

At least I already know that we will be the star of today banquet.

As I was waiting for what will happen next, a voice appeared in my head.

[Today is a joyous day for we have 10 newborn joining us here]

[Let's celebrate this day together]

A glass filled with red wine then suddenly appeared in front of me, an it also happen to the other as well.

I took the glass with my right hand and waited for the voice to speak again.

[Now let us toast for our newborn demon lords]

I then proceed to drink it and I would swear that it was the most delicious drink I ever tasted in my one month life.

After that the voice spoke once again and this time he went straight to this event point.

[The theme of this year first banquet will be 'Sacrificial Box']

When the demon lords upstairs heard the theme, they laugh out aloud in their own amusement.

Seeing how amused they are made me frowned as it won't be something good for us if they react like that.

After that, a lean man in a suit with black top hat and a pair of white bunny ears appeared in front of our table.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Pacifry and I will be the host of today banquet. Now I will explain about the 'sacrificial box' rule to you newborns. As for adults, please wait patiently as I will continue to you after I'm done with the kids."(Pacifry)

"The rule is very simple, you only have to sacrifice something of your possession for example like your monsters, and it could be anything beside that. The one with the highest sacrificial score will be given a special prize while the second and third place will be given a normal prize. As for the fourth and fifth place you won't get anything at all, and the rest, hope you have a better luck. Very simple right?"(Pacifry)

The rules are very simple to understand but He only mention about the first to fifth place and haven't spoken anything at all about the rest.

It would be a simple mind game for someone with high intellect but not all of the newborns here are gifted in that type.

I guess that there will be something bad for the sixth to ten places.

Of course I won't say or ask anything about that as it would only help my potential enemies and I'm also planning to get the number two or three place.

As for my reason, the one who will get the special prize will have a very high chance to get hunted by the older demon lords.

I already confirmed that guess of mine when I saw the expression of the older demon lords one floor on top of us changed into a greedy look when the special prize was mentioned.

They didn't gave a respond though when the normal prize was mentioned so the safest choice to choose is to go for the second or third place.

"Since you don't have any question, I will leave you alone to think about what you will sacrifice, good luck."(Pacifry)

After he said that, he flew upward and then a thin barrier appeared, dividing our floor with the upper floors and made all sound from there cease to silent.

After that, a blank parchment appeared in front of each of us alongside with a brush and an ink bottle.

Then a big black box appeared in the middle of our table.

[Write your sacrifice to the parchment and put it inside the box after you're done.]

Those words suddenly appeared on the top of the parchments and then magically disappeared the next second, leaving some kind of a count down on the top left corner of the parchment, maybe showing how much time I have to think.

So I only have 10 minute to think this through.

Pacifry also said that we could sacrifice anything so I also could sacrifice even S-cards, Level exp, and my other unimportant subordinates.

He said that example before to plant the idea of sacrificing the monsters to us when we start to think about what we should sacrifice.

I could still spare some D-rank monsters to sacrifice but I need something else that could place me on the second place.

Considering the other newborns here to have the same start with D-rank summoning pool, I guess they should have at least 150 D-rank monsters that they can sacrifice.

Now the question is whether they will sacrifice all of their monsters or not but I think they won't be that stupid as it would make their dungeon defenseless for a few days if they sacrificed them all.

Some of them maybe even had died as well so their monsters count won't be the original 150 counts anymore.

I think sacrificing 120 D-rank monsters and 100 F-rank monsters should be enough.

I don't know how many point does an S-card will give but I decided to not sacrifice any of them as I want to use them for trades with other demon lords.

And since I could replenish the monsters later, I decided to sacrifice monsters only.

I also put 4 C-rank storm wolf on the sacrificial parchment for safety measure then I fold the parchment into a small square and put it inside the box.

After 10 minutes passed, Pacifry came down to attend for us again.

"Time's up! Now, let's see this year newborn bravery.'(Pacifry)

After that, a hologram with each our names and rank appeared on the air and showing each of our sacrifices.